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译文降低胆固醇科学家们说:一项大规模的新研究清楚地表明,降低血液中胆固醇含量会减少心脏病发病的危险。医生们称这些发现是具有历史意义的,而且在医学上具有重要性。较早期的研究已经证明了血液中胆固醇(一种脂肪物质)增高与心血管疾病的关系。但是,降低胆固醇是否就必然会减少心脏病发病,这一点还不清楚。这项历时十年的新研究是美国心、肺和血液学会进行的。这项研究包括了3,800多个年龄介于35~59岁的男性,他们血液中胆固醇的含量都高于正常量。所有这些男性都被要求少吃高胆固醇的食物。此外,他们当中约一半人还被给予降胆敏,这是一种强  相似文献   
阅读材料 Vitamin D Hormone One of the vitamins necessary forgood health is Vitamin D. We get itfrom sunlight. Ultraviolet rays from thesun change a form of cholesterol in theskin into Vitamin D. We also can getVitamin D from some foods, such as milkor fish liver oil. Vitamin D increases the amount ofcalcium in our blood. Calcium is neededfor our nerve and muscle cells to worknormally. It also is needed to build strong  相似文献   
美国医生说,给孕妇接种疫苗能使胎儿对某些疾病产生免疫力。他们还说,这种免疫力能延续到婴儿出生后一年以上。这个发现对发展中国家可能是十分重要的,因为这些国家常难于给儿童足够的疫苗以预防疾病。疫苗通过加速体内称为抗体的物质的生成,以保护身体。抗体能抵抗引起疾病的某些病毒和细菌。  相似文献   
我院自90年8月开始,由专人负责住院病历中护理书写质量控制工作,本文将对经质控检查的病历中护理书写质量进行数理统计分析,现报告如下。  相似文献   
正生们早已知道,极强制嗓音会引起听觉损伤甚至听觉丧失.这种嗓音可以是喷气飞机的引擎声、工  相似文献   
阅读材料 New Treatments of Kidney Stones American scientists say unusual newreatments developed by European doctorsshow great promise in fighting thepainful problem of kidney stone.Untilnow,doctors have had to operate to re-move the stones from a patient's body.But scientists are now using powerful so-and waves and shock waves todestroy kidney stones.Kidney stones aresharp hard objects that are formed by  相似文献   
减轻体重的好办法科学家说,一项新的研究表明:如果在饭后进行散步或跑步之类的某种体力活动,就能更快地减轻体重。科学家们早就知道,运动或散步之类的体力活动有助人们减轻体重,因为体力活动可使人体将食物和体内脂肪作为能量消耗掉。但是纽约康乃尔大学新近的一项研究表明,如果是在吃过东西以后马上就进行体力活动,体内的食物就会比通常消耗得更多。康乃尔大学的科学家说,如果是在饭后45分钟  相似文献   
测定原理 1.磷化锌是灰黑色粉末,在酸性溶液中产生具有特殊蒜臭的磷化氢气体;利用磷化氢的还原性,能使高锰酸钾退去原色。 Zn_3P_2+6HCl→2PH_3↑+3ZnCl_2 3PH_3+4KMnO_4+6H_2SO_4→4MnSO_4+H_3PO_4+2H_3PO_3+2K_2SO_4+6H_2O 2.锌盐经直接抽取后,能和亚鉄氰化钾试剂生成亚鉄氰化锌,为白色混浊或沉淀;如加过量试剂,则生成一种亚鉄氰化钾锌的络合物。  相似文献   
Scientists say a new study shows thata person can lose weight more quickly ifhe waits until after eating to do somephysical activity such as walking or run-ning. Scientists have long known thatphysical activities like sports or walkinghelp persons to lose weight They makethe body burn up food and body fat forenergy. But a recent study from Cor-nell University in New York shows that  相似文献   
Heart disease kills more people inindustrial countries than any other disease.In the United States,the government istrying to save lives with a new programthat teaches people how they can helpprevent heart attacks and Strokes. Doctors already know that smokingand eating foods high in fat and saltgreatly increase the chance of developingheart disease.Lack of any exercise suchas running or walking also helps causeheart attacks and strokes.  相似文献   
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