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The Older Australian Twins Study (OATS) is a major longitudinal study of twins, aged ≥ 65 years, to investigate genetic and environmental factors and their interactions in healthy brain ageing and neurocognitive disorders. The study collects psychiatric, neuropsychological, cardiovascular, metabolic, biochemical, neuroimaging, genomic and proteomic data, with two-yearly assessments, and is currently in its third wave. The initial cohort comprises 623 individuals (161 monozygotic and 124 dizygotic twin pairs; 1 MZ triplets; 27 single twins and 23 non-twin siblings), of whom 426 have had wave 2 assessment. A number of salient findings have emerged thus far which assist in the understanding of genetic contributions to cognitive functions such as processing speed, executive ability and episodic memory, and which support the brain reserve hypothesis. The heritability of brain structures, both cortical and subcortical, brain spectroscopic metabolites and markers of small vessel disease, such as lacunar infarction and white matter hyperintensities, have been examined and can inform future genetic investigations. Work on amyloid imaging and functional magnetic resonance imaging is proceeding and epigenetic studies are progressing. This internationally important study has the potential to inform research into cognitive ageing in the future, and offers an excellent resource for collaborative work.  相似文献   
Recent research has demonstrated that mutations of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha (HNF4A) gene are associated with neonatal hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia. Mutations of this gene also cause one of the subtypes of monogenic diabetes, a form of diabetes formerly known as maturity-onset diabetes of the young. This article describes a family discovered to have a novel frame-shift mutation of the HNF4A gene in the setting of early-onset maternal diabetes and severe neonatal hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia. The implications of a diagnosis of HNF4A gene mutation for obstetric and paediatric practice are discussed.  相似文献   
"Executive functions" (EF) is a multidimensional construct which encompasses many higher-order cognitive control operations, and is considered a potential mediator of age-associated changes in other cognitive domains. Here we examine the heritability of four measures of EF, and the genetic influences on their covariation with general cognitive abilities (GCA) from the Older Australian Twins Study. Participants included 117 pairs of monozygotic twins, 98 pairs of dizygotic twins, and 42 single twins, with a mean age of 71. Genetic modeling showed that additive genetic factors contributed to 59, 63,29, and 31% of the variance in the four measures: working memory, verbal fluency, response inhibition and cognitive flexibility, respectively. The phenotypic associations among the four EF measures were modest, which is in line with other evidence that EF is a multi-dimensional construct.All of the covariation between the EF measures was attributable to a common genetic factor. Similarly, all of the covariation between EF and General Cognitive Ability was explained by a common genetic factor, with no significant covariance due to environmental (E) factors. The genetic correlations between the measures were moderately high, suggesting that they may have common biological underpinnings. The genetic influence in the covariation of the EF measures and GCA also suggests that some aspects of EF and GCA share the same genes or same set of genes.  相似文献   
Intra-uterine pressure was recorded by placing a Foley catheterin the extra-amniotic space before the termination of pregnancyin 25 patients, and Caesarean section in 12 patients. The effectsof administration of i.v. ketamine 2 mg/kg body weight, sodiumthiopentone 4 mg/kg body weight and ergometrine 0.5 mg, andintra-cervical 0·5% lignocaine 20 ml were measured inthe first trimester of pregnancy, and i.v. ketamine and sodiumthiopentone in late pregnancy. Ketamine was found to cause uterinecontraction (mean increase 16.1 mm Hg) equal to ergometrine(mean increase 14.8 mm Hg) in early pregnancy, but exert noeffect (mean decrease -1.33 mm Hg) in late pregnancy. Lignocainein early pregnancy given as a paracervical block had no significanteffect on intra-uterine pressure (mean increase 0.33 mm Hg).Sodium thiopentone (mean decrease -4.28 mm Hg first trimesterand -2.22 mm Hg at term) in late pregnancy had no significanteffect on intra-uterine pressure.  相似文献   
We used a sub-sample from the Older Australian Twins Study to estimate the heritability of performance on three tests of language ability: Boston Naming Test (BNT), Letter/Phonemic Fluency (FAS) and Category/Semantic Fluency (CFT) Tests. After adjusting for age, sex, education, mood, and global cognition (GC), heritability estimates obtained for the three tests were 0.35, 0.59, and 0.20, respectively. Multivariate analyses showed that the genetic correlation were high for BNT and CFT (0.61), but low for BNT and FAS (0.17), and for FAS and CFT (0.28). Genetic modelling with Cholesky decomposition indicated that the covariation between the three measures could be explained by a common genetic factor. Environmental correlations between the language ability measures were low, and there were considerable specific environmental influences for each measure. Future longitudinal studies with language performance and neuroimaging data can further our understanding of genetic and environmental factors involved in the process of cognitive aging.  相似文献   
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