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Background and Aim: Duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa has been sporadically described, but so far little attention has been paid to duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa. Methods: Four cases with duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa were endoscopically and histologically examined. Results: The four cases exhibited multiple polypoid lesions along the Kerckring's folds and/or were covered by characteristically granular, non‐ulcerated mucosa upon thickening. The granularity seems to been caused by dilated lymph vessels containing the carcinoma cells. The lesions were microscopically characterized by: (i) involvement of lymph vessels located in the upper portion of the lamina propria; (ii) no inflammatory changes; and (iii) no desmoplastic changes. Primary sites were thought to be the stomach in case 1, the pancreas in cases 2 and 4, and unknown in case 3. All patients died within 6 months after admission or endoscopic examination. Conclusions: As duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosis shows characteristic endoscopic appearance, endoscopic diagnosis is not difficult. We should realize that the lesion represents extremely poor prognosis, and it should be distinguished from ordinary metastatic duodenal carcinoma.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Since the advent of cisplatin-based chemotherapy, the majority of metastatic testicular cancers can be cured by chemotherapy followed by retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND). However, postchemotherapy RPLND confers no therapeutic benefit if the residual mass contains no viable cells. Therefore, to determine which parameters predict a patient's likelihood of having only necrosis in the residual mass, we retrospectively analyzed clinical parameters of patients who underwent postchemotherapy RPLND. METHODS: Data from 27 patients with metastatic testicular cancer were analyzed. The histology of the primary tumor was seminoma in 11 cases and non-seminoma in 16 cases. All of the patients with non-seminoma showed a normalization of tumor markers after chemotherapy. Analysis of clinical parameters included data for the initial histology, pretreatment tumor marker levels, postchemotherapy retroperitoneal mass size, and the histology of the dissected RPLNs. RESULTS: Histological examination of dissected RPLNs showed residual tumor in 27% of seminoma patients and 38% of non-seminoma patients. In seminoma patients, no viable cells were found in all six patients with pretreatment lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels below 7.5 times the upper limit of normal, or in all five of the patients with postchemotherapy RPLNs less than 2.5 cm. In non-seminoma patients, no viable cells were found in nine of 10 patients with pretreatment alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels less than 2700 ng/mL, or in eight of nine patients with residual mass less than 2.5 cm. CONCLUSIONS: Both postchemotherapy RPLN mass size and pretreatment tumor marker levels are possible predictors for necrosis of the residual mass in testicular cancer patients.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of dietary fenofibrate (0.05% in the diet) on ketone body production and lipid secretion in isolated perfused rat liver. Feeding with fenofibrate for 7–9 days caused an increased liver weight. Ketone body production was significantly greater in the livers perfused with oleic acid than in those perfused without fatty acid, with the elevation of the ratio ofβ-hydroxybutyrate:acetoacetate indicating an increased redox potential in mitochondrial compartments by exogenous fatty acid. On the other hand, fenofibrate feeding caused a further stimulation of ketone body production from both endogenous and exogenous fatty acid substrates, respectively, with a decreased ratio ofβ-hydroxybutyrate:acetoacetate as compared to respective control livers, indicating a decreased redox potential. Hepatic secretion of triglyceride, but not of cholesterol, was decreased markedly in the fenofibrate-fed rats, especially when oleate was provided, suggesting an inverse relationship between rates of ketogenesis and triglyceride secretion. These results suggest that the altered hepatic metabolism of long-chain fatty acids between oxidation and esterification caused by fenofibrate may thus be a factor responsible for the decreased secretion of triglyceride, hence leading to hypotriglyceridaemiain vivo.  相似文献   
