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目的:研究胃肠道恶性肿瘤的4种主要Cyclins的表达规律,以此为依据对恶性肿瘤进行分型,并结合肿瘤标本中MDR1(多药耐药基因)的表达情况,与肿瘤TNM分期进行相关性研究。方法:使用流式细胞术分析新鲜手术获取的肿瘤标本的CyclinD1,E,A,B1及与MDR1表达情况,再记录术后病理报告进行TNM分期。结果:根据4种主要Cyclins的表达情况对恶性消化道肿瘤分为Ⅰ~Ⅳ型cyclin非时相性表达类型,此Ⅰ~Ⅳ型细胞周期类型与TNM分期有一致性(Kappa值为0.599,P〈0.01),Ⅰ~Ⅳ型细胞周期类型中MDR1的表达水平逐渐增高(Spearman相关系数0.495,P〈0.01)。结论:根据4种主要Cyclins(Cyclin D1,E,A,B1)的表达情况对胃肠肿瘤进行的分型具有与TNM分期相同的意义,可以说是对“分子分期”的一种探索。在消化道肿瘤中,MDR1与肿瘤细胞周期破坏类型有关,对治疗具有指导意义。  相似文献   
目的探讨开腹胆囊切除术的手术治疗方法及其并发症的防范措施。方法对本院1995年1月-2007年1月行开腹胆囊切除术372例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果本组病例均痊愈出院。无医源性胆道损伤、出血及胆漏等并发症发生。结论若能准确把握开腹胆囊切除术的适应证及手术时机,规范手术操作,医源性胆道损伤是可以避免的。  相似文献   
患者女,23岁。闲“血便3h”于2013年8月13日入院。患者诉无明显诱因下出现3次排血便,不成形,呈暗红色,量1500—2000ml,一过性晕厥3次,每次持续约3~5s,伴头晕,无明显腹痛,无恶心呕吐和呕血。既往有阑尾切除史。入院查体:体温36.5℃,心率78次/min,血压99/65mmHg,  相似文献   
正肺癌及慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)是呼吸系统多发的疾病,大约45%~80%的肺癌患者合并患有COPD。近年来研究发现,这两种疾病的发生和发展具有一些相同的致病因素,且医学界认为COPD是导致肺癌发病的主要因素之一~([1-2])。目前,化学治疗是临床治疗晚期肺癌的主要手段,而肺部感染是其中常见的一种并发症,严重影响患者生活质量及预后~([3])。当患者同时存在COPD和肺癌时,化学治疗之后并发肺部感染的概率明显增加,因此,了解晚期肺癌合并COPD患者化学治疗后肺部感染的状况及其病原菌分布特  相似文献   
目的探讨经脐单切口腹腔镜胆囊切除术的安全性及可行性。方法 2010年3月~12月行经脐单切口腹腔镜胆囊切除术31例。围手术期处理及手术原则同传统腹腔镜胆囊切除。经脐旁切口探查腹腔后,置入单孔器械或3个不同长度的trocar,分别置入操作器械。左右手器械在腹腔内交叉操作,顺行切除胆囊。结果 2例中转为传统腹腔镜胆囊切除术:1例为胆囊颈部结石嵌顿、胆囊三角处粘连致解剖困难;另1例为胆囊与十二指肠、大网膜粘连严重,探查后即中转。手术时间平均50.7 min(30~100 min),术中出血量平均27.1 ml(5~100 ml),肠功能恢复时间平均1.3 d(1~2 d),术后住院时间平均2.5 d(1~4 d)。至2011年4月,29例随访1~13个月,平均6.3月,随访率93.5%(29/31),均无腹痛、黄疸等术后胆道相关疾病症状,患者对脐部切口的美容效果均满意。结论经脐单切口腹腔镜胆囊切除术在技术操作上是安全、可行的,但需要掌握相应的手术指征和操作要点。  相似文献   
许多女性都想让自己有一双修长而有弹性的腿。其实要做到这一点并不难,坚持跳绳就是一个不错的方法。跳绳花样繁多,可简可繁,随时可做,一学就会。从运动量来说,持续跳绳10分钟,与慢跑30分钟或跳健身舞20分钟相差无几。可谓耗时少、耗能大的有氧运动。初学跳绳者可以分四个步骤进行。  相似文献   
Objective: To establish a system in detecting the cell cycle specificity induced by recombinant human Fas ligand in vitro, so as to provide a reliable platform for further exploring the mechanism of cell cycle control and regulation in Fas-mediated apoptosis. Methods: The target cells-leukaemia cell lines and activated peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by phytohemagglutinin were incubated with recombinant human Fas ligand for 6 to 36 h, apoptosis was detected by sub-G1, common annexin-Ⅴ/PI and modified annexin Ⅴ and propidium iodide (API) methods and analysed by flow cytometry. Results: The modified API method demonstrated that Fas-mediated apoptosis was cell cycle specific and initiated at G1 phase. The common annexinⅤ/PI method showed the most appropriate condition for the detection of typical cell cycle-specific apoptosis. The sub-G1 method could only illuminate late apoptosis and DNA histogram. Conclusion: Fas-mediated apoptosis was cell cycle-specific and initiated at G 1 phase. Based on the modified API and common AnnexinⅤ/PI methods, the establishment of stable and typical cell cycle-specific model in Fas-mediated apoptosis in vitro was feasible.