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正汗证是指由于人体阴阳失调、腠理不固而引起汗液外泄失常的病证,大多会出现不同程度的汗出,甚则浸湿衣物,在激动、紧张,亦或是天气影响时加剧,影响患者日常生活与工作[1]。汗为心之液,由精气所化,不可过泄。临床上汗证既可单独出现,也可作为其他疾病的伴随症状出现,  相似文献   
《现代泌尿外科杂志》开通互联网远程投稿系统以来,许多作者已经成功进行网上投稿。为了便于更多的作者了解和使用互联网向《现代泌尿外科杂志》投稿,现将本刊投稿系统投稿方法简介如下:第一步--打开主页:在网址栏输入网址http://jmurology.xjtu.edu.cn,进入《现代泌尿外科杂志》主页。第二步--在线注册:在主页面左上方单击“在线注册”,按要求输入真实姓名后单击“下一步”,然后填写用户名、密码等注册信息(带红色星号者为必填项目),填写完毕后单击“继续”,进入下一个页面填写您的联系方式和职业信息。填写后单击“完成”。这时系统会提示您“注册成功”。第三步--在线投稿:在注册成功页面直接单击“去投稿”,或在主页面左上方单击“进入在线投稿系统”,在左侧“投稿箱”中单击“我要投稿”,进入投稿页面。在投稿页面,您首先看到的是本刊“稿约”,浏览后单击页面下方的“下一步”,出现版权协议,单击“下一步”进入“录入稿件信息”,完成录入后点击“下一步”,进入“上传稿件”,按提示上传您的稿件及图片等资料,完成后点击“投稿完成”,这时您就会收到“投稿已经成功”的系统提示,投稿即告完成。  相似文献   
正文:黄挺主任乃杭州市名中医,杭州市中医院肿瘤科主任,浙江省中医临床骨干,从事肿瘤内科临床工作二十余载,诊治癌因性百合病经验丰富,对其病因病机、治法方药有独特见解,总结创拟五花汤(梅花、玫瑰花、代代花、旋覆花、佛手花)为基本方,随证灵活化裁,屡获良效。现将其运用五花汤治疗乳腺癌百合病医案 1 则介绍如下,以飨读者。……  相似文献   
杨小红教授是广州中医药大学硕士研究生导师,广州中医药大学第一附属医院主任医师,师从全国名老中医陈镜合,从事临床、教学、科研工作三十余年,在治疗泌尿系统疾病方面经验丰富,疗效显著。笔者跟师学习3年余,现将杨教授治疗老年女性泌尿系感染经验总结如下。  相似文献   
Schistosomiasis'' japonica is one of the most important parasitic diseases in China. Ever since its dscovery in this eountry (j) its inCidenee、and extent Of enilemiCity haVe bec0删:e inCreaSlngIy evident With imprOvement Of diagnoStiC methodS and a8 a reSUlt Of inVeStiga- 戗On8 made by VariOU8 W0rkerS. It iS Well knOWn that reglonS watered by the Yan或ze RiVer were rampant w托h this di8ea8e. The vast areas of endemlelty lnclude not only the territories im!mediately traversed by the main stream and its lnnumerable tributarie8 but also districts adjaeent to the mammoth bodies of water such as Great Lake(太湖),Poyanghu t都防湖),and Tung七inghu(洞庭湖). Thus Kiangsu(江袜),、Chekiang 【浙江),Anhwei(安徽),Kiangsi(江西),Hupeh(湖北)and Hunan (湖南) are the proVinees of high endemicity. Rampaney of the infeStation dOes nOt, hoWever, COnfine to reglOnS of tbe Central and lOWer YangtZe Valley aS eaSeS Of SChiStOSOmiaSiS have been reCOrded il土the central plains Of Szechuan(四J”) (2—4)and sou¨thwest parC of Chin可ihcluding Kwangsi(魔西)(5)and Yunnan(雷南)(艿。8).  相似文献   
目的了解旱孕期妇女对叶酸、出生缺陷认知度,促进早孕期妇女对出生缺陷预防的认识。方法采用问卷形式对重庆市主城区147名正常早孕期妇女进行调查,随机抽取96名参加血清叶酸值测定。结果参与调查的早孕期妇女,叶酸知晓率为88.4%;68人(46.3%)能够正确选择“叶酸的功能”选项;123人(83.7%)知道胚胎发育早期体内叶酸缺乏可能会影响胎儿神经系统的发育;21人(14.3%)选择会在孕期全程服用叶酸,有24人(16.3%)一直未服用。16人(10.0%)接触了射线、噪声、化学制剂等有害环境因素;9人(6.1%)在孕期服用了药物;9人(6.1%)在饮食或生活习惯上对胎儿发育不利。神经管畸形认知度调查结果显示,59人(40.1%)清楚神经管畸形的类型包括无脑儿、脑积水和脊柱裂;74人(52.1%)认为怀孕时体内缺乏叶酸是神经管畸形发生的可能原因。96名参加血清叶酸值测定结果显示,无叶酸缺乏者,其统计均值为(26.34±9.81)ng/mL。结论早孕期妇女对出生缺陷预防的认识有待进一步提高。  相似文献   
