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在长托宁问世以前,抗胆碱药物主要以东莨菪碱等作为术前用药.我院自2004年引进新药长托宁以来,通过对两药进行临床对照,旨在观察两药对血压,心率、抑制唾液分泌量的影响.现报告如下.  相似文献   
Objective To observe the effect of intrathecal administration of SP600125 on both MWT and TWL of rats after chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve. Methods 40 male SD rats were randomized to deride into 5 groups (n=8). Rats in group SP5 received SP600125 5 μg after CCI; rats in group SP25 received SP600125 25 μg after CCI; rats in group SP50 received SP600125 50 μg after CCI; rats in group DMSO received 2% DMSO 10 μl after CCI; rats in group Naive received SP600125 50 μg without sciatic nerve injury. SP600125 was dissolved in 10 μl 2%DMSO solvent. On the 7th day after CCI, MWT and TWL were determined with yon Frey filaments and thermal radiation apparatus repectively after intrathecal administration of SP600125. Results Intrathecal administration certain dosage of SP600125 could attenuate the established mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia induced by CCI rather than normal rats. Conclusion Intrathecal administration certain dosage of SP600125 could attenuate the established mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia induced by CCI.  相似文献   
Objective To observe the effect of intrathecal administration of SP600125 on both MWT and TWL of rats after chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve. Methods 40 male SD rats were randomized to deride into 5 groups (n=8). Rats in group SP5 received SP600125 5 μg after CCI; rats in group SP25 received SP600125 25 μg after CCI; rats in group SP50 received SP600125 50 μg after CCI; rats in group DMSO received 2% DMSO 10 μl after CCI; rats in group Naive received SP600125 50 μg without sciatic nerve injury. SP600125 was dissolved in 10 μl 2%DMSO solvent. On the 7th day after CCI, MWT and TWL were determined with yon Frey filaments and thermal radiation apparatus repectively after intrathecal administration of SP600125. Results Intrathecal administration certain dosage of SP600125 could attenuate the established mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia induced by CCI rather than normal rats. Conclusion Intrathecal administration certain dosage of SP600125 could attenuate the established mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia induced by CCI.  相似文献   
支气管软骨瘤一例赵伟成患者男,36岁。5天前患者自觉胸痛,呈间断性,右上肢活动时疼痛加重,呈放射状,四肢乏力。无咳嗽、咳痰及痰中带血症状。患者有胸膜炎及肺结核病史。X线表现:右肺上野近纵隔旁可见约3cm×3cm的圆形密度增高阴影,密度不均,边界清楚。...  相似文献   
赵伟成  梁幸甜  李恒 《广东医学》2005,26(6):856-857
目的研究曲马多用于减少胸腔镜下行交感神经切断术的术后烦躁的效果。方法择期胸腔镜下行交感神经切断术的患者60例,随机分成A(对照组)和B(曲马多组)两组,在术毕缝皮前停用麻醉维持药,B组予曲马多50mg静脉注射(用生理盐水稀释至10ml),A组给予等量生理盐水。术后行烦躁等不良反应的观察。结果A组术后烦躁的发生率显著低于B组,苏醒时间延长。两组的恶心呕吐等不良反应发生率差异无显著性。结论曲马多能减少胸腔镜下行交感神经切断术的术后烦躁。  相似文献   
脑挫伤后发生硬膜外或硬膜下血肿较多见,偶见脑实质出血。外伤后迟发性脑实质出血报道较少,现将我科收治的18例报告如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料。本组18例,男12例,女6例。年龄10~50岁,平均30岁。均为头部外伤,其中碰击伤9例,直接摔伤6例,被器械击伤3例。其中有IO例合并有其它软组织挫伤。伤后出现造过性意识丧失12例,头痛6例,出现近过性精神错乱1例,神经系统查体有1例为推体来征阳性。1.2CT表现及伤后出血时间。18例中病人增多于弘内行头颅CT检查,其中4例有颅骨骨折,2例有硬膜外血肿。川后发生出血5例,4d后发生出血3例…  相似文献   
目的:评价盐酸替扎尼定治疗三叉神经痛的临床疗效及安全性.方法:45例三叉神经痛患者分为替扎尼定组(A组)、卡马西平组(B组).在治疗前、治疗后第7、14、28天对患者的疼痛频率、疼痛程度进行评定,并观察其总体有效性、耐受性和安全性.结果:替扎尼定组治疗前后比较均有显著差异(P<0.05),替扎尼定组和卡马西平组两组间疗效有显著差异,替扎尼定组的起效时间较卡马西平组慢,但不良反应少,耐受性好.结论:替扎尼定对于三叉神经痛的治疗是一种有效的药物.  相似文献   
新生儿肺透明膜病(new pulmonary hyaline membrance disease,NPHMD)又称新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征,为新生儿特别是早产儿死亡的主要原因,临床主要表现为呼吸困难、紫绀、三凹征等,缺少特征性,且并发症多,病程发展快,死亡率高。本文回顾分析了18例NPHMD的X线表现,以期提高其正确诊断率,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   
患者,女,58岁,因"反复右下肢疼痛1年余"入院.患者1年前无明显诱凶出现右下肢疼痛,疼痛以左臀为主,并可向左大腿后外侧及左小腿后方放射,疼痛呈持续性酸胀痛,以久坐、久站及直立行时明显,卧床休息可缓解.  相似文献   
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