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in recent years the auricular-plaster therapyhas been commonly used to treat cholelithiasis.Itis reported that by this method the gallstone ex-pulsion rate reaches as high as 95-97.5%(ex-cellent rate is 60-90%).To evaluate the actionmore objectively and further investigate itsmechanism,57 cholelithiasis patients were treatedand observed clinically from June 1984 to April1985.The effect of auricular-plaster therapy onthe expansion-contraction function of the biliarysystem was also observed with a B-echograph on30 of the patients who had experienced effectivetherapeutic results or improvement in clinicalsymptoms.  相似文献   
耳穴压丸治疗胆石病是近年来较普遍采用的一种疗法。据一些单位报道,应用本法排石率可达到95~97.5%(其中显效率在60~90%左右)。为了更客观地评价这一疗法及进一步探索其作用机理,自1984年6月~1985年  相似文献   
针刺补泻之说,鉴于虚实之存在。而针刺时之虚实,只注意到形体、疾病方面,忽略经络经气的虚实,由于针刺手法的运用,必然产生感应,此种针感,必须从经络经气的活动来决定,即“气至有效”之能,但不存在补泻问题。  相似文献   
The study of Zi Wu Liu Zhu(TemporalEnergy Flow in Meridians 子午流注),an an-cient theory for selecting acupuncture points,isbeing paid more and more attention in recentyears.The theory of Zi Wu Liu Zhu holds thatin the cyclical progress of time,“Zi”stands formidnight(23:00 to 1:00)and“Wu”for noon(11:00 to 13:00).“Liu”refers to the flow of Oiand Blood along the channels in the human bodyand“Zhu”implies that Qi and Blood may pourinto the twelve channels and specific acupoints(the Five Shu acupoints).In accordance with  相似文献   
历代针灸著作对补泻的论述是很多的。考诸《内经》,有:“百病之生,皆有虚实,而补泻行焉”之说。由此可知“补泻”是针对“虚实”而言的。何谓虚实?“言实与虚,若有若无,察后与先,若存若亡,为虚与实,若得若失。”明·高武《针灸素难要旨》注解:“言实与虚,若有若无者,言实者有气,虚者无气也。察后与先,若亡(无)若存者,言气之虚实,补泻之先后也,察其气之已下,与常存也。”由是,我们对“补”泻”二词的  相似文献   
微针旨在“通其经脉,调其血气”。“补泻”与“得气”在《内经》及历代针灸典籍中均再三强调。然而,微针之道。易陈而难入”。谨此分条陈述如下:刺之微,在速迟一般都从《灵枢·小针解》解:“刺之微在数迟者,徐疾之意也。”释作手法之徐疾。我们不从此说,而照《灵枢·九针十二原》解。《九针十二原》前半篇阐述了血气往来、正邪虚实须掌握“气机”,“不知机道,叩之不发”的理论。机道者,气机之理也。气,是经隧之气;机,是血气运行规律中的时机。血气有盛衰不同,经气有往来不同,气机的功能活动反映在临床上就有因个体的差异而产生得气迟速的不同。“病各有所宜”,“针各有所宜”,毋虚毋实,在针法上也应有补泻之异。  相似文献   
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