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患男性,67岁,因全身浅表淋巴结肿大半年余,发热,全身皮疹4h,于1998年4月19日入院。入院前半年发现全身浅表淋巴结肿大,无疼痛,故未诊治。入院前4h因“肠炎”而输“卡那霉素”的过程中出现发热,全身斑丘疹而转入本院。入院时查体:T38℃,P90次/min,R20次/min,BP20/12kPa,全身浅表淋巴结肿大,约0.5~2.0cm大小,质中偏硬,活动度尚可,右颈部淋巴结有压痛,心肺未见异常。肝于肋下2cm无触痛。  相似文献   
Objective To compare the characterization of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP) and stable angina pectoris (SAP) by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods OCT was performed in 47 patients (23 UAP and 24 SAP) undergoing coronary angiography. Lipid-rich plaque (defined by ≥ 2 quandrants of the cross-section area), thin cap fibroatheroma (TCFA), thickness of fibrous cap, plaque rupture, calcification and thrombus visualized by OCT were compared between UAP and SAP patients. Results OCT imaging was successfully in 44 out of 47 patients (22 UAP, 22 SAP). Proportion of lipid-rich plaques was similar between UAP and SAP groups [91% (20/22) vs, 73% (16/22),P =0. 741]. The minimum thickness of fibrous cap in the UAP group was significantly thinner than that in SAP group [(69.5±34.7) μm vs. (141.1±68.5) μm, P = 0.000] and the rate of fibrous cap erosion in the UAP group was significantly higher than that in the SAP group [59% (13/22) vs. 9% (2/22), P=0.000]. Percents of TCFA [73% (16/22) vs. 14% (3/22) ,P = 0.000] and plaque rupture [50% (11/22) vs.9% (2/22) , P = 0.003] were significantly higher in UAP group compared those in SAP group. Incidence of thrombus and calcification were similar between two groups. Conclusions OCT imaging can clearly define plaque characterization of coronary atherosclerosis. UAP patients have thinner fibrous cap, higher incidences of fibrous cap erosion, plaque rupture and TCFA compared patients with SAP.  相似文献   
Objective To compare the characterization of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP) and stable angina pectoris (SAP) by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods OCT was performed in 47 patients (23 UAP and 24 SAP) undergoing coronary angiography. Lipid-rich plaque (defined by ≥ 2 quandrants of the cross-section area), thin cap fibroatheroma (TCFA), thickness of fibrous cap, plaque rupture, calcification and thrombus visualized by OCT were compared between UAP and SAP patients. Results OCT imaging was successfully in 44 out of 47 patients (22 UAP, 22 SAP). Proportion of lipid-rich plaques was similar between UAP and SAP groups [91% (20/22) vs, 73% (16/22),P =0. 741]. The minimum thickness of fibrous cap in the UAP group was significantly thinner than that in SAP group [(69.5±34.7) μm vs. (141.1±68.5) μm, P = 0.000] and the rate of fibrous cap erosion in the UAP group was significantly higher than that in the SAP group [59% (13/22) vs. 9% (2/22), P=0.000]. Percents of TCFA [73% (16/22) vs. 14% (3/22) ,P = 0.000] and plaque rupture [50% (11/22) vs.9% (2/22) , P = 0.003] were significantly higher in UAP group compared those in SAP group. Incidence of thrombus and calcification were similar between two groups. Conclusions OCT imaging can clearly define plaque characterization of coronary atherosclerosis. UAP patients have thinner fibrous cap, higher incidences of fibrous cap erosion, plaque rupture and TCFA compared patients with SAP.  相似文献   
