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海港女职工乳腺和妇科疾病调查徐晓珍,仇永芳我院1991~1995年对445名海港女职工进行乳腺和妇科疾病普查,结果报告如下。一、对象与方法从事海港生产的在职女职工,年龄20~55岁,已婚367例,未婚78例。方法为每2年普查1次,由妇科专家检查,均进...  相似文献   
<正> 胆道蛔虫症并发肝穿孔,临床上较为少见。我院见得一例,报道如下。患者女,53岁,于1982年12月14日下午自觉上腹部隐痛急诊入院。体温39.7℃,脉搏80次/分,血压120/80mmHg,皮肤、巩膜无黄染,心肺(-)。翌日晨一时左右,突感上腹部呈持续性胀痛加剧,伴恶心呕吐,当日中午腹胀痛再次加重,不久出现全腹疼痛,压痛,右上、右下腹尤为剧烈,肠鸣音减弱。实验室检查:血色素10g,白细胞20000,中性88%,  相似文献   
Objective:To analyze the principle mechanism of the arcus plantaris and its clinical application.Methods:The states of forces sustained by the arcus plantaris were analyzed and calculated according to the mechanism of the quadratic parabolic arch.Results:The aponeurosis plantaris corresponded to the pull rod of the arcus plantaris.The medial and lateral longitudinal arches formed by the pedal bones were stable with the rod,but unstable without the rod.In the latter condition,on loading,the force sustainged by the parabolic arch became a force sustained by a simple beam,and the arcus plantaris tended to disappear5 and to be flattened.clinically,240 feet with talipes equinus were treated with triple arthrodesis.In 34 out of the reexamined 156 feet,the aponeurosis plantaris was cut in addition to the triple arthrodesis and was immobilized with cast for 3 months.One or two years later,their arcus plantaris disappeared,pain developed when walking,and some of them walked with the midtarsal joint against the ground.Then,the triple arthrodesis and shortening of the aponeurosis plantaris were applied on 18 cases,and osteotomy of the calcaneus and reconstruction of the aponeurosis plantaris were made on 10 cases and satisfactory effects were obtained.Conclusions:In order to achieve satisfactory therapeutic effects of the triple arthrodesis,we should reestablish the arcus plantaris and accurately treat the aponeurosis plantaris for the balance of the surrounding muscle force.  相似文献   
弹响髋36例临床分析仇永芳1978~1993年,我院经非手术或手术治疗弹响髋36例,并对11例进行随访观察,疗效满意,报告如下。临床资料1.一般资料:36例均为男性;年龄18~40岁。均为单侧,左侧15例。右侧21例。36例均有局部酸痛。有肢体无力感...  相似文献   
足弓的生物力学原理及其临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析足弓的生物力学原理及在临床的应用。方法采用二次抛物拱的原理来分析和计算足部纵弓的受力状态。结果 跖筋膜相当于抛物拱的拉杆,足部的诸骨组成了内、外侧纵弓,有拉杆的抛物拱稳定,无拉杆的不稳定,后者的受力由拱变成梁的受力。从240只马蹄足三关节融合术后,复查到156只足,其中34例在三关节融合时切断跖筋膜,石膏固定3个月拆除后下地步行,1~2年后出现步行疼痛,中跗关节着地行走,足弓消失。其中18例重做三关节融合,跖筋膜紧束, 10例作跟骨截骨,跖筋膜重建术,效果满意。结论 要使三关节融合术取得满意效果,必须做到重建弓,正确处理跖筋膜,达到周围肌力的平衡。  相似文献   
海上落水22例救治体会仇永芳我院于1987~1994年,对海上落水22例进行了救治,现将落水情况及救治体会报告如下。一、临床资料1.一般资料:落水22例中,男14例,女8例;年龄5~54岁,平均29岁。职业有船员7例,农民8例,儿童2例和其他人员5例...  相似文献   
中医治疗乳痈50例疗效观察仇永芳,徐晓珍1984年以来,我院收治乳痈50例,用中医综合治疗,疗效满意,无1例手术。现报告如下:临床资料1.一般资料:50例均为初产妇,年龄24~30岁;发病时间2~6天。产后1个月内发病的26例,1~4个月24例;单侧...  相似文献   
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