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Objective To study the anastomotic relationships of perforators in each zone of the poste-rior leg and design perforating flaps for clinic. Methods Six fresh cadavers underwent a whole body, intra-arterial injection of a lead oxide and gelatine preparation. The posterior part of leg is divided into upper, mid-die and below equal parts, Observe topography of the perforating branches in every district by layer, and mea-sured their location, diameter, course, branches and anastomosis pattern. Radiographs of tissue specimens were digitally analyzed. Results There were 13 perforators that diameter≥ 0.5 mm, the average external diameter was 0.8 mm. The areas of each perforator supplied was average 38 cm2. Perforators from popliteal artery was identified an area 4 cm wide, around the intersection of two lines, a line drawn between the medial and lateral epicondyles of the femurs, and the midline of posterior leg. The areas of the every perforator sup-plied was 55 cm2. These vessels were large in diameter and create multiple true anastomoses with the perfora-tors from the posterior tibial artery or fibular artery. Perforating branches were small in the below part, a long perforator chain comprised of two to three perforators accompanies the Achilles tendon. Conclusion The perforator flaps deviced by perforators from the posterior leg may be transplanted to the lower limbs and the other part of the body. The perforators located in the middle zone of the leg are larger. Free posterior tibial or peroneal perforator-based flaps are reliable, relatively large, and have thin flaps. The upper and lower zones were the larger donor site for the proximal or distally pedicled perforator flap harvest.  相似文献   
目的研究桡神经肱肌支的解剖特点。方法解剖136侧固定尸体的上肢,寻找并分别测量各型肌支的起始点、入肌点、长度、横径及其与桡神经主干的夹角,观察其行程特点。结果桡神经肱肌支的出现率是25.7%(35侧),肱肌支的出现以单侧多见,与性别和侧别无关。根据肱肌支与肱骨长轴的夹角将其分为升支、水平支及降支三种类型。肌支的起点在Hunter's线下1.40cm至Hunter's线上11.70cm,入肌点在Hunter's线上0.60~11.70cm,肌支的长度为0.20~4.68cm,横径是0.4~2.4mm,与桡神经主干的夹角在5~171°。结论桡神经肱肌支的存在较普遍(约1/4),行上臂、肘部手术时,应对其加以保护。  相似文献   
目的:为委中穴针剌提供适宜的进针深度,避免对胫神经或胭血管的损伤并发挥其最大功效.方法:用40例经甲醛固定的成人下肢标本,依据国颁标准定穴进针,解剖观测进针层次及毗邻重要的神经血管.结果:伸膝,直剌进针,针体由皮肤到胭筋膜的深度为(0.81±0.20)cm.胭筋膜深面,针体周围是大量的疏松结缔组织.针体穿腓肠肌内、外侧头之间入深面可触及粗大的胫神经和腘血管束,针体由皮肤到胫神经的深度为(1.55±0.32)cm,到胭静脉的深度为(2.84±0.38)cm.胫神经的体表投影相当于胴窝上、下角的连线.结论:委中穴针刺的适宜深度均值为1.55 cm.委中穴与胭窝的筋膜组织关系密切.  相似文献   
股后区主要穿支的形态学分析与皮瓣设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:为股后区穿支皮瓣的临床应用提供解剖学依据。方法:6具(12侧)动脉灌注明胶.氧化铅混悬液的新鲜成人整尸标本,解剖观测股后区外径≥0.5mm的穿支,测量其管径及其走行、分支与分布情况等。取下整个下肢被覆组织拍摄X线片,观测皮动脉的数量以及彼此间的吻合情况等。利用Photoshop与Scion Image分析穿支供血的趋向性及每个分支的供血面积等。结果:股后区共有穿支(外径≥0.5mm)27支,其中65%为皮穿支,35%为肌皮穿支。平均外径为0.8mm,平均蒂长为2.93cm。自股深动脉之穿动脉发出者平均长度为6.81cm。每侧穿动脉在股后区供血面积平均为229cm^2,平均每个穿支供血面积为43cm^2。结论:股后区的皮肤穿支管径较粗,营养皮肤面积较大,以股后诸穿支为蒂设计的穿支皮瓣可为下肢或身体其它部位皮肤移植提供:①游离皮瓣;②近端蒂皮瓣;③远端蒂皮瓣。  相似文献   
目的:建立旋髂深动脉及穿支的数字化可视模型,为临床上旋髂深动脉穿支骨皮瓣的设计与安全截取提供形态学基础。方法:2具新鲜男尸,分别采用羧甲基纤维素/氧化铅水凝胶及明胶/氧化铅行一次性全身动脉造影,并进行连续螺旋CT扫描,运用Mimics软件,在计算机上对腰区相关重要结构进行计算机三维重建和立体显示。结果:该数字化可视模型能够清晰显示髋骨、髂外动脉、旋髂深动脉及其供血皮瓣的形态、位置及毗邻关系,并可任意方向的旋转观察。结论:重建的三维模型可以提供正常腰区皮瓣的三维动态解剖,为临床术前皮瓣设计提供了直观的数字化解剖依据。  相似文献   
