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Sex chromosome and chromatin examina- tions with hormone determinations were done on 41 cases seen at the gynecologic clinic su- spectcd of having sexual developmental abnor- rnalities. 22 (53.7%) had genetic, gonatlal or hormonal abnormalities, including ovarian dys- genesis 9 cases, superfemale l case, XY pure gonadal dysgenesis 4 cases 3 0f whom had already developed gonadal malignancy, pseudovaginal Derineoscrotal hypospadias l case, androgen in- sensitivity syndrome 2 cases and congenital adrenaLl hyperplasia 3 cases; The values and limitations of sex chromosome and chromatin examinations as well as the prevention of gonadai malignancy are discussed.  相似文献   
笔者自1986年8月至1987年元月随机取100例人工流产的绒毛进行染色体分析,其中能进行染色体核型分析者93例(包括1例非整倍体),发现染色体异常者4例(不包括1例非整倍体)。现总结分析如下。材料与方法材料:随机取妊娠9~10周人工流产的新鲜绒毛组织。其中孕妇年龄(?)0~24岁者12例;25~29岁者35例;30~34岁者30例;35~39岁者10例;40岁以上者6  相似文献   
A simple method of culturing amniotic fluid cells for detection of fetal chromosome abnorma- lities and genetic diseases is presented. 26 cases were studied by this method with a 92c/o success rate.  相似文献   
本文报告了首都医院开展高危畸形儿妊妇的产前宫内诊断工作。适应症有:①35岁以上的高度孕妇;②夫妇之一有染色体平衡易位,或生产过染色体异常儿者;③夫妇之一有开放性神经管畸形,或生产过开放性神经管畸形儿者;④夫妇之一有先天性代谢病,或生产过此种小儿者;⑤此妇临床疑有胎儿畸形者;⑥性连锁疾病基因携带者。羊水穿刺右耻骨联合上三指,先抽1~2毫升查甲胎蛋白(AFP),再抽15毫升作羊水细胞培养查染色体。根据  相似文献   
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