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遵义医科大学文献检索教研室通过开展线上集体备课、录制网课及搭建线上授课平台、确定教学内容及形式、线上批改作业及在线答疑、线上问卷调查和线上教学相长等形式进行了一系列线上教学活动,顺利完成了疫情期间的教学任务,并得到了大部分学生的认可。对线上教学实践经验及其存在的不足进行了总结,为将来应对突发公共卫生安全事件时的教学实施提供了参考。  相似文献   
在介绍国内外图书馆为老年人服务的基础上,分析了医学图书馆为老年人提供健康信息服务的优势,探讨了医学图书馆为老年人提供健康信息服务的途径。  相似文献   
Objective Chronic myocardial ischemia (CMI) has become the most importat cause of heart failure (HF) all over the world. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of Sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPaee 2a (SERCA2a) gene transfer on cardiac function and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) associated myocardial apoptosis in a minipig HF animal model induced by CMI. Methods HF was induced in minipigs by implantation of ameroid constrictor in the initial segment of left anterior descending (LAD) branch of coronary artery. After confirmation of myocardial perfusion defects and cardiac function impairment by myocardial perfusion imaging and echocardiography, animals were divided into 4 groups (n =4 each): HF group, HF + enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) group,HF + SERCA2a group, and shamed animals as control group. A total amount of 1×1012 v.g. Of rAAV1EGFP or rAAV1-SERCA2a were injected intramyocardially to each animal of HF + EGFP and HF +SERCA2a groups. Sixty days after gene transfer, protein level and activity of SERCA2a were examined,cardiac functions and changes of serum inflammatory and neuro-hormonal factors were determined. Apoptotic index of the ischemic myocardium, protein levels of ER stress marker glucose regulated protein 78 ( GRP 78) and ER stress specific apoptotic marker caspase-12 were also assayed. Results At the study end,echocardiographic and hemodynamic measurements indicated a significant improvement of both cardiac systolic and diastolic function in HF + SERCA2a group compared with HF/HF + EGFP groups [LVEF (60.2±8.6)%vs (44.2±7.1)% and (46.8±6.7)%, Ev/Ay 1.28±0.24 vs 0.77 ±0.17 and 0.80±0.21, +dp/dtmax(2713.9 ±434.0) mm Hg/s ( 1 mm Hg =0.133 kPa) vs (1892.3 ±434.2) mm Hg/s and (1931.2±397.4)mm Hg/s, -dp/dtmax (1422.1±334.4) mm Hg/s vs (848.3±308.3) mm Hg/s and (849.5±278.3)mm Hg/s, P<0.05], along with increase in both SERCA2a protein level (1.13±0.26 vs 0.73 ±0.17 and 0.64±0.18, P<0.05) and activity [(16.2±5.5) IU/ml vs (7.9±3.1) IU/ml and (7.5 ±2.8)IU/ml, P <0.05] compared with HF/HF + EGFP groups. Serum concentrations of inflammatory factor tumor necrotic factor α [(382.3±114.4) ng/L vs (732.3±201.4) ng/L and (689.8±192 5) ng/L, P<0. 