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the effect of mitofusin-2 gene (mfn2) on proliferation and chemotherapy sensitivity of human breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7 in vitro, pEGFPmfn2 plasmid carrying full length of mitofusin-2 gene was transfected, by using sofast, into MCF-7 cells. Mitofusin-2 gene expression in MCF-7 cells transfected by sofast after 48 h was detected by PCR and Western blotting, and the stable expression of GFP protein in MCF-7 cells by Western blot analysis. The proliferation of MCF-7 cells was assayed by MTT and cell counting. By using PI method, the effects of mfn2 on the cell cycle distribution of MCF-7 were measured. Annexin-Ⅴ/PI double labeling method was employed to detect the changes in apoptosis induced by chemotherapeutics before and after transfection. The results showed that the MCF-7 cells transfected with mfn2 gene could stably and highly express GFP protein. MTT assay revealed that after transfection of mfn2 cDNA, the proliferation of MCF-7 cells was significantly inhibited. DNA histogram showed that cells arrested in S phase, and the percentage of S phase cells was 42.7, 17.2 and 19.6 in mfn2 cDNA transfection group, blank plasmid transfection group and blank control group, respectively (P〈0.05). The apoptosis ratio of the cells transfected with mfn2 gene was increased from 3.56% to 15.95%, that of the cells treated with camptothecin (CAMP) followed by mfn2 gene transfection was 69.6%, and that in blank plasmid transfection group and blank control group was 31.0% and 23.4% respectively (P〈0.05). It was suggested that transfection of mfn2 gene could significantly inhibit the proliferation of MCF-7 cells and promote their sensitivity to CAMP with a synergic effect.  相似文献   
小儿先天性心脏病术后并发乳糜胸的处理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乳糜胸是胸内心血管手术后一种少见而较难处理的并发症 ,其发生率为 0 2 5 %~ 0 5 % [1] 。本院自 1990年至2 0 0 0年间小儿先天性心脏病 (以下简称先心病 )术后并发乳糜胸共 13例 ,占同期先心病手术病例数的 0 35 % ,现报告如下。临床资料1 一般资料 本组乳糜胸病例 13例 ,其中 5例男性 ,8例女性。年龄 5月~ 4 5岁 ,平均 1 8岁。体重 5 5Kg~16 5Kg ,平均 9Kg。室间隔缺损合并肺动脉高压 3例 ,动脉导管未闭 5例 ,室间隔缺损合并动脉导管未闭及肺动脉高压 1例 ,法洛氏四联症 1例 ,法洛氏四联症合并动脉导管未闭 1例 ,法洛氏…  相似文献   
流式细胞术检测临床实体瘤细胞周期蛋白表达的方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨cydin/DNA双参数流式细胞术及流式细胞术分选后的免疫沉淀蛋白质印迹技术和共聚焦显微镜技术检测临床实体瘤细胞周期蛋白表达的可行性、科学性和优越性,为肿瘤的细胞周期分析提供科学有效的技术支持。方法运用cydin/DNA双参数流式细胞术及流式细胞术分选后的免疫沉淀蛋白印迹技术和共聚焦显微镜技术检测临床实体瘤细胞周期蛋白的表达。并与传统的免疫组织化学切片法进行比较。结果流式细胞术可以准确地对细胞周期蛋白在临床实体瘤中的表达进行定性、定量、定位的分析,较为系统地反映了细胞周期蛋白在临床实体瘤中的表达特性和肿瘤的生物学特性。结论Cyclin/DNA双参数流式细胞术及流式细胞术分选后的免疫沉淀蛋白质分析技术和共聚焦显微镜技术是一种科学有效的检测临床实体瘤细胞周期破坏特性的技术和方法。  相似文献   
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