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This article assesses the effects of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), not including urinary incontinence, on the overall sexual health of women, using literature that includes peer-reviewed articles. This article analyzes a number of studies that provide data on the prevalence and the predictors of sexual function impairment in women with LUTS, such as urinary urgency and frequency, overactive bladder syndrome, and interstitial cystitis. Because case studies provide substantial heterogeneity of outcome measures, this article does not apply meta-analytic techniques to the data. Most of the studies showed that LUTS can have a negative impact on the sexual health of women, sexual pain disorder being the more frequent complaint among patients with bladder dysfunctions.  相似文献   
Eighty-six patients with locally advanced, high-grade soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities were studied prospectively in order to determine the efficacy of hyperthermic perfusion (HP) or hyperthermic antiblastic perfusion (HAP) as the first step of a combined multimodality therapy. The immediate response was evaluated in terms of tumor regression, and results confirmed the in vivo sensitivity of human sarcomas to the selective antineoplastic action of heat alone or combined with drugs (melphalan, actinomycin D, and cis-platinum). HAP has been shown to be simpler and safer than HP, and it is now currently routinely employed. As far as the long-term cure is concerned, all the patients have been evaluated for functional results, locoregional control, and survival, according to the different treatment schedules. The first clinical trials employed HP or HAP followed by delayed surgery alone. In 11 of 17 evaluable patients treated with HP, and in 17 of 29 treated with HAP, conservative surgery could be performed. A high incidence of locoregional relapse (24%) occurred, with low overall survival rates: 50.1% and 31.7% at 5 and 10 years after HP plus surgery, and 47.9% after HAP plus surgery at both 5 and 10 years. The protocol was, therefore, modified to include continuous intraarterial infusion of Adriamycin® (ADR) (17 patients) or radiotherapy (9 patients) before surgery. The results obtained thus far may be summarized as follows: (a) conservative surgery with functional limb-salvage was possible in all patients; (b) the percentage of locoregional failure decreased to approximately 12% after HAP + ADR infusion + excision, the 5- and 10-year overall survival rates both being 77.6 %, and the 5- and 10-year disease-free rates both being 57.8%; (c) no local recurrences occurred in the group treated with HAP + radiotherapy + excision with a 5-year overall survival rate of 71.5% and a 5-year disease-free rate of 50.4%. In conclusion, the combined multimodality approaches employed appear to have improved both functional results and long-term cure, even though these must be further confirmed on a larger series of patients.
Resumen Ochenta y seis pacientes con sarcomas de los tejidos blandos de las extremidades, de alto grado histológico, e invasión local avanzada fueron estudiados en forma prospectiva con el objeto de determinar la eficacia de la perfusión hipertérmica (PH) o la perfusión hipertérmica antiblástica (PHA) como primer paso dentro de una terapia combinada multimodal.La respuesta inmediata fue valorada en términos de la regresión tumoral, y los resultados confirmaron la sensibilidad in vivo de los sarcomas humanos a la acción antineoplásica selectiva del calor sólo o combinado con drogas (melfalán, actinomicina D, y cis-platino). La PHA ha demostrado ser más sencilla y más segura que la PH y actualmente es utilizada en forma rutinaria.En lo referente a curación a largo plazo, todos los pacientes han sido evaluados en cuanto a resultados funcionales, control locorregional, y supervivencia, de acuerdo a los diferentes programas terapéuticos.En los primeros ensayos clínicos se utilizó PH o PHA seguida de cirugía solamente. En 11 de 17 pacientes valorables tratados con PH y 17 con PHA, fue posible realizar cirugía conservadora. Se presentó una incidencia alta de relapso locorregional (24%), con tasas bajas de supervivencia global: 50.1% y 31.7% a 5 y 10 años con PH y cirugía, y 47.9% con PHA y cirugía tanto a 5 como a 10 años.El protocolo fue consecuentemente modificado para incluir una infusión intraarterial continua de Adriamicina® (ADR) (17 pacientes) o radioterapia (9 pacientes) antes de la cirugía.Los resultados logrados hasta el momento pueden ser resumidos así: (a) la cirugía conservadora con salvamento del miembro fue posible en la totalidad de los pacientes; (b) el porcentaje de falla locorregional disminuyó aproximadamente 12% después de PHA + infusión de ADR + resección, con supervivencias globales a 5 y 10 años de 77.6%, y tasas de estado libre de enfermedad a 5 y 10 años de 57.8%; (c) no se presentaron recurrencias locales en el grupo tratado con PHA + radioterapia + resección, con una tasa de supervivencia global a 5 años de 71.5% y una tasa de estado libre de enfermedad a 5 años de 50.4%.En conclusión, los aproches con terapia combinada multimodal empleados parecen haber mejorado tanto los resultados funcionales como las tasas de curación a largo plazo, aunque estos resultados aún deben ser reconfirmados en una serie mayor de pacientes.