05], neural-hormonal factors brain natriuretic peptide [(142.6±45.3) ng/L vs (422.3±113.6) ng/L and(393.7 ±103.3)ng/L, P<0.01], endothelin-1 [(111.4 ±37.5)ng/L vs (193.5 ±54.3)ng/L and (201.0±72.1)ng/L,P<0.05] and angiotensin Ⅱ[(189.7±65.2)μg/L vs (538.3 ± 135.2) μg/L and ( 525.5±144.1)μg/L, P<0.01] were also significantly decreased in HF + SERCA2a group compared with HF/HF + EGFP groups. The apoptotic index [(12.71±4.11)% vs(23.22±7.23) % and (24.31±6.38)%, P<0.05], protein levels of GRP78 (1.27±0.33 vs 3.23±1.14 and 4.18±1.13, P<0.05)and protein level ratios of cleaved caspase-12 to total caspase-12[(4.62±1.93)% vs (9.71±2.70)% and (10.14±2.81)%, P<0.05] were also significantly reduced in the ischemic myocardium of HF+SERCA2a group compared with the HF/HF + EGFP groups. Conclusion Overexpression of SERCA2a significantly improved cardiac systolic and diastolic function in this HF model partly through attenuation of ER stress related myocardial apoptosis, suggesting its therapeutic potential for CM1 related heart failure.  相似文献   
目的了解我国不同养老模式下老年人生活质量(QOL)现状及其影响因素。方法采用世界卫生组织生活质量简表(WHOQOLBREF)对我国家庭、社区及机构养老老年人的QOL进行调查。结果三种养老模式下老年人QOL总分、生理、心理及社会关系领域得分社区养老最高、家庭次之、机构最低(P<0.05);环境领域得分为社区养老高于家庭和机构(P<0.05),家庭和机构间无显著差异(P>0.05);自评分为社区和家庭高于机构(P<0.05);QOL总分与自评分间具有正相关关系(r=0.601);不同养老模式的QOL与自评分影响因素不完全相同,主要有健康状况、文化程度、婚姻、子女状况、职业、年龄及民族。结论不同养老模式下生活质量得分有差异,且影响因素不完全相同。  相似文献   
目的 了解信息素养教育对不同养老模式老年人生活质量的干预.方法 采用分层抽样和整群抽样相结合的方法,通过老年人日常生活信息查询行为调查表和世界卫生组织编制的生活质量量表简表(WHOQOL-BREF)对老年人日常生活信息查询行为和生活质量进行调查.结果 家庭养老和社区养老的老年人中接受过信息素养教育的生活质量与没有接受过信息素养教育的有显著差异(P<0.05).结论 信息素养教育与老年人的生活质量有一定的相关性,培养老年人的信息素质有利于提高老年人生活质量.  相似文献   
对我国不同地区老年人日常生活信息需求的分析发现,他们最关注的是新闻资讯信息、健康信息、娱乐信息、福利信息以及科普知识。  相似文献   
Objective Chronic myocardial ischemia (CMI) has become the most importat cause of heart failure (HF) all over the world. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of Sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPaee 2a (SERCA2a) gene transfer on cardiac function and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) associated myocardial apoptosis in a minipig HF animal model induced by CMI. Methods HF was induced in minipigs by implantation of ameroid constrictor in the initial segment of left anterior descending (LAD) branch of coronary artery. After confirmation of myocardial perfusion defects and cardiac function impairment by myocardial perfusion imaging and echocardiography, animals were divided into 4 groups (n =4 each): HF group, HF + enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) group,HF + SERCA2a group, and shamed animals as control group. A total amount of 1×1012 v.g. Of rAAV1EGFP or rAAV1-SERCA2a were injected intramyocardially to each animal of HF + EGFP and HF +SERCA2a groups. Sixty days after gene transfer, protein level and activity of SERCA2a were examined,cardiac functions and changes of serum inflammatory and neuro-hormonal factors were determined. Apoptotic index of the ischemic myocardium, protein levels of ER stress marker glucose regulated protein 78 ( GRP 78) and ER stress specific apoptotic marker caspase-12 were also assayed. Results At the study end,echocardiographic and hemodynamic measurements indicated a significant improvement of both cardiac