Background: Colonic pseudolipomatosis is rare and the pathogenesis is controversial. The purpose of the present paper was to clarify endoscopic and histological characteristics of colonic pseudolipomatosis and to discuss the etiology. Methods: A total of 15 lesions from 14 patients was reviewed. They were able to be histologically classified into two groups on the basis of variety in size of the vacuoles: Group A, the ratio of largest vacuole to smallest vacuole in size is less than three, Group B, the ratio is more than four. Results: Four of 15 lesions were group A, and were endoscopically polypoid or flat lesions covered with normal‐looking mucosa. They were microscopically characterized by (i) predominant location in the upper portion of the lamina propria; (ii) no submucosal involvement; (iii) less variation in vacuolar size; and (iv) no association with lymph follicles. The vacuoles of group A contained proteinaceous materials in two of four lesions. Group B (11 lesions) had small elevated mucosa with normal‐looking surface or non‐elevated reddish mucosa. Microscopically, the lesions were mainly located in the lower portion of the lamina propria, occasionally also in the submucosa, had variable‐sized vacuoles, and were related to lymph follicles. Conclusion: It is suggested that the vacuoles in group A contain fluid, and may indicate an abnormal stagnation of interstitial fluid. Microscopic appearance of group B is essentially similar to that of pneumatosis coli. It is thought that group B probably results from penetration of gas from the crypts into the mucosa during colonoscopy. It is unclear why group B had a preference for ileocecal valve and an association with lymph follicles.  相似文献   
A 38-year-old Japanese man was referred to our outpatient clinic for treatment of infertility. Semen analysis showed azoospermia. Chromosome analysis revealed a 47XXY karyotype, and non-mosaic Klinefelter's syndrome (KFS) was diagnosed. Upon physical examination, the patient's right testicular volume was 30 mL and the left testicular volume was 3 mL. Laboratory tests showed normal levels of lactate dehydrogenase, alpha-fetoprotein, and human chorionic gonadotropin beta-subunit. The plasma luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone levels were increased to 15.7 mIU/mL and 45.9 mIU/mL, respectively. The plasma testosterone was decreased to 0.25 ng/mL. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a right testicular mass of low-signal intensity on the T1-weighted image and of high-signal intensity on the T2-weighted image. Therefore, the final diagnosis was KFS with a right testicular tumor. Thus, a right high orchiectomy was performed. Histological examination revealed an epidermoid cyst of the right testis. Epidermoid cysts in cases of KFS are rare. To our knowledge, only seven cases, including ours, have been reported in the literature.  相似文献   
Differences in the Mode of Lethality Produced through Intravenousand Oral Administration of Organophosphorus Insecticides inRats. TAKAHASHI, H., KOJIMA, T., IKEDA, T., TSUDA, S. and SHIRASU,Y. (1991). Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 16, 459–468. This studywas undertaken to investigate the possibility that mechanismsother than cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition account for the acutetoxicity of organophosphorus insecticide. Both the PO type insecticide(direct ChE inhibitors: chlorfenvinphos and dichlorvos) andthe PS type insecticide (indirect ChE inhibitors: diazinon andfenthion) were employed. Rats treated with lethal doses of intravenousand oral PO type insecticides and oral PS type insecticidesexhibited typical signs of anti-ChE poisoning along with markedinhibition of brain and erythrocyte ChE activity. In contrast,rats given lethal doses of intravenous PS type insecticidesexhibited tonic convulsions and opisthotonos, with only slightinhibition of ChE activities. When PO type insecticides wereintravenously administered to anesthetized and conscious rats,animals exhibited typical anti-ChE poisoning signs in cardiorespiration:hypertension and apnea which were antagonized by atropine. Afteradministration of lethal doses of PO type insecticides, breathingdisappeared before the cessation of heart beats. Rats receivinglethal doses of intravenous PS type insecticides did not showhypertension, but exhibited transient cessation of breathingand heart beats. Breathing was observed after the disappearanceof heart beats. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was characterizedby spike and wave complexes. The EEG and cardiorespiratory changeswere not antagonized by atropine. It was concluded that lethalityfollowing intravenous PS type insecticides may be independentof ChE inhibition.