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儿童急性嗜碱粒细胞性白血病1例连学顺,冉崇蓉患者赵某,男性,8岁,主因发热7天,四肢疼痛5天于1994年1月19日入院。患儿于入院前一周无明显诱因开始发热,体温高达39℃,无抽搐、头痛、呕吐,无咳嗽、喘息,在当地卫生院按感冒治疗无效并出现四肢关节疼痛...  相似文献   
1 病例报告患儿男,6岁,因发现左前臂肿物1个月入院。1个月前发现左前臂肿物,表面隆起,无红肿、疼痛及发热等,肿物渐增大。入院时查体:精神好,无皮疹,浅表淋巴结不大,心肺无异常,腹平软,肝脾不大,左前臂肿物约5cm×3cm,轻度压疼,表面无红肿,质韧,边界不清,基底深,上肢活动无异常。CT示:肿物与尺、挠骨无联系。血管造影:距桡骨上端约1cm下外侧见一类椭圆形肿物。约4cm×2.8cm,边界欠清楚。周围血管纡曲增多。入院后手术切除,术中见肿物位于肌肉间,无包膜,约4cm×3cm×3cm,与周围组织粘连,尤以深层桡骨膜粘连明显,骨皮质增厚。病理检查:原始…  相似文献   
近十年我们联合应用大/中剂量氨甲喋吟(H/ID—MTX)治疗小儿急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)取得较好的疗效。10例初治 ALL 用 H/ID—MTX 治疗与15例未用 H/ID—MTX 对照,Kaplan~Meier 分析显示前者无病生存期较后者为长(P<0.05)。12例复发 ALL 用 H/ID—MTX 治疗(16例次)有效率为93.75%(15/16)。H/ID—MTX 近期副作用是可逆的。本文118例次 H/ID—MTX 治疗中无一例发生药物性死亡。  相似文献   
我们于1999年10月至2000年1月对双苓止泻口服液(太极集团涪陵制药厂生产,批号:990715)治疗小儿肠炎的疗效进行了临床观察,现将观察结果总结如下:  相似文献   
近年来,国外采用分子生物学和细胞遗传学相结合的方法,建立了 BrdU(5溴脱氧尿嘧啶核苷)标记染色体测定细胞增殖周期技术。根据 DNA 半保留复制的特性和碱基类似物 BrdU 能替代胸腺嘧啶核苷掺入 DNA的原理,可以通过染色单体分化染色的受色类型判断细胞群体的增殖速率。这一技术已用于观察白血病人细胞增殖动力学变化,对  相似文献   
随着对脐血研究的日益深入,人们对其细胞成分及血清造血活性的认识有了进一步提高,但至今未见报道脐血清对骨髓CFU-F的影响。本实验采用液体培养法和MTT比色法观察了脐血清及成人血清对小鼠骨髓CFU-F产率影响和上清中CSA的变化。脐血清取自正常分娩的脐...  相似文献   
报告小儿自体外周血干细胞移植及化疗中粒。单细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)的临床应用研究,共20例(24次),并设对照组比较。结果:移植前用作动员剂9例。粒、单系祖细胞(CFU-GM)产率提高平均29倍,自体外周血每次采集的CFU-GM数较对照组有显著提高(P<0.05);用于移植后早期4例(6次),白细胞恢复天数较对照组明显缩短(P<0.05);用于移植后中期及恢复期3例(4次),2例造血恢复,1例(2次)有短期疗效。用于化疗后白细胞减低者效果显著,副反应轻。认为GM-CSF有明显动员外周血干细胞作用,用于移植后可促进造血功能恢复,提高移植的安全性。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate if low dose total body irradiation (TBI, 6.0-9.0 Gy) combined with intensified chemotherapy followed by autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation results in better survival in children with refractory leukemia or solid tumors. Methods Twenty-one children with malignant tumors were included in this study.There w ere 14 males and 7 females aged 3.5-12 years.Underlying disease included high -risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL, CR(1) in 3 children and CR(2) in 5 ch ildren), acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML, 9 children), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma stage Ⅳ ( 2 children), and neuroblastoma stage Ⅳ (2 children).The peripheral hematopoi etic stem cells were collected six to eleven months after complete response, mob ilized with high dose chemotherapy alone or combined with GM-CSF or G-CSF.Th e conditioning regimen consisted of chemotherapy with two to three combinations of the following drugs: cyclophosphamide, arabinosylcytosine, McNU, etopside, an d Idarubicin on the basis ofTBI (6.0-9.0 Gy).A mean of (1.8±0.5) ×10(8)/kg autologous mononuclear cells were transplanted.The patients were followed up after transplantation. Results Severe bone marrow suppression occurred in all patients around day +7.Peripher al white blood cell count decreased to 0 in all patients at day +4.8±2.9, and platelet count decreased to less than 20×10(9)/L at day +9.0±2.6.Succ essful engraftment was achieved in 21 patients, but four died of infection at da y +17, +20, +31 and +67, respectively.Recovery of white blood cell (WBC) to 10×10(9)/L, absolute neutrophil count to 0.5×10(9)/L, platelet count to 20 ×10(9)/L occurred on 21±12, 26±13, and 27±10 days, respectively.During the follow up period, three patients relapsed at +5 months, +1.5 years, and +2 yea rs 10 months, respectively.One patient died of intracranial hemorrhage at +8 m onths.Thirteen patients had event-free survival for 2-12 years, with a mean o f 6.7±3.4 years.Conclusion Our preliminary data suggest that myeloablative therapy with low dose TBI (6.0 -9.0 Gy) combined with intensified chemotherapy followed by autologous periphe ral blood stem cell transplantation might be associated with favorable results i n children with refractory leukemia or solid tumors.  相似文献   
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