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Objective To investigate the best way to control the blood sugar level during the perioperation of bone fracture patients with type 2 diabetes(T2DM).Methods Bone fracture patients with T2DM were randomly divided into three groups:continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion group(insulin aspart,group CSII,n=20),glargine treatment group(insulin aspart+insulin glargine,group GA,n=20),and NPH treatment(insulin aspart+rh-insulin,group NA,n=20).The levels of fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and the 2 hours postprandial glucose(2h PG),blood glucose fluctuation(BGF),insulin dosage(ID),good effective time(GET),incidence of hypoglycemia,dawn phenomenon and infection,average time of stitches removal(ATSR),average hospitalized length(AHL)of three groups were compared.Results FPG and 2hPG,ID in group CSII[(6.32±1.18)mmol/L,(7.72±1.53)mmol/L,(35.40±1.60)IU]and group GA [(6.25±0.88)mmol/L,(7.32±1.17)mmol/L,(36.20±0.80)IU]were significantly lower than those of group NA [(7.44±1.36)mmol/L,(8.52±0.76)mmol/L,(40.50±2.40)IU,all P<0.05],simulaneously,BGF,GET incidence of complications,ATSR,AHL of group CSII and GA were significantly lower than those of group NA(all P<0.05).There were not significant difference between group CSII and group GA.Compared with group CSII,group GA had less costs in-hospital and better practicability.Conclusion Both CSII and insulin glargine combined with insulin aspart can effectively,safely,rapidly and stablely control hyperglycemia.and might be the first choice to control blood sugar for bone fracture patients with T2DM in perioperation.  相似文献   
高尿酸血症致急性梗阻性肾病二例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1病例简介患者1,女,28岁,主诉:咳嗽、咳痰、气急、发热3d,加重伴无尿1d。3d前受凉后咳嗽、咳痰、气急,体温37.5~38.0℃。按肺部感染治疗3d,病情加重,继而无尿入院。查体:Bp120/80mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa),T38.0℃,R28次/min,P106次/min。神清,急性病容,口唇发绀,双肺呼吸音粗糙  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the best way to control the blood sugar level during the perioperation of bone fracture patients with type 2 diabetes(T2DM).Methods Bone fracture patients with T2DM were randomly divided into three groups:continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion group(insulin aspart,group CSII,n=20),glargine treatment group(insulin aspart+insulin glargine,group GA,n=20),and NPH treatment(insulin aspart+rh-insulin,group NA,n=20).The levels of fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and the 2 hours postprandial glucose(2h PG),blood glucose fluctuation(BGF),insulin dosage(ID),good effective time(GET),incidence of hypoglycemia,dawn phenomenon and infection,average time of stitches removal(ATSR),average hospitalized length(AHL)of three groups were compared.Results FPG and 2hPG,ID in group CSII[(6.32±1.18)mmol/L,(7.72±1.53)mmol/L,(35.40±1.60)IU]and group GA [(6.25±0.88)mmol/L,(7.32±1.17)mmol/L,(36.20±0.80)IU]were significantly lower than those of group NA [(7.44±1.36)mmol/L,(8.52±0.76)mmol/L,(40.50±2.40)IU,all P<0.05],simulaneously,BGF,GET incidence of complications,ATSR,AHL of group CSII and GA were significantly lower than those of group NA(all P<0.05).There were not significant difference between group CSII and group GA.Compared with group CSII,group GA had less costs in-hospital and better practicability.Conclusion Both CSII and insulin glargine combined with insulin aspart can effectively,safely,rapidly and stablely control hyperglycemia.and might be the first choice to control blood sugar for bone fracture patients with T2DM in perioperation.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the best way to control the blood sugar level during the perioperation of bone fracture patients with type 2 diabetes(T2DM).Methods Bone fracture patients with T2DM were randomly divided into three groups:continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion group(insulin aspart,group CSII,n=20),glargine treatment group(insulin aspart+insulin glargine,group GA,n=20),and NPH treatment(insulin aspart+rh-insulin,group NA,n=20).The levels of fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and the 2 hours postprandial glucose(2h PG),blood glucose fluctuation(BGF),insulin dosage(ID),good effective time(GET),incidence of hypoglycemia,dawn phenomenon and infection,average time of stitches removal(ATSR),average hospitalized length(AHL)of three groups were compared.Results FPG and 2hPG,ID in group CSII[(6.32±1.18)mmol/L,(7.72±1.53)mmol/L,(35.40±1.60)IU]and group GA [(6.25±0.88)mmol/L,(7.32±1.17)mmol/L,(36.20±0.80)IU]were significantly lower than those of group NA [(7.44±1.36)mmol/L,(8.52±0.76)mmol/L,(40.50±2.40)IU,all P<0.05],simulaneously,BGF,GET incidence of complications,ATSR,AHL of group CSII and GA were significantly lower than those of group NA(all P<0.05).There were not significant difference between group CSII and group GA.Compared with group CSII,group GA had less costs in-hospital and better practicability.Conclusion Both CSII and insulin glargine combined with insulin aspart can effectively,safely,rapidly and stablely control hyperglycemia.and might be the first choice to control blood sugar for bone fracture patients with T2DM in perioperation.  相似文献   
