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在一项关于令情侣感情升温的调查中显示,同床共眠的重要时刻,女友如果可以拥有光滑紧致的肌肤而且还略带隐约的香气,会令男友更加心动不已。而关于男友皮肤的问题,我们女生又是怎样想的呢?什么样的皮肤才能打动对方?快来探寻本期爱爱被窝里的10个柔软小秘密吧。  相似文献   
提到美容觉,你肯定N多个疑问。我们经常会说睡个美容觉,可是每次醒来之后是不是真的感觉皮肤变好了?起床后看到镜子中的自己满意吗?睡好美容觉真的能有专家达人口中的神奇功效吗?  相似文献   
It is well established that calcium oxalate stones may be caused by colonic or ileum oxalate (Ox) hyperabsorption (secondary to intestinal dysfunction). Studies have reported that increased intestinal permeability (IP) can cause hyperabsorption of nutrients culminating in passive diffusion of Ox. In South Africa, renal stones occur in the white population (W) but are extremely rare in the black population (B). Previous studies have shown that despite B having a hyperoxalurogenic diet relative to W, urinary Ox in the former is not higher. It has been suggested that different Ox handling mechanisms in the groups are the cause of this disparity. The present study was undertaken to examine whether the IP index, a reliable and accurate measure of intestinal integrity, plays a role in this anomaly. Ten healthy males from each group ingested a dual-sugar isotonic solution containing 5 g lactulose (LA) and 2 g mannitol (MA). IP was assessed by comparing the LA:MA ratio in 5 h urine samples using high performance anion exchange chromatography coupled with pulse amperometric detection to measure the concentration of each sugar. 24 h dietary intake and urine composition were also determined. LA excretion was identical in both groups (0.03 %) while MA excretion was 8.3 % in B and 11.3 % in W. IP index was 0.004 for B and 0.003 for W. It is concluded that IP is not a contributory factor in the apparent different handling of dietary Ox in B and W South Africans. It is speculated that differences in renal transporters may play a role.  相似文献   
高温盛夏逐渐开始撤离,凉爽秋意围绕身边。就在你打算放松警惕,不再紧张肌肤受紫外线。高温威胁的时候,干燥缺水的问题又接踵而来,HB为你献上2014秋霜最详细补水保湿面霜清单,帮助你完美滋润入秋无压力。  相似文献   
寒冷季节来袭,你需要温暖娇柔的呵护,玫瑰?或是樱花怎么样?它们随风飘散的花瓣为肌肤带来丰盈与弹润,香气萦绕,即使在11月也能让爱情悄声绽放。不够温暖?生姜的暖心,让你从离心脏最末端的指尖就可感受。  相似文献   
“世界杯,让女人走开”似乎是四年一度的永恒话题,这是真理吗?但纵观街拍,总有些IT gir把运动感穿出特立独行,2014年高级定制时装秀上,Karl Lagerfeld全面启用运动鞋搭配Chanel的高定服装,护膝护肘甚至都成为重要的元素,紧接着3月份的巴黎成衣秀上,运动风再次席卷T台,如果老佛爷早都说运动鞋可以搭配Chane外套,可以搭配雪纺裙,可以搭配所有的优雅,你还有什么可以犹豫的呢?一整年的运动风潮来了,世界杯也来了,一起悦动起来,随时随地。  相似文献   
年龄的增长,阅历的增加,让我们的人生不断升值,更加丰满,更加美丽。可是面部线条却是受了地心引力的影响,轮廓愈发的松弛、模糊,若是有一劳永逸,立竿见影的解决方案,绝对是大部分女性的选择良方!我们搜罗了时下热点的微创美容手术,给你面部提拉术的新灵感。  相似文献   
BackgroundProfessional socialisation is significant in nursing as it involves immersing learners in the profession so that they adopt the ethical values and conduct of the profession. It is in the clinical learning areas where learners observe and practise those values. The objective of the review was to explore the factors that promote professional socialisation of learners in the clinical learning areas. The problem is the inadequate support for learner nurses in the clinical learning areas. The South African community has lost trust in nurses and that was even acknowledged in the national nursing summit in 2011.ObjectivesTo present a review of the factors that facilitate professional socialisation among undergraduate nursing learners.MethodA systematic review was conducted on literature from 2008 to 2018. The literature search focused on factors that facilitate professional socialisation of learner nurses. A search of databases was conducted in CINAHL, MEDLINE, Google Scholar and Science Direct. The search focused on literature on professional socialisation of learner nurses published from 2008 to 2018. The search resulted in 3035 articles which were further reduced to 13 after further synthesis. Critical appraisal skills programme was used to assess the quality of the studies.ResultsThree main themes emerged. Learner factors, factors in the clinical learning areas and interpersonal factors were identified as the factors that facilitate professional socialisation of learners.ConclusionLearners should have self-motivation and be supported and assisted to develop a positive professional identity. The clinical learning environment should have effective communication that fosters learning. Professional nurses should act as exemplary role models so that learners can emulate the conduct and practice. The review brought to light that the professional socialisation of learners is affected by the learner factors, clinical learning areas and personal factors.  相似文献   
本文报道联用alefacept和依那西普治疗3例单用依那西普疗效不佳的银屑病患者。完成12周alefacept治疗后,所有患者病情改善,且持续了至少8周。无副反应或感染发生,CD4+T细胞计数高于正常值。  相似文献   
夏季,你需要为自己的肌肤做好全方位的防晒,脆弱的发丝因光照受到的伤害约是肌肤的3倍,头发同样需要防晒保护伞。水润、光泽秀发,从精心呵护开始。  相似文献   
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