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to clarify the clinical characteristics of facial nerve palsy and the frequency of varicella-zoster virus association in Japanese children, retrospectively. METHODS: The subjects were 30 facial nerve palsy patients less than 15 years old, treated in the Department of Pediatrics, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, Okayama, Japan, during the last 10 years. RESULTS: The male/female and right/left ratios were 16/14 and 16/13, respectively. The patients included 21 cases (70%) of Bell's palsy, four cases (13%) due to otitis media, three cases (10%) of Ramsay Hunt syndrome and two cases (7%) due to birth trauma. There were six cases of zoster sine herpete among the Bell's palsy cases. CONCLUSION: Varicella-zoster virus-associated facial palsy was found in nine (36%) of the 25 patients examined. Zoster sine herpete was more frequently encountered in children than adults. Ramsay Hunt syndrome was found in school-age children and zoster sine herpete was often found in preschool children. The period of recovery was fast for facial nerve palsy due to acute otitis media, which occurred within 23 months of age, after myringotomy and administration of antibiotics.  相似文献   
Leucocytes from patients with colorectal and other malignant and non-malignant gastrointestinal diseases as well as those from normal subjects were tested by the leucocyte migration inhibition test (LMIT), employing the method of Clausen, using five different allogenic 3M KCI soluble extracts of colorectal cancer tissue. The normal range of migration index (Ml) was found to be > 0.82 and > 1.20 by calculating the mean Ml ± 2SD of ten normal subjects with cancer extracts. Mis out of this range were considered to be pathological. In LMIT with a single tumour extract, a pathological Ml was found in 46% of 50 colorectal cancer patients, a significantly higher figure than found in the three other groups of patients (4% to 16%). In the panel mode of LMIT, that is, testing each blood sample with five different tumour extracts, 40/50 (80%) of patients with colorectal cancer were reactive, while 2/15 (13%) of gastric cancer patients showed a “positive” reaction; no positive reactivity was observed in the other two groups of patients. Thus “positive” reactivity was significantly commoner in patients with colorectal cancer than in patients belonging to the other groups. The frequency of “positive” reactivity was higher in patients with Dukes C carcinoma than in those with Dukes A or B carcinomas, though differences were not significant. In the follow-up study, marked depression of reactivity was seen 10 to 14 days after curative resection. In patients without recurrence, leucocyte migration was found to be in the normal range during the two to four weeks after surgery. “Positive” reactivity reappeared in patients with local recurrence. Thus the LMIT, particularly when tested by a panel mode, by demonstrating cell-mediated immunity against tumour-associated antigens of colorectal cancer, provides a method of monitoring colorectal cancer activity.  相似文献   
Eye Movements during Perception of Pictures in Chronic Schizophrenia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a device of our own built eye movements during the perception of some pictures were examined in 24 chronic schizophrenic and 20 normal subjects. While they were shown each of 4 pictures for 30 seconds, we plotted the points on which the subject's eyes fixed for a short time and observed their traces. We also recorded EOG during the eye closure for 17 cases of these schizophrenic subjects. Additional observations and comparison of eye movements during the perception with EOG findings led to the following conclusions: 1. Concerning the degree of diffusion of the eye's fixation points, the moving range of the gaze in chronic schizophrenics was much more limited than in normal subjects. 2. There was observed rather large number appearance of the small rapid eye movements with closed eyes in the schizophrenic subjects who showed limited moving range of eye's fixation points. Chronic schizophrenic patients probably look at a certain part vaguely. This may be due to their decreased motivation and lack of interest in trying to get information about the pictures and to cognize them.  相似文献   
The adequate correction of penile curvature is essential for successful hypospadias surgery. We describe a novel technique to correct severe penile curvature with a tunica vaginalis flap on the penile ventrum. We applied a tunica vaginalis flap to lengthen the ventral aspect of the tunica albuginea in two boys with significant curvature and proximal hypospadias. Tunica vaginalis flap patching to the ventral aspect of the penis is safe and technically feasible. If penile curvature is severe or the penis is small in hypospadiac patients, lengthening the ventral aspect using a tunica vaginalis flap is likely to expand instead of dorsal plication or ventral graft.  相似文献   
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