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目的研究促甲状腺激素释放激素受体-2(TRH-R2)在大鼠睾丸出生后不同发育阶段的表达,探讨其在生殖发育调节中的作用。方法应用蛋白质免疫印迹杂交技术以及免疫组织化学ABC法检测8d、15d、20d、35d、60d和90d大鼠睾丸中TRH-R2的表达和定位,并结合图像分析技术对免疫组织化学结果进行统计学分析,观察其在发育过程中的变化。结果免疫印迹杂交发现TRH-R2蛋白表达于出生后15d以后各阶段的大鼠睾丸;而免疫组织化学在第8d以后的各个发育阶段均检测到TRH-R2的表达,TRH-R2定位于大鼠睾丸的间质细胞,TRH-R2免疫反应阳性物位于细胞膜和细胞质内,细胞核为阴性;图像分析结果显示随着大鼠睾丸的发育,TRH-R2表达量逐渐增多,35d达到最大值,此后维持稳定水平,表达量在35d同其他阶段之间具有统计学差异(P〈O.01)。结论TRH-R2在大鼠睾丸发育过程中均有表达,定位于睾丸的间质细胞,其表达量随着增龄变化而变化,即同发育过程相关。  相似文献   
Thyrompn releasing hormone (TRH), originallyisolated fIDm ovine and poroine hgnthaldri, stimulatesth~in synthesis and secretion by intacting with specific receptorS in the anterior pituitap glade. Imlnunomehve ~ haS been identified not only ic extrahyPOthalndc central nervous system, but also in a number ofperipheral hssues by radioi~assay, including thegastIDintestinal tract, pancreas, retina, placenta and malereproductive systemsf']. Teshs is known as a somee ofInany hyPOthalallc ne~ept…  相似文献   
成年大鼠睾丸Smad1和Smad5的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :探讨骨形态形成蛋白的细胞内信号传导分子Smad1和Smad5蛋白在成年大鼠睾丸内的表达。 方法 :应用免疫组织化学ABC法结合葡萄糖氧化酶 DAB 硫酸镍铵增强技术 ,检测成年大鼠睾丸Smad1和Smad5蛋白的表达和定位。 结果 :Smad1蛋白表达于大鼠睾丸精曲小管的各级生精细胞的胞质内 ,呈淡染的紫蓝色颗粒 ,胞核为阴性 ,免疫染色阳性细胞主要包括精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞和精子细胞 ;而Smad5蛋白阳性染色不明显 ,只有睾丸间质细胞呈弱阳性反应 ,免疫反应阳性物质主要定位于细胞质。 结论 :Smad1蛋白主要表达于睾丸精曲小管各级生精细胞 ,Smad5蛋白表达于间质细胞 ,为揭示TGF β超家族在精子发生中的分子机理提供了直接证据。  相似文献   
目的 探讨染料木素和大豆黄素对海马神经细胞的活性和增殖作用及其可能机制.方法 H19-7/IGF-IR神经细胞在无酚红无血清DMEM培养液中培养72h后,分别加入一定浓度的染料木素、大豆黄素和雌二醇,用MTT和BrdU法分别检测细胞的活性和增殖,流式细胞术检测神经细胞周期,ELISA和RT-PCR法检测脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)的表达.结果 处理细胞72h后,与对照组相比,20nM、200 Nm雌激素组H19-7细胞增殖分别提高了33%、36%;20 Nm、200 Nm染料木素组H19-7细胞增殖分别提高了15%、13%;200nM大豆黄素组H19-7细胞增殖分别提高了11%,差异有显著性(P<0.05).200nM染料木素和大豆黄素的S期细胞比例[分别为(17.64±0.43)%,(19.48±1.01)%]显著高于对照组(14.21 ± 1.75)%,差异具有显著性(P<0.05).染料木素和大豆黄素显著增加海马神经细胞成熟型BDNF水平及其Mrna的表达(P<0.05).酪氨酸激酶受体阻断剂K252a能阻断染料木素和大豆黄素的促海马神经细胞增殖作用.结论 染料木素和大豆黄素改善海马神经细胞的增殖和活性能力,其作用与促进海马细胞BDNF的表达有关.  相似文献   
Objective To determine the effects of genistein and daidzein on the proliferation and survival of the hippocampal neural cells and underlying mechanism. Methods H19-7/IGF-IR neural cell line was cultured in phenol red free DMEM absented of serum for 72h. Genistein, daidzein or 17β-estradiol was added to the culture at various concentrations. Their proliferation and protective effects on the neuronal cells were determined by BrdU and MTT assay respectively. The effect of phytoestrogens on cell cycle regulation was determined using flow cytometry. The effects of the soy isoflavones on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression were determined by ELISA and RT-PCR respectively. Results It was observed that, with 72h of treatment, 20nM and 200 nM 17B-estradiol significantly promoted the neuronal cell proliferation at 33% and 36% ;20nM and 200nM genistein significantly promoted the neuronal cell proliferation at 15% and 13% ; 200nM daidzein significantly promoted the neuronal cell proliferation at 11% compared to the control (P<0.05). Genistein and daidzein induced an significantly increase in the S phase arrest at (17.64 ± 0.43) % and (19.48 ± 1.01) % compared to the control (P < 0. 05). Moreover, genistein and daidzein significantly increased the expression of mature BDNF and BDNF mRNA level (P<0.05). The effect of genistein and daidzein on hippocampal neuronal cell proliferation was blocked by K252a, selective inhibitor of tyrosine kinase receptors. Conclusion Genistein and daidzein improved hippocampal neuronal cell proliferation and viability in vitro. The effects might be mediated by increasing in BDNF expression.  相似文献   