Résumé Une étude prospective concernant 86 malades qui présentaient un sarcome des parties molles des membres de stade évolutif avancé a été entreprise pour déterminer l'efficacité de la perfusion hyperthermique ou de la perfusion hyperthermique antiblastique en tant que première étape d'un traitement à modalités multiples.La réponse immédiate a été appréciée en fonction de la régression tumorale. Les résultats ont confirmé la sensibilité in vivo des sarcomes humains à l'action antinéoplasique sélective de la chaleur employée isolemment ou combinée avec des drogues (melphalan, actinomycine D, et cis-platinum). La perfusion hyperthermique antiblastique s'est montrée plus simple et plus sûre que la perfusion hyperthermique, et de ce fait est devenue une méthode thérapeutique normalement employée.Pour apprécier l'action thérapeutique à long terme tous les malades ont été étudiés en tenant compte des résultats fonctionnels, du contrôle loco-régional, et de la survie obtenus selon les différentes thérapeutiques appliquées.Les premiers essais ont eu recours à l'hyperthermie thermique ou à l'hyperthermie thermique antiblastique suivie d'une intervention chirurgicale. Chez 11 des 17 malades traités par l'hyperthermie thermique, et chez 17 des 29 malades soumis à l'hyperthermie antiblastique le traitement chirurgical conservateur a pu être réalisé. Les résultats furent les suivants: fréquence importante des récidives loco-régionales (24%); taux global de survie bas: 50.1% et 31.7% à 5 ans et 10 ans après perfusion hyperthermique suivie de chirurgie, ce taux étant de 47.9% après perfusion hyperthermique antiblastique suivie de chirurgie à 5 ans et 10 ans.En fonction de ces résultats le protocole thérapeutique fut modifié en y ajoutant une transfusion intra-artérielle continue d'Adriamycine® (17 malades) ou de la radiothérapie (9 malades) avant l'intervention.Les résultats obtenus à ce jour peuvent se résumer ainsi: (a) la chirurgie conservatrice permettant de sauver un membre fonctionnel est toujours possible; (b) la poucentage d'échec régional décroit environ jusqu' à 12% après perfusion hyperthermique antiblastique associée à la perfusion d'Adriamycine® et l'excision, le taux global de survie à 5 ans et 10 ans étant de 77.6%, le taux d'absence de la maladie à 5 ans et 10 ans étant de 57.8%; (c) aucune récidive locale n'est survenue dans le groupe traité par perfusion hyperthermique antiblastique associé à la radiothérapie et à l'exérèse, le taux global de survie à 5 ans étant de 71.5% et le taux d'absence de la maladie à 5 ans étant de 50.4%.En conclusion le traitement qui a été employé associant plusieurs modalités thérapeutiques a entrainé une amélioration des résultats fonctionnels et de la cure à long terme encore que ce fait demande a été confirmé par une étude étendue à un plus grand mombre de malades.

Supported by Special Project Hyperthermia from the Italian Ministry of Health.  相似文献   
The pleural space is a virtual compartment between the lung and chest wall that becomes filled with fluid and inflammatory cells during a variety of respiratory diseases. Here, we study the potential role of the eicosanoid metabolite leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in disparate diseases leading to acute (pneumonia) or chronic (tuberculosis, cancer) inflammation of the pleural space. LTB4 concentrations were significantly higher in pleural fluid due to pneumonia, tuberculosis and cancer with respect to congestive heart failure and correlated with neutrophil elastase, which is used as an indication of state of activation of neutrophils in the pleural space. Moreover, pleural LTB4 was biologically active, as an anti-LTB4 antibody partially neutralized the chemotactic activity of parapneumonic, tuberculous and cancer effusions. Macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, mesothelial cells and cancer cells all expressed mRNA for 5-lipoxygenase, the enzyme that initiates leukotriene synthesis leading to the production of LTB4, in exudative pleural effusions. Upon stimulation in transudative pleural effusions, pleural macrophages produced, in a time-dependent fashion, a significantly higher concentration of LTB4 than mesothelial cells. These studies demonstrate that different cell types are capable of producing LTB4 in the inflamed pleural space and that this mediator may play a crucial role in the recruitment of neutrophils into the pleural space.  相似文献   
A multicentre study was undertaken to define novel assays with increased inter-assay concordance, sensitivity, specificity and predictive value for serological diagnosis of human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8) infection. A total of 562 sera from European and Ugandan human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected or uninfected individuals with or without Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and blood donors were examined under code by 18 different assays in seven European laboratories. Sera from KS patients and all non-KS sera found positive by at least 70%, 80%, or 90% of the assays were considered "true positive." The validity of the assays was then evaluated by univariate logistic regression analysis. Two immunofluorescence assays (IFA) for detection of antibodies against HHV-8 lytic (Rlyt) or latent (LLANA) antigens and two enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assays (ELISA) (M2, EK8.1) for detection of antibodies against HHV-8 structural proteins were found to be highly concordant, specific, and sensitive, with odds ratios that indicated a high predictive value. When used together, the two IFA (Rlyt-LLANA) showed the best combination of sensitivity (89.1%) and specificity (94.9%). The performance of these assays indicate that they may be used for the clinical management of individuals at risk of developing HHV-8 associated tumours such as allograft recipients.  相似文献   