急性心肌梗死(AMI)系常见心血管疾病,虽多年来在诊治上有进展,死亡率已下降至10%左右,但对中老年生命威胁仍较大。在工作中,作发现有部分AMI是在住院过程中发生,为提高防治水平,特将我院1994年10月~2005年4月住院发生的16例AMI分析如下。[第一段]  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the correlation between TNF-α and IL-6 levels in cervical mucous during follicular development and ovulation stimulation in different protocols.Methods 36 infertile women were set up as experimental groups,divided into CC, HMG, IVF-ET group,each group consisted of 12 infertile women and 15 women with normal menstrual cycles were choiced as control group.Cervical mucous during follicular phase, luteal phase and ovulation phase were collected.TNF-α, IL-6 levels in cervical mucous were measured by radioimmunology assay (RIA).Follicular development were monitored by transvaginal ultrasonagraphy.Results (1) TNF-α levels in cervical mucous of experimental groups and control group were periodically various among the reproductive cycle.It increased during follicular phase, reached to peak during ovulation phase, and decreased during luteal phase (P<0.05).IL-6 levels had no obvious periodical changes.(2) Compared with CC and control group, levels of TNF-α,IL-6 in HMG and IVF-ET group were significantly higher (P<0.05).(3) Levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in cervical mucous were positively correlated with the dominant follicle diameter (r=0.261, r=0.192 respectively,P<0.05).(4) TNF-α and IL-6 showed positive correlation in the reproductive cycle (r=0.782,P<0.05).Conclusions (1) TNF-α level shows a cyclic change in the reproductive cycle and peaks during ovulation,whereas IL-6 level does not.(2) TNF-α and IL-6 may play a certain role in the process of follicular development and ovulation.(3)The levels of TNF-α and IL-6 are up-regulated by gonadotrophic hormone.(4) TNF-α and IL-6 may have coordination properties and participate in the same biological effects.  相似文献   
Objectives:To assess the clinical outcomes of frozen-thawed blastocysts transfer in natural and hormonally controlled cycles.Methods:A retrospective analysis of natural and hormonally controlled cycle for 246 frozen-thawed blastocyst transfer cycles,the clinical pregnancy rate,implantation rate,early abortion rate were compared.Results:Of the 192 hormonally controlled cycles,the cancel rate,clinical pregnancy rate per ET,implantation rate and abortion rate were 7.3%(14/192),53.9%(96/178),38.8%(131/338)and 11.5%(11/96)respectively,whereas in 54 natural cycles,these rates were 16.7%(9/54),68.9%(31/45),52.9%(45/85)and 16.1%(5/31)respectively.There was no significant difference between the two groups with regard to the clinical pregnancy and abortion rate per ET,but the cancel rate and implantation rate were higher in natural cycles.However,the pregnancy and implantation rates of patients without PCOS in hormonal control cycles(57.2%,40.9%)were similar with those in natural cycles(P>0.05).Conclusion:These findings suggested that both hormonally controlled and natural cycles had similar pregnancy outcomes in frozen-thawed blastocysts transfer.  相似文献   
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