Smad2和Smad4蛋白在成年大鼠睾丸的表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡静  张远强  王红  张金山  许若军 《解剖学报》2001,32(4):354-356,T015
目的 探讨转化生长因子-β超家族肽类的细胞内信号转导分子Smad2和Smad4蛋白在成年大鼠睾丸的表达及在精子发生中的作用机理。方法 用免疫组织化学ABC法结合葡萄糖氧化酶-DAB-硫酸镍铵增强技术,检测成年大鼠睾丸Smad2和Smad4蛋白的表达和定位。结果Smad2蛋白主要表达在大鼠睾丸生精小管的精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞、支持细胞和间质细胞中,免疫反应物质主要定位于细胞质,胞核为阴性;而Smad4蛋白同主要表达于间质细胞的胞质中,支持细胞呈弱阳性染色,结论 Smad2蛋白主要表达于睾丸生精小管各级生精细胞,Smad4蛋白表达于间质细胞,为揭示TGF-β超家族在精子发生中的分子机理提供了直接证据。  相似文献   
Thetestisisacomplexorganthatserves2cru-cialfunctions:synthesisoftestosteroneandproduc-tionofspermatozoa.Moreover,normaltesticularde-velopmentandmaintenanceofspermatogenesisduringfetalandpostnatallifeiscontrolledbyintratesticularmodulators,suchasthegonadotropinreleasinghormone,theinsulin-likegrowthfactors,theangiotensin-Ⅱandtheendothelin,etc(1).Anotherimportantlocalregu-latorofthetesticularfunctionscouldbethetrans-forminggrowthfactor-β(TGF-β)superfamilymem-bers.Transforminggrowthfactor-βsu…  相似文献   
目的 探讨染料木素和大豆黄素对海马神经细胞的活性和增殖作用及其可能机制.方法 H19-7/IGF-IR神经细胞在无酚红无血清DMEM培养液中培养72h后,分别加入一定浓度的染料木素、大豆黄素和雌二醇,用MTT和BrdU法分别检测细胞的活性和增殖,流式细胞术检测神经细胞周期,ELISA和RT-PCR法检测脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)的表达.结果 处理细胞72h后,与对照组相比,20nM、200 Nm雌激素组H19-7细胞增殖分别提高了33%、36%;20 Nm、200 Nm染料木素组H19-7细胞增殖分别提高了15%、13%;200nM大豆黄素组H19-7细胞增殖分别提高了11%,差异有显著性(P<0.05).200nM染料木素和大豆黄素的S期细胞比例[分别为(17.64±0.43)%,(19.48±1.01)%]显著高于对照组(14.21 ± 1.75)%,差异具有显著性(P<0.05).染料木素和大豆黄素显著增加海马神经细胞成熟型BDNF水平及其Mrna的表达(P<0.05).酪氨酸激酶受体阻断剂K252a能阻断染料木素和大豆黄素的促海马神经细胞增殖作用.结论 染料木素和大豆黄素改善海马神经细胞的增殖和活性能力,其作用与促进海马细胞BDNF的表达有关.
Objective To determine the effects of genistein and daidzein on the proliferation and survival of the hippocampal neural cells and underlying mechanism. Methods H19-7/IGF-IR neural cell line was cultured in phenol red free DMEM absented of serum for 72h. Genistein, daidzein or 17β-estradiol was added to the culture at various concentrations. Their proliferation and protective effects on the neuronal cells were determined by BrdU and MTT assay respectively. The effect of phytoestrogens on cell cycle regulation was determined using flow cytometry. The effects of the soy isoflavones on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression were determined by ELISA and RT-PCR respectively. Results It was observed that, with 72h of treatment, 20nM and 200 nM 17B-estradiol significantly promoted the neuronal cell proliferation at 33% and 36% ;20nM and 200nM genistein significantly promoted the neuronal cell proliferation at 15% and 13% ; 200nM daidzein significantly promoted the neuronal cell proliferation at 11% compared to the control (P<0.05). Genistein and daidzein induced an significantly increase in the S phase arrest at (17.64 ± 0.43) % and (19.48 ± 1.01) % compared to the control (P < 0. 05). Moreover, genistein and daidzein significantly increased the expression of mature BDNF and BDNF mRNA level (P<0.05). The effect of genistein and daidzein on hippocampal neuronal cell proliferation was blocked by K252a, selective inhibitor of tyrosine kinase receptors. Conclusion Genistein and daidzein improved hippocampal neuronal cell proliferation and viability in vitro. The effects might be mediated by increasing in BDNF expression.  相似文献   
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