systolic and diastolic function in HF + SERCA2a group compared with HF/HF + EGFP groups [LVEF (60.2±8.6)%vs (44.2±7.1)% and (46.8±6.7)%, Ev/Ay 1.28±0.24 vs 0.77 ±0.17 and 0.80±0.21, +dp/dtmax(2713.9 ±434.0) mm Hg/s ( 1 mm Hg =0.133 kPa) vs (1892.3 ±434.2) mm Hg/s and (1931.2±397.4)mm Hg/s, -dp/dtmax (1422.1±334.4) mm Hg/s vs (848.3±308.3) mm Hg/s and (849.5±278.3)mm Hg/s, P<0.05], along with increase in both SERCA2a protein level (1.13±0.26 vs 0.73 ±0.17 and 0.64±0.18, P<0.05) and activity [(16.2±5.5) IU/ml vs (7.9±3.1) IU/ml and (7.5 ±2.8)IU/ml, P <0.05] compared with HF/HF + EGFP groups. Serum concentrations of inflammatory factor tumor necrotic factor α [(382.3±114.4) ng/L vs (732.3±201.4) ng/L and (689.8±192 5) ng/L, P<0. 05], neural-hormonal factors brain natriuretic peptide [(142.6±45.3) ng/L vs (422.3±113.6) ng/L and(393.7 ±103.3)ng/L, P<0.01], endothelin-1 [(111.4 ±37.5)ng/L vs (193.5 ±54.3)ng/L and (201.0±72.1)ng/L,P<0.05] and angiotensin Ⅱ[(189.7±65.2)μg/L vs (538.3 ± 135.2) μg/L and ( 525.5±144.1)μg/L, P<0.01] were also significantly decreased in HF + SERCA2a group compared with HF/HF + EGFP groups. The apoptotic index [(12.71±4.11)% vs(23.22±7.23) % and (24.31±6.38)%, P<0.05], protein levels of GRP78 (1.27±0.33 vs 3.23±1.14 and 4.18±1.13, P<0.05)and protein level ratios of cleaved caspase-12 to total caspase-12[(4.62±1.93)% vs (9.71±2.70)% and (10.14±2.81)%, P<0.05] were also significantly reduced in the ischemic myocardium of HF+SERCA2a group compared with the HF/HF + EGFP groups. Conclusion Overexpression of SERCA2a significantly improved cardiac systolic and diastolic function in this HF model partly through attenuation of ER stress related myocardial apoptosis, suggesting its therapeutic potential for CM1 related heart failure.  相似文献   
目的:建立慢性心肌缺血致心力衰竭的动物模型。方法: 小型猪18只,随机分为假手术组(n=4)和模型组(n=14),模型组开胸于前降支近端放置ameroid缩窄环,假手术组分离前降支不套环。术后4周,行单光子发射计算机断层成像(SPECT)观察心脏灌注情况。应用无创超声心动图、有创血流动力学检查并评价心脏的舒缩功能。应用放射免疫测定法检测血清脑钠尿肽(BNP)、心肌肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)、肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白介素6(IL-6)、内皮素1(ET-1)和血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)等浓度的变化。结果: 模型组死亡2只,其余16只动物手术顺利完成。SPECT显示,模型组前降支供血区域心肌存在严重灌注障碍;假手术组无明显灌注缺损。超声心动图和血流动力学检查提示,模型组心脏的收缩和舒张功能严重受损,并发生心腔扩张,同时血清BNP的水平增高,心肌损伤标记物、炎性因子和神经体液因子的浓度也明显增高;假手术组上述参数均无显著改变。结论: 在猪的前降支近端放置ameroid缩窄环是制作慢性心肌缺血心力衰竭动物模型的有效方法。  相似文献   
目的 研究心肌肌浆网Ca<'2+>-ATP酶(SERCA2a)基因过表达对慢性缺血性心力衰竭(HF)小型猪心功能的改善作用.方法 使用Ameroid缩窄环束扎小型猪前降支起始段,4周后行超声心动和血流动力学检查确认心功能下降,放免法测定血清炎性因子(TNF-a、IL-6)和神经体液因子(BNP、AngⅡ、ET-1)的变...  相似文献   
目的对比分析不同养老模式下老年人日常生活信息查询行为特征和信息查询能力。方法采用分层抽样和整群抽样相结合的方法,对全国3 568名60岁以上家庭、社区、机构三种不同养老模式下常住老人进行日常生活信息查询行为调查并测定其信息查询行能力。结果老年人日常生活信息查询行为平均得分为(60.26±13.299),3种不同养老模式下老年人的日常生活信息查询行为有差异(P<0.01),社区养老模式下信息查询分值最高,家庭养老次之,机构养老最低。结论提高老年人的总体信息查询能力,应增强社区养老模式的发展,同时,改善养老机构的生活环境信息查询设施,提高其服务质量,完善其养老功能。  相似文献   
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