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隐孢子虫病研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
隐孢子虫是一类寄生于人和动物体内的肠道原虫,从粪便以卵囊形式排出体外。隐孢子虫存在于各种水体中,如地表水、地下水、过滤水、污染湖水、游泳池水等。隐孢子虫有多种,引起人类感染的主要是伯温隐孢子虫。介水性隐孢子虫病是由饮用含隐孢子虫卵囊的水所引起的以腹泻为主要症状的消化道传染病。目前,隐孢子虫病已被视为全球腹泻病中最常见的病因之一,且因其为艾滋病的常见并发症而引起重视。世界卫生组织和美国疾病预防控制中心均将该病列为新发传染病。现对其研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   
<正>2012年9月9日上午,天津市某区疾控中心接到区人民医院报告,8日22:00至9日晨陆续接诊40余名腹泻患者,均为辖区某军训基地参加军训的大学新生。调查显示,某高校1 893名军训学员9月5日入住军训基地,6日开始军训,病例定义为9月6日以来在基地参加军训并出现腹泻(≥3次/d)的学员。共计397例腹泻患者,罹患率为21.0%(397/1 893),男女比例为1.19:1(216/181),无重症和死亡病例。首例患者发病时间为9  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
中国空气颗粒物污染改善背景下的人群健康收益研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济快速发展,中国已成为空气颗粒物污染最严重的国家之一,全球疾病负担报告显示空气颗粒物对我国人民健康危害巨大。我国政府曾在若干次重大活动期间,实施了严格的环境保护措施,获得了短期的空气颗粒物污染改善状况,并在2013和2018年分别发布了《大气污染防治行动计划》和《打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划》,以期明显改善我国空气质量。2017年在《大气污染防治行动计划》的收尾阶段,全国74个主要城市及京津冀、长三角、珠三角等主要地区空气颗粒物浓度显著下降,但相关健康影响研究正在起步阶段。基于上述背景此文汇总了近期国内有关研究,就我国空气颗粒物污染短期和长期的改善背景下人群健康收益研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
目的分析比较天津市五个社区PM_(2.5)中多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染水平和特征,并进行室外呼吸暴露的健康风险评估。方法对天津市A、B、C、D、E区5个监测点2017年3月到2018年2月PM_(2.5)中16种PAHs进行分析,并在监测点周围选择4 632名成人居民开展室外暴露时间调查,用苯并[a]芘致癌当量浓度和美国国家环保局(US EPA)推荐的模型评价大气PAHs室外呼吸暴露途径的人群健康风险。结果 PAHs年平均浓度由高到底分别为E区[(95.72±121.73)ng/m~3]、D区[(46.66±60.21)ng/m~3]、B区[(41.56±81.57)ng/m~3]、A区[(24.43±25.97)ng/m~3]、C区[(22.28±24.27)ng/m~3]。16种PAHs总浓度呈明显的季节变化规律,冬季秋季春季夏季。PAHs构成以4环和5环为主。PAHs的室外呼吸途径暴露所致成人终身致癌超额危险度从高到低依次为E区(7.04×10~(-6))、D区(3.97×10~(-6))、B区(3.78×10~(-6))、C区(2.68×10~(-6))、A区(2.60×10~(-6))。结论天津市5个社区大气PM_(2.5)中PAHs污染室外呼吸暴露途径所致成人的终身致癌超额危险度略高于可接受水平。  相似文献   
1933名中学生近视发生率及影响因素现况调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
[目的]了解天津市初中学生近视发病及影响因素。[方法]采取分层整群抽样方法对市区、新四区、滨海三区和郊县8所中学共1 933名初中学生进行无记名自我填写问卷调查。[结果]1 933名初中学生总近视发生率为41.6%,其中男生近视发生率为35.2%,女生近视发生率为48.0%,不同年级近视发生率差异有统计学意义,随年级升高近视发生率升高。七、八、九年级近视发生率分别为34.5%、41.8%、49.0%。各年级女生近视发生率均高于男生。[结论]长时间上网、不能保持正确坐姿、缺乏体育锻炼、不注意用眼卫生等健康危险行为是使青少年视力下降主要原因。  相似文献   
目的 了解天津市农村地区厕所现状,为农村改厕提供科学依据.方法 采用全国统一调查表,对天津市农村地区厕所现状及资金投入状况进行调查.结果 天津市农村地区厕所中卫生厕所占农业总户数的71%;卫生厕所中三格化粪池占农业总户数的47.75%.农村地区厕所资金投入中,国家和集体投入各占10%利17%.结论 天津市农村地区卫生厕所所占比例较大,卫生厕所中以三格化粪池为主.国家和集体资金己投入一定比例,应巩固成果,加强日常监督和管理.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
引滦水源隐孢子虫和f2噬菌体消长规律研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨天津引滦水源原虫与病毒污染现状和消长规律。方法 根据引滦河道的排污、与其他水体交叉及其倒虹闸的分布情况确定采样监测点。分别用隐孢子虫和f2噬菌体表示水体受原虫和病毒污染的情况,水样通过浓集分离装置使隐孢子虫和f2噬菌体得到浓集,隐孢子虫经过固定、洗脱、悬浮和洗涤、染色,镜检计数;f2噬菌体滤液中加入Ecoli 285寄主菌液,恒温培养,观察计数。结果 各采样点隐孢子虫和f2噬菌体点次检出率分别为57.7%和63,9%,分别集中在春夏季和秋季。f2噬菌体在中上游较高,于桥水库和下游较低。结论 引滦水源已受原虫和病毒的污染。建议将引滦河道中极易受到污染的自然河道和明渠段改为暗渠输水方式,并加强引滦河道沿岸工农业和生活污染来源的监控。  相似文献   
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