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目的了解三门峡市小学生基础碘营养水平状况,为如期实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标工作提供科学依据。方法按不同方位在三门峡市6个县(区)中随机抽取3个县(区),抽取11所小学,随机抽取8~10岁学生617例进行尿碘检测,用砷铈催化分光光度法测定尿碘。结果2008年共检测尿样617份,尿碘中位数为251.94μg/L,未检出尿碘<20μg/L的样本,尿碘<50μg/L的样本占2.11%,尿碘≥100μg/L的标本分别占各县区检测数的92.40%,87.70%和80.87%。结论三门峡市学龄儿童碘营养水平处于基本适宜状态,仍需继续做好合格碘盐的供应和监测,强化盐政管理和开展健康教育。  相似文献   
目的建立食用植物油中酸价测定不确定度评定的方法。方法根据食用植物油中酸价测定的实验原理和测量程序建立数学模型,对《GB/T5009-2003食品卫生检验方法理化部分》食用植物油中酸价测定的不确定度进行分析评定。结果滴定时消耗氢氧化钾标准溶液体积产生的不确定度最大,测量重复性分量不确定度次之。酸价的相对合成标准不确定度评定结果为2.2%。结论此方法对滴定法产生的不确定度评定具有指导意义。  相似文献   
目的了解三门峡市农村饮用水安全工程水质状况和存在的问题。方法对三门峡市6个县(市、区)共235个监测点的水质进行监测和评价。结果2008年农村饮用水枯水期水样合格率为59.65%,丰水期水样合格率为22.98%,枯水期的合格率明显高于丰水期(x2=112.2,P<0.01);出厂水的合格率(67.99%)高于末梢水的合格率(64.94%),无明显升高和下降趋势(x2=0.764,P=0.382);细菌学指标在枯水期和丰水期的超标率有显著差别。结论加强农村饮用水安全工程水质的卫生监督和监测是提高农村饮用水水质的关键。  相似文献   
[目的]了解三门峡市医疗机构消毒质量状况,探索预防院内感染和医源性感染的措施和方法。[方法]对2003~2008年各医疗机构消毒检测结果相关指标进行回顾性分析。[结果]共统计样品6763份,合格5611份,样品总合格率83.0%。各类样品中空气合格率最低(66.0%),压力蒸汽灭菌效果合格率最高(100.0%)。[结论]必须加强医疗机构消毒质量管理,有效控制院内感染事件发生。  相似文献   
目的 了解河南省三门峡市碘缺乏病发展动态及防治效果,制订有针对性的碘缺乏病防治对策.方法 2008年,在三门峡市所属的灵宝市、陕县、湖滨区、义马市、渑池县、卢氏县6个县(市、区),每个县(市、区)按东、西、南、北、中5个方位抽取5个乡(镇、办事处),每个乡(镇、办事处)抽取1所小学,每所小学抽取8~10岁学生50名检查甲状腺,并采集其尿样和家庭食用盐样测定尿碘及盐碘.每所小学抽取30名5年级学生进行碘缺乏病知识健康教育问卷调查,在小学所在村按东、西、南、北、中不同方位采集饮用水5份进行水碘检测,并对10名家庭主妇进行碘缺乏病知识健康教育问卷调查.甲状腺检查采用触诊法;尿碘测定采用过硫酸铵消化-砷铈催化分光光度法(WS/T 107-2006);盐碘测定采用直接滴定法(GB/T 13025-1999);水碘测定采用砷铈催化分光光度法(GB/T 5750.5-2006).结果 6个县(市、区)共检查8~10岁儿童1500名,甲状腺肿大率为3.30%(50/1500),尿碘中位数为273.15μg/L;共检测盐样1500份,碘盐覆盖率为99.93%(1499/1500),碘盐合格率为98.00%(1469/1499),合格碘盐食用率为97.93%(1469/1500),非碘盐率为0.07%(1/1500),盐碘中位数为28.9 mg/kg;共采集水样150份,水碘中位数为2.76μg/L;学生碘缺乏病知识健康教育问卷及格率为97.11%(874/900),家庭主妇碘缺乏病知识健康教育问卷及格率为98.67%(296/300).结论 三门峡市碘缺乏病防治工作取得了明显的效果,各项监测指标均达到了国家消除碘缺乏病标准.
Objective To investigate the current situation of iodine deficiency disorders and the effect of control measures in Sanmenxia city of Henan province, and to formulate targeted control measures for iodine deficiency disorders. Methods In 2008, five villages(offices) were selected according to the east, west, south,north and center position in each county in 6 counties(cities, districts) of Lingbao, Shan, Hubin, Yima, Mianchi,and Lushi in Sanmenxia city. One primary school was selected in each village(office), fifty students aged 8 - 10 in each primary school were randomly selected to check thyroid and their urine and edible salt were collected to detect iodine. Thirty 5th-grade students in each school were selected to carry out the questionnaire survey of health education about iodine deficiency disorders. According to the east, west, south, north and center position, five potable water samples were selected to detect iodine in the village where the primary school was in. Questionnaire survey was also carried out among ten housewives in the village. Thyroid was examined by palpation;ammonium persulfate digestion-arsenic cerium catalytic spectrophotometry(WS/T 107-2006) was used to detect urinary iodine;direct titration(GB/T 13025-1999 ) was used to detect salt iodine;arsenic cerium catalytic spectrophotometry (GB/T 5750.5-2006) was used to detect water iodine. Results One thousand and five hundreds children aged 8 - 10 were analyzed in 6 counties(cities, districts), the rate of goiter was 3.30%(50/1500), the median of urinary iodine was 273.15 μg/L. One thousand and five hundreds salt samples were detected, the coverage rate of iodized salt was 99.93% (1499/1500), the qualified rate of iodized salt was 98.00% (1469/1499), the edible rate of qualified iodized salt was 97.93% (1469/1500), the coverage rate of non-iodized salt was 0.07% (1/1500), the median of salt iodine was 28.9 mg/kg. One hundred and fifty water samples were collected, the median of water iodine was 2.76 μg/L. The pass rate of the questionnaire survey of health education about iodine deficiency disorders was 97.11% (874/900) in students and 98.67% (296/300) in housewives, respectively. Conclusions The prevention and control of iodine deficiency disorders has achieved significant results and the monitoring indicators have reached the national standard for eliminating iodine deficiency disorders in Sanmenxia city.  相似文献   
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