The biological properties of a composite polymeric matrix (PMMA + alpha-TCP) made of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and alfa-tricalciumphosphate (alpha-TCP) was tested by means of in vitro and in vivo investigations. PMMA was used as a comparative material. Osteoblast cultures (MG 63) demonstrated that PMMA + alpha-TCP significantly and positively affected osteoblast viability, synthetic activity and interleukin-6 level as compared to PMMA. At 12 weeks, the PMMA + alpha-TCP implants in rabbit bone successfully osteointegrated in trabecular and cortical tissue (affinity index: 57.14+/-8.84% and 68.31+/-6.18%, respectively). The newly formed bone after tetracycline labelling was histologically observed inside PMMA + alpha-TCP porosity. The microhardness test at the bone-PMMA + alpha-TCP interface showed a significantly higher rate of newly formed bone mineralization compared with PMMA (+83.5% and +58.5%, respectively), but differences still existed between newly formed and pre-existing normal bone. It is herein hypothesized that the present positive results may be ascribed to the porous macroarchitecture of PMMA + alpha-TCP and the presence of the bioactive ceramic material that could have a synergic effect and be responsible for the improvement of (a) the material colonization by bone cells, (b) osteoblast activity, (c) osteoinduction and osteoconduction processes, (d) bone remodelling.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Idiopathic CD4+ lymphocytopenia is defined by a stable decrease of CD4+ T cells in the absence of any known cause of immune deficiency. The mechanisms responsible for the immunological impairment are still unknown, but a regenerative failure of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells has been hypothesized. METHODS: We evaluated in the bone marrow (BM) of 5 patients with idiopathic CD4+ lymphocytopenia the phenotype of BM progenitor cells, their differentiation capacity with colony-forming cells and long-term culture-initiating cell assays, in parallel with the spontaneous IL-7 production in the patient sera. RESULTS: Compared with controls, a regenerative failure of hematopoietic stem cells has been observed, both in 'committed' and in 'uncommitted' progenitor cells, despite high IL-7 serum levels. The percentage of phenotypically primitive CD34+CD38-DR+ cells (this includes the lymphoid precursor cells) was decreased, suggesting an involvement of the more primitive BM compartment in the de novo T cell generation. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the low number of patients, due to the low incidence of the disease, the decrease of primitive precursors sustains the possibility that diminished stem cell precursors might contribute to the development of CD4+ T cell depletion.  相似文献   
T-cell-mediated immunity plays a central role in the host response to Cryptosporidium parvum. Human T-cell clones (TCC) were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of five healthy donors with prior cryptosporidiosis by use of a C. parvum crude extract, two antigen fractions obtained by ion-exchange chromatography (IEC1 and IEC2), and two recombinant peptides (SA35 and SA40) from C. parvum sporozoites. The T-cell lines derived from the one recently infected donor had a higher proportion (26 to 38%) of T cells exhibiting the gamma/delta T-cell receptor (gamma/delta-TCR) than those from donors who had recovered from cryptosporidiosis several years earlier, suggesting that the gamma/delta T-cell population is involved in the early stage of the infection. The specific TCC had the alpha/beta-TCR, had the phenotype CD45RO(+) CD4(+) CD8(-), and were characterized by either hyperproduction of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) alone, with a Th1 profile, or IFN-gamma hyperproduction together with interleukin-4 (IL-4) or IL-5 production, with a Th0 profile. SA35, SA40, IEC1, and IEC2 may be considered good targets of the cellular response against C. parvum and may play a role in maintaining the T-cell-mediated memory response to this parasite. Furthermore, the SA35 and SA40 peptides may be regarded as immunodominant antigens involved in the maintenance of the T-cell response in healthy C. parvum-sensitized persons.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Modern management of Parkinson's disease (PD) aims to obtain symptom control, to reduce clinical disability, and to improve quality of life. Music acts as a specific stimulus to obtain motor and emotional responses by combining movement and stimulation of different sensory pathways. We explored the efficacy of active music therapy (MT) on motor and emotional functions in patients with PD. METHODS: This prospective, randomized, controlled, single-blinded study lasted 3 months. It consisted of weekly sessions of MT and physical therapy (PT). Thirty-two patients with PD, all stable responders to levodopa and in Hoehn and Yahr stage 2 or 3, were randomly assigned to two groups of 16 patients each. We assessed severity of PD with the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, emotional functions with the Happiness Measure, and quality of life using the Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire. MT sessions consisted of choral singing, voice exercise, rhythmic and free body movements, and active music involving collective invention. PT sessions included a series of passive stretching exercises, specific motor tasks, and strategies to improve balance and gait. RESULTS: MT had a significant overall effect on bradykinesia as measured by the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (p < .034). Post-MT session findings were consistent with motor improvement, especially in bradykinesia items (p < .0001). Over time, changes on the Happiness Measure confirmed a beneficial effect of MT on emotional functions (p < .0001). Improvements in activities of daily living and in quality of life were also documented in the MT group (p < .0001). PT improved rigidity (p < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: MT is effective on motor, affective, and behavioral functions. We propose active MT as a new method for inclusion in PD rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   
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