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针对部分生物组织电导率分布具有各向异性的特点,对磁感应磁声耦合成像的声源强度特征进行理论分析,推导不同电导率性质的声源强度公式,并运用COMSOL Multiphysics5.5建立生物组织电导率模型,进行电磁场仿真分析求解,用Matlab 2016a计算其振动声源。结果证明,在同样磁场激励条件下,电导率各向同性和各向异性的声源分布都能反映生物组织的层析结构,但其强度不同。本研究为磁感应磁声耦合成像逆问题声源的精确重建提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   
多叶准直器是医用直线加速器中遮挡射线的装置,在放射治疗中调节射野形状和剂量分布,直接影响靶区与危及器官受量。目前,多叶准直器在结构上呈现出多样化,各类多叶准直器的剂量学对比也同步推进。本文按多叶准直器的基本构成将其分类,分别介绍各主流加速器厂商产品的硬件结构与设计特点(包括瓦里安Millennium MLC、HD120MLC、Halcyon;医科达MLCi/i2、Agility;安科瑞InCise 2 MLC、TomoTherapy二元气动光栅);在临床应用评价方面,以鼻咽癌放疗计划为主,综述多叶准直器剂量学表现的对比研究,以及相关条件设置对剂量分布的影响。本文综述的多叶准直器的设计与临床应用评价,为更具创新性设计方案的提出、临床个体化治疗中加速器的选择与参数设定提供参考。  相似文献   
X射线片的影像质量评价是国内外放射界十分重视的问题,影像质量评价有主观评价法、客观评价法及主客观结合的综合评价法。而X射线片的影像质量如何,不仅取决于操作者的实际工作经验,更重要的是取决于机器成像性能参数、机器的调制传递函数(modulation transfer function,MTF)和设备系统的观察者操作特性曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)。笔者重点通过实验方法研究比较中频和工频X射线机照射剂量;并用ROC曲线评价方法,探讨中频和工频X射线机性能对X射线照片影像质量的影响,现将实验结果叙述如下。  相似文献   
目的:探讨在i_Open 0.36T医用磁共振成像(MRI)系统上开发快速获取梯度回波脉冲序列(RAGE)的可行性与实现方法。方法:pascal语言编辑源程序,可调参数控制激发层数,相位编码时序,激发脉冲相位循环,数据采集次数,各段梯度脉冲开关时序等,编排k空间数据记录方式,满足快速傅立叶变换重建需要。编译源程序,调试图像。结果:在256×256采集矩阵的情况下,单层面成像时间最小值4s,所获图像分辨率、信噪比等指标能满足临床诊断需要。结论:利用该方法设计快速获取梯度回波脉冲序列是可行的。  相似文献   
目的:为了顺利解决F52-8C程控X线机程序提示灯丝增温异常的故障。方法:通过对F52-8C程序检测灯丝增温异常的原理分析,结合长期对该故障的跟踪维修,总结设计对此故障的维修解决方案,为类似故障维修工作提供参考和依据。结果:成功设计了F52-8C程控X线机灯丝增温异常的故障解决方案。结论:该解决方案设计经过实践检验可行性较强,方案条理清晰,既有故障维修的普遍实用性,又有对该故障较强的针对性。  相似文献   
Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   
Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   
目的:为了解决故障设置法教学中因FSK302-1A型程控X线机不具备语音报警而引起的种种不便,特提出一种程控X线机语音故障采集卡的设计方案.方法:在分析程控X线机旋转阳极、灯丝预热、主可控硅损坏、手闸信号、电源波动、透视限时等检测原理的基础上,找出其在CPU板上的对应信号,通过采集卡的接口电路完成故障信号的采集.采集卡硬件系统主要包括单片机ATA89C52、语音芯片ISD4004、接口电路等部分,软件系统包括录音编址、语音故障报警等模块.结果:本采集卡简单实用,大大提高了教学质量.结论:对于其他种类的程控X线机和高频X线机,该方案具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   
Objective To study the relationship between the selection of tube tension in digitalchest radiograph and image quality.Methods When tube current was fixed at 4 mAs, the choice of X-ray tube voltage changed from 60 to 120 kV.CDRAD2.0 contrast details phantom and normal human chest were exposed by X-ray system with 7 kinds of tube voltage (the difference between tube voltage was 10 kV) ,and the X-ray incidental dose of phantom surface was measured.Five radiologists with 3 years working experience evaluated the image quality on monitor and calculated the image quality factor (IQF) and image reading score.Statistics analysis was then performed by using ANOVA test and t test.According to the results, the optimum tube voltage range was determined.Results (1) The incidental dose of phantom surface increased with the higher tube voltage.(2)When the tube voltage was changed from 60 kV to 120 kV, the IQF value observed in CDRAD2.0 phantom image on monitor was 75.0±10.4,57.1±6.4,52.7±2.5,47.9±4.5, 46.0±3.8,46.0±2.8,45.2±3.5 ,there was significant statistical differences between groups(F=19.10, P<0.01).(3)The integrated score of the chest image quality in the tube voltage 90 kV and 120 kV were 12.4±0.9 and 13.0±0.7, respectively, and there was no statistical difference between two groups(t= 1.500,P>0.05).Conclusions (1)With the increase of tube tension,the display capacity of display device gradually strengthened.When the tube tension exceeded 90 kV, the increase of image quality on monitor was not evident.(2) With proper radiation dose, the value of tube tension in digital X-ray chest photograph was about 90 kV.  相似文献   
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