<正> 病历摘要患者男,29岁,住院号922877。因突然胸疼、气急2天,于1992年7月20日入院。患者于2天前提重物时突感后背及前胸疼痛,随即气急。胸疼呈刀割样剧痛,随呼吸加重,且逐渐向中上腹放射。在附近医院曾口服中药、针刺中脘等穴位。2天来气急、出汗、烦躁、发热等症状逐渐加剧转来诊治。即往无高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、肺结核、慢性支气管炎及慢性阻塞性肺气肿病史,也无胸部外伤和针刺胸部  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the best way to control the blood sugar level during the perioperation of bone fracture patients with type 2 diabetes(T2DM).Methods Bone fracture patients with T2DM were randomly divided into three groups:continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion group(insulin aspart,group CSII,n=20),glargine treatment group(insulin aspart+insulin glargine,group GA,n=20),and NPH treatment(insulin aspart+rh-insulin,group NA,n=20).The levels of fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and the 2 hours postprandial glucose(2h PG),blood glucose fluctuation(BGF),insulin dosage(ID),good effective time(GET),incidence of hypoglycemia,dawn phenomenon and infection,average time of stitches removal(ATSR),average hospitalized length(AHL)of three groups were compared.Results FPG and 2hPG,ID in group CSII[(6.32±1.18)mmol/L,(7.72±1.53)mmol/L,(35.40±1.60)IU]and group GA [(6.25±0.88)mmol/L,(7.32±1.17)mmol/L,(36.20±0.80)IU]were significantly lower than those of group NA [(7.44±1.36)mmol/L,(8.52±0.76)mmol/L,(40.50±2.40)IU,all P<0.05],simulaneously,BGF,GET incidence of complications,ATSR,AHL of group CSII and GA were significantly lower than those of group NA(all P<0.05).There were not significant difference between group CSII and group GA.Compared with group CSII,group GA had less costs in-hospital and better practicability.Conclusion Both CSII and insulin glargine combined with insulin aspart can effectively,safely,rapidly and stablely control hyperglycemia.and might be the first choice to control blood sugar for bone fracture patients with T2DM in perioperation.  相似文献   
瑞格列奈治疗胰岛素抗药性1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖尿病人在无酮症酸中毒及胰岛素拮抗因素存在的情况下。每日胰岛素需要量超过200U,称胰岛素抗药性”。  相似文献   
男,75岁。因受凉后全身乏力10天,四肢活动不灵20小时入院。受凉后全身乏力,懒以活动已10天。入院前20小时以“上感”在当地医院静点5%葡萄糖250ml、青霉素800万单位之中全身乏力加重。  相似文献   
目的 探讨骨折合并2型糖尿病患者围手术期控制血糖的最佳方法.方法 2型糖尿病骨折患者随机分为胰岛素泵治疗组(CSII组,n=10,门冬胰岛素)、甘精胰岛素治疗组(GA组,n=20,门冬胰岛素+甘精胰岛素)与重组人胰岛素N治疗组(NA组,n=20,门冬胰岛素+重组人胰岛素N),比较3组患者空腹和餐后2 h血糖、血糖波动、所需胰岛素剂量、血糖达标时间、低血糖和黎明现象及感染发生例数、平均拆线时间、平均住院天数.结果 治疗后CSII组、GA组和NA组空腹血糖[(6.32±1.18)、(6.25±0.88)、(7.44±1.36)mmol/L]和餐后2 h血糖[(7.72±1.53)、(7.32±1.17)、(8.52±0.76)mmol/L]、所需胰岛素剂量[(35.40±1.60)、(36.20±0.80)、(40.50±2.40)IU]、血糖波动状况、血糖达标时间、低血糖和黎明现象及感染发生率、平均拆线时间、平均住院时间各项指标相比较,CSII、GA组明显低于NA组(P<0.05),而CSII组与GA组间无显著差异,但GA组更经济、实用.结论 胰岛素泵持续皮下注射和甘精胰岛素联合门冬胰岛素方案能迅速、有效、安全、平稳地控制全天血糖,是2型糖尿病骨折患者围手术期控制血糖强化治疗的首选方案.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the best way to control the blood sugar level during the perioperation of bone fracture patients with type 2 diabetes(T2DM).Methods Bone fracture patients with T2DM were randomly divided into three groups:continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion group(insulin aspart,group CSII,n=20),glargine treatment group(insulin aspart+insulin glargine,group GA,n=20),and NPH treatment(insulin aspart+rh-insulin,group NA,n=20).The levels of fasting plasma glucose(FPG)and the 2 hours postprandial glucose(2h PG),blood glucose fluctuation(BGF),insulin dosage(ID),good effective time(GET),incidence of hypoglycemia,dawn phenomenon and infection,average time of stitches removal(ATSR),average hospitalized length(AHL)of three groups were compared.Results FPG and 2hPG,ID in group CSII[(6.32±1.18)mmol/L,(7.72±1.53)mmol/L,(35.40±1.60)IU]and group GA [(6.25±0.88)mmol/L,(7.32±1.17)mmol/L,(36.20±0.80)IU]were significantly lower than those of group NA [(7.44±1.36)mmol/L,(8.52±0.76)mmol/L,(40.50±2.40)IU,all P<0.05],simulaneously,BGF,GET incidence of complications,ATSR,AHL of group CSII and GA were significantly lower than those of group NA(all P<0.05).There were not significant difference between group CSII and group GA.Compared with group CSII,group GA had less costs in-hospital and better practicability.Conclusion Both CSII and insulin glargine combined with insulin aspart can effectively,safely,rapidly and stablely control hyperglycemia.and might be the first choice to control blood sugar for bone fracture patients with T2DM in perioperation.  相似文献   
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