Objective To study the anastomotic relationships of perforators in each zone of the poste-rior leg and design perforating flaps for clinic. Methods Six fresh cadavers underwent a whole body, intra-arterial injection of a lead oxide and gelatine preparation. The posterior part of leg is divided into upper, mid-die and below equal parts, Observe topography of the perforating branches in every district by layer, and mea-sured their location, diameter, course, branches and anastomosis pattern. Radiographs of tissue specimens were digitally analyzed. Results There were 13 perforators that diameter≥ 0.5 mm, the average external diameter was 0.8 mm. The areas of each perforator supplied was average 38 cm2. Perforators from popliteal artery was identified an area 4 cm wide, around the intersection of two lines, a line drawn between the medial and lateral epicondyles of the femurs, and the midline of posterior leg. The areas of the every perforator sup-plied was 55 cm2. These vessels were large in diameter and create multiple true anastomoses with the perfora-tors from the posterior tibial artery or fibular artery. Perforating branches were small in the below part, a long perforator chain comprised of two to three perforators accompanies the Achilles tendon. Conclusion The perforator flaps deviced by perforators from the posterior leg may be transplanted to the lower limbs and the other part of the body. The perforators located in the middle zone of the leg are larger. Free posterior tibial or peroneal perforator-based flaps are reliable, relatively large, and have thin flaps. The upper and lower zones were the larger donor site for the proximal or distally pedicled perforator flap harvest.  相似文献   
人体皮动脉的解剖学定位定量研究   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
目的:探索穿支皮瓣与皮神经营养血管皮瓣的基础形态学定位、定量研究方法。方法:应用一次性全身血管造影术并配合电脑图像处理技术对人体皮动脉的来源、走向及其分布范围等进行定位、定量分析。结果:人体全身体被组织内共有血管体区域128个,计有外径≥0.5mm的穿支总数为440支,其平均外径为0.7mm,每个穿支的分布面积为36cm^2每100cm^2的体表面积内有3支穿支。结论:采用血管造影与图像处理技术对穿支进行定位、定量研究,科学可靠,简便易行,值得推广。  相似文献   
臀区穿支皮瓣的应用解剖学研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的:为臀区穿支皮瓣的临床应用提供解剖学基础。方法:6具(12侧)动脉灌注明胶-氧化铅混悬液的新鲜成人整尸标本,解剖观测臀区外径≥0.5mm的穿支,测量其管径及其走行、分支、分布情况等。取下整个臀区被覆组织拍摄X线片,观测皮动脉的数量以及彼此之间的吻合情况等。利用Photoshop与ScionImage分析穿支供血的趋向性及每个分支的供血面积等。结果:臀上、臀下动脉直径≥0.5mm的穿支数量分别为平均(5±2)支和(8±4)支,所有的臀上动脉和90%的臀下动脉的分支都是肌皮穿支,这些穿支的平均内径为(0.6±0.1)mm。臀上、臀下动脉穿支在皮肤的平均分布范围分别是(69±56)cm2和(177±38)cm2。臀上动脉穿支主要分布在髂后上棘和大转子的连线的内侧2/3;而臀下动脉的穿支多在臀区与臀皱褶平行的水平中部1/3处。结论:臀区的皮肤穿支密集,营养皮肤面积较大,以臀上、臀下动脉穿支为蒂设计的穿支皮瓣可用于乳房重建,骶骨、髋骨及会阴区重建等。  相似文献   
目的通过观察一氧化氮(NO)对延迟皮瓣微循环的影响来探讨皮瓣血管舒张的机制。方法采用CD-1白鼠为实验动物,在其背部形成1.0cm×3.0cm延迟皮瓣。通过体内视频显微法和激光多普勒血流仪,分别检测皮瓣血管直径和血流量,观察一氧化氮合成前体L-精氨酸(L-arg)对皮瓣微循环的影响。结果在延迟皮瓣前,血管的平均直径范围为(22.15±3.65)μm-(25.32±3.34)μm,平均血流量为(1.84±0.74)nl/s~(2.31±0.91)nl/s;延迟皮瓣后,对照组血管直径增加到(43.83±11.17)μm,血流量增加到(6.98±3.12)nl/s。三天后,随着L—Arg剂量的增加,治疗组与对照组相比,血管直径大小和血流量显著增加(P〈0.05)。结论一氧化氮在延迟皮瓣微循环中发挥了重要作用,它主要通过扩张血管和增加血流量来实现的。  相似文献   
穴位针刺和药物注射是目前临床中广泛应用的治疗手段。但由此而引起穴位周围重要结构损伤的病例也逐渐增多。针刺时应掌握好针刺的方向、深度及手法,不应盲目追求得气感、触电感。  相似文献   
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