目的:应用光学相干断层成像(OCT)评价冠状动脉内支架术后即刻支架周围组织结构改变。方法:对21例临床诊断冠心病准备介入治疗患者,在冠状动脉内置入支架后即刻进行OCT成像检查。21例患者中共有22支冠状动脉置入25个支架,其中前降支11支13个支架,回旋支8支9个支架,右冠状动脉3支3个支架。OCT评价支架贴壁不良、血管夹层及撕裂、组织脱垂等。支架贴壁不良定义为支架支撑杆与血管壁距离大于0.20mm,组织脱垂定义为血管壁组织通过支架网眼突入管腔。结果:21例患者均成功进行OCT检查,22支靶血管25个支架均成功获得清晰OCT图像。通过OCT发现置入的25个支架中有12个支架可以看到部分支架支撑杆未能完全封闭血管壁上的夹层及撕裂;所置入的支架中有50个支架支撑杆贴壁不良,平均支架支撑杆与血管壁的距离为0.39±0.20(0.20~1.16)mm。通过OCT检出置入的25个支架中有20个支架可见到不同程度组织脱垂,共检出85个组织脱垂,平均最大组织脱垂面积为0.55±0.64(0.04~2.81)mm2。结论:OCT成像技术可清晰显示冠心病冠状动脉支架后血管夹层、撕裂组织脱垂及支架贴壁情况,其临床意义有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   
目的 应用光学相干断层成像(OCT)技术比较不稳定性心绞痛(UAP)和稳定性心绞痛(SAP)患者冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块特征.方法 对临床诊断的23例UAP和24例SAP患者,在完成冠状动脉造影并确诊冠心病后进行OCT检查.根据OCT结果 回顾性比较分析UAP和SAP患者冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块特征,包括富含脂质斑块(≥2个象限的脂质斑块)、斑块纤维帽厚度、薄纤维帽粥样斑块(TCFA)、斑块破裂、钙化和血栓等.结果 47例患者中有44例成功进行OCT检查,包括22例UAP和22例SAP患者.UAP患者冠状动脉富含脂质斑块为91%(20/22),多于SAP患者的73%(16/22),但差异无统计学意义(P=0.741).UAP患者冠状动脉脂质斑块表面纤维帽厚度明显小于SAP患者[(69.5±34.7)μm比(141.1±68.5)μm,P=0.000],纤维帽侵蚀比例为59%(13/22),明显多于SAP患者的9%(2/22,P=0.000);TCFA[73%(16/22)比14%(3/22),P=0.000]和斑块破裂[50%(11/22)比9%(2/22),P=0.003]多于SAP患者.UAP患者冠状动脉斑块表而可见血栓形成多于SAP患者,但差异无统计学意义[27%(6/22)比9%(2/22),P=0.761].在斑块钙化方面,UAP与SAP患者之间差异无统计学意义.结论 OCT技术可清晰显示冠状动脉粥样斑块特征.与SAP患者比较,UAP患者冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块表现为纤维帽更薄、更多的纤维帽侵蚀、更多的破裂斑块和TCFA.  相似文献   
目的评价经皮冠状动脉介入术前患者行阿托伐他汀强化治疗对预后的影响。方法60例入选患者术前被随机分为两组,强化治疗组29例患者,术前12小时内服用阿托伐他汀80mg;对照组31例患者,术前12小时内服用阿托伐他汀20mg,所有患者术后均以阿托伐他汀每日20mg,每日1次长期维持。观察两组患者术前及术后24小时的肌酸激酶同工酶、肌钙蛋白I、C反应蛋白等指标的变化,比较两组在出院3个月时主要不良心血管事件发生率。结果强化治疗组主要不良心血管事件发生率为3.4%,对照组为22.6%(P〈0.05);与对照组相比,强化治疗组患者术后肌酸激酶同工酶、肌钙蛋白I升高幅度显著减低(P〈0.05);C反应蛋白升高的幅度低于对照组,但两组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论PCI术前使用80mg阿托伐他汀同常规使用20mg的剂量相比,强化治疗的患者在短期预后方面获益大。  相似文献   
患男性,35岁,农民。主因头痛、头晕、乏力、皮肤黄染6d,于1999年6月24日入院,患缘于入院前6d大量饮啤酒后出现头痛、头晕、恶心、呕吐,呕吐物为胃内容物,曾在家自口服“去痛片”10余片止痛,效差,继而出现发热,体温波动于37℃~39.5℃之间,周身乏力,面色苍白,全身皮肤黄染,呈茶色,曾在当地医院诊疗,不见好转而来本院,既往体健。入院时查体:T37.5℃,P84次/min,R22次/min,BP16/11kPa,表情淡漠,重度贫血貌,全身皮肤黄染,皮肤无明显出血点及瘀点瘀斑,周身浅表淋巴结未触及肿大,结膜苍白,巩膜黄染,颈软,无抵抗,两肺呼吸音清,心率84次/min,律齐,肝脾未触及,双下肢无浮肿。  相似文献   
Objective To compare the characterization of coronary atherosclerotic plaques in patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP) and stable angina pectoris (SAP) by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods OCT was performed in 47 patients (23 UAP and 24 SAP) undergoing coronary angiography. Lipid-rich plaque (defined by ≥ 2 quandrants of the cross-section area), thin cap fibroatheroma (TCFA), thickness of fibrous cap, plaque rupture, calcification and thrombus visualized by OCT were compared between UAP and SAP patients. Results OCT imaging was successfully in 44 out of 47 patients (22 UAP, 22 SAP). Proportion of lipid-rich plaques was similar between UAP and SAP groups [91% (20/22) vs, 73% (16/22),P =0. 741]. The minimum thickness of fibrous cap in the UAP group was significantly thinner than that in SAP group [(69.5±34.7) μm vs. (141.1±68.5) μm, P = 0.000] and the rate of fibrous cap erosion in the UAP group was significantly higher than that in the SAP group [59% (13/22) vs. 9% (2/22), P=0.000]. Percents of TCFA [73% (16/22) vs. 14% (3/22) ,P = 0.000] and plaque rupture [50% (11/22) vs.9% (2/22) , P = 0.003] were significantly higher in UAP group compared those in SAP group. Incidence of thrombus and calcification were similar between two groups. Conclusions OCT imaging can clearly define plaque characterization of coronary atherosclerosis. UAP patients have thinner fibrous cap, higher incidences of fibrous cap erosion, plaque rupture and TCFA compared patients with SAP.  相似文献   
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