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脑膜癌病的临床诊断较为困难。国内已有报道,论述其临床特点及脑脊液细胞学诊断意义。本文报告10例,重点讨论其CT特点、脑脊液细胞学及脑膜活检的诊断价值。  相似文献   
1.500 schizophrenia patients were treatedwith acupuncture in our OPD with the followingresults:Cure 55.0% (275 cases);remarkable im-provement 16.8% (84 cases);improvement16.6% (83 cases);no effect 11.6% (58 cases).The total elective rate was 88.4% (442 cases).Cure and remarkable improvement rate was71.8% (359 cases).2.According to TCM differentiation thepatients were grouped as of three types (maniac,depressive,and paranoid).Acupuncture wasadministered through selected points.Themaniac type was generally considered as Yang(阳疮) and treated with acupuncture at pointsmainly on the Du channel.The manipulationwas reducing. Most of the depressive type was Yin (阴疮)and was treated with acupuncture on points alongthe Ren channel.The manipulation was restora-tion.Paranoia was treated mainly by invigoratingthe spleen and warming the gallbladder.Manipul-ation was also restoration.As the changes insymptoms were noted in the patient,the points orchannels were adjusted accordingly.Psycho-therapy accompanied the acupuncture treatment.Small doses of sedatives were given in some casesto boost the treatment.3.Statistically,no apparent relationship wasfound between sex,age,frequency of attacks,differentiation grouping and typing in the Wes-tern medicine system,and the therapeutic effect.Patients with a single attack were not helpedmore than patients with frequent attacks.Theprognosis for young patients under 15 was similarto that for those over 45.Our results did not tallywith the traditional concept that acupuncturetreatment in the simple type of schizophrenia wasless hopeful than for the other types.This discre-pancy required further investigation.4.Better therapeutic results were observedin patients with the shorter course of less than one year and those with sudden or relativelysudden onset of the disease,or vice versa.Itis worthy of note that 9 of our patients with acourse of over ten years responded excellently tothe therapy.5.Of the 275 cured patients,194 were fol-lowed up,revealing 63 recurrent cases,a rate of32.5%,most of which occurred within 2 yearsfollowing treatment.  相似文献   
闭合性脊柱损伤并发截瘫是一个很难处理的创伤问题。自第二次世界大战以来,由于对外伤性截瘫并发症预防和治疗的加强,尤其是对褥疮、泌尿系统处理和康复锻炼方面的改进,其死亡率已大为降低。近20年来国外资料对脊髓损伤的病理生理学,超微结构的观察,临床和实验治疗等方面的研究,均取得了不少进展。现分述如下。一、实验性脊髓损伤的研究(一)外观变化:经动物实验观察,脊髓受直接撞击后,通过透明硬脊膜可见到下  相似文献   
<正> 精神分裂症是精神病中最常见的疾病,据统计约占所有精神病患者50%以上。我院自1970年4月到1978年6月在门诊条件下采用针刺治疗各型精神病患者708例,其中精神分裂症403例,收到较好效果。现将资料分析统计如下: 一、治疗概况根据患者思维、情感和行为互不协调,联想散漫,言行离奇,妄想幻觉等符合精神分裂症诊断的临床表现,结合中医辨证和针刺治疗规律,分为躁狂、抑郁和妄想等三组进行针刺治疗。必要时配合小剂量安定药物,同时进行精神治疗。 (一)针刺治疗 1.躁狂组:145例。常见于精神分裂症的兴奋状态,中医谓“狂症”。根据“重阳者狂”,狂属阳的理论。此症实多虚少,故取阳经督脉穴为主,针刺多用泻法。  相似文献   
坐骨神经痛是一个综合征,不是一个单独的疾病。主要临床表现为沿坐骨神经通路及其分布区的疼痛,即在臀部、大腿后侧、小腿后外侧及足部外侧的疼痛。祖国医学将本病归之于痹症范畴,由于腰部外伤及风寒湿邪侵袭下肢经脉,致使经脉中气血阏滞不通,“不通则痛”。  相似文献   
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