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The typical fourth criterion for transient entrainment is defined when both a sudden shortening in conduction interval to and a distinct change in electrogram morphology at a bipolar recording site are demonstrated while performing overdrive pacing of a reentrant tachycardia from a single pacing site at two different constant rates. The purpose of this article was to test the hypothesis that if an intracardiac recording site showing both orthodromic and antidromic capture with entrainment pacing is located suitably distant from the circuit, sudden shortening in conduction interval to that site may occur without any significant change in the bipolar electrogram morphology (i.e., atypical form of the fourth criterion). Atrial overdrive pacing of orthodromic tachycardia was performed in 20 patients with either left anterior (12 patients) or left posterior (8 patients) accessory pathways. We investigated the effects of overdrive pacing from the proximal or distal coronary sinus, specifically effects on the electrogram interval and the electrogram morphology at the right atrial appendage. Overdrive pacing of orthodromic tachycardia from the proximal coronary sinus was performed in 10 of the 12 patients with left anterior accessory pathways; those 10 patients demonstrated the first entrainment criterion at the right atrial appendage site. Overdrive pacing of orthodromic tachycardia at still shorter cycle lengths demonstrated a sudden shortening in conduction interval to the right atrial appendage site. Despite shortening in conduction interval the morphology of the right atrial appendage electrogram was completely or almost identical to that during orthodromic tachycardia, indicating an atypical form of the fourth criterion. This criterion was not demonstrated in patients with left posterior accessory pathways. Thus, atypical fourth entrainment criterion was demonstrated during overdrive pacing of orthodromic tachycardia from the proximal coronary sinus only in patients with left anterior accessory path ways. Demonstration of atypical fourth criterion seems largely dependent on the location of the accessory pathway, the pacing, and the recording sites.  相似文献   
Some recent works suggest that extranodal atrial fibers may form part of the reenlry circuit in the atrioventricular (AV) nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT). This hypothesis is based on the fact that the perinodal dissection successfully abolished AVNRT while preserving intact AV conduction. Apart from the surgical success, the electrophysiological evidence supporting this hypothesis has not been demonstrated, especially in the uncommon (fast-slow) form of AVNRT. We present some electrophysiological evidence suggesting atrial participation in eight patients with the fast-slow form of AVNRT. During the tachycardia, rapid pacing or extrastimulation was done from the orifice of the coronary sinus (CS) and the right atrium (RA), while recording the electrograms of the CS and the low septal RA. In seven patients, right and left atrial dissociation was demonstrated during pacing from the RA, while in the remaining one this was demonstrated from the CS. The interatrial dissociation will be unlikely if the intranodal reentry circuit connects with the atria via a single upper common pathway. This suggests that the upper turnaround of the reentry circuit involves atrial tissue and that the extranodal accessory pathway with long conduction times may form the ascending limb of the circuit (atrionodal reentry). Alternatively, the reentry circuit is entirely intranodal and two or more connecting pathways are present between the atria and the circuit.  相似文献   
Laparoscopic cystectomy and bilateral ureteric ligation were performed on a 52-year-old woman with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis (HD) for muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Her volume of urine production was approximately 100 mL/day. Excisions of the bladder and uterus with ligation of the bilateral ureter were conducted completely laparoscopically. Total operative time was 280 min and the amount of blood loss was 60 mL. No complications were seen perioperatively and no adverse events regarding ureteric ligation arose. HD was performed on the second postoperative day. At a 12-month follow-up, the patient showed no evidence of disease.  相似文献   
Morphologic Change During Para-Hisian Pacing. Para-Hisian pacing, a useful method to differentiate conduction over an accessory pathway from conduction over the AV node, is assessed essentially by comparing the timing of local atrial electrograms between Hisbundle captured heats and His-bundle noncaptured heats. We describe the case of a patient with a permanent form of junctional reciprocating tachycardia, in whom an atrial double potential was recorded only during the tachycardia at the right posterior septum. During para-Hisian pacing, a morphologic change in the atrial electrogram at the posterior septum was also identified, as well as a change in the retrograde atrial sequence. Since the morphologic change of atrial electrograms during para-Hisian pacing cannot be demonstrated in a patient without an accessory pathway, this new finding could he considered a new additional diagnostic criterion suggesting the presence of an accessory pathway.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Intravesical instillation of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is the most efficient strategy for prophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer recurrence. Adverse effects of BCG are major obstacles, but the reduction of BCG dose could minimize these effects. The efficacy and adverse effects of half-dose (40 mg) BCG, Tokyo 172 strain, were prospectively evaluated. METHODS: A total of 93 patients with superficial bladder cancer (pTa or pT1) were sequentially assigned to receive either 40 or 80 mg of BCG after transurethral resection. BCG was administered weekly for 6 weeks postoperatively. Eighty patients observed longer than 12 months after BCG therapy (41, 40 mg group; 39, 80 mg group) were analyzed. RESULTS: BCG therapy course was completed in 71 patients. Tumor recurrence was recognized in 11 of 40 patients in the 40 mg group and in 5 of 31 patients in the 80 mg group. There was no significant difference in tumor recurrence rate between the two groups (P = 0.547). BCG therapy was withdrawn in 1 patient in the 40 mg group and in 8 patients in the 80 mg-group because of BCG-related adverse effects. The morbidity of BCG-related toxicity was significantly higher in the 80 mg group. CONCLUSION: Half-dose of BCG Tokyo 172 strain had a similar efficacy and its toxicity was significantly lower compared to the standard dose. Thus, half-dose of this strain might be suitable, at least for initial BCG therapy, for the prophylaxis of bladder cancer recurrence. Further study would be necessary to clarify the efficacy of low-dose instillation in high-risk patients.  相似文献   
Catheter Ablation for Mahaim Pathways. Introduction : Several modalities of catheter ablation have been proposed to eliminate Mahaim pathway conduction. However, limited research has been reported on the electrophysiologic nature of this pathway in its entity.
Methods and Results : In seven patients, electrophysiologic study was performed, and radiofrequency energy was applied to investigate the electrophysiologic clues for successful ablation. In all seven patients, the Mahaim pathway was diagnosed as a right-sided atriofascicular or atrioventricular pathway with decremental properties. In two patients, two different kinds of electrograms were recorded through the ablation catheter positioned at the Mahaim pathway location: one was suggestive of conduction over the decremental portion, demonstrating a dulled potential; and the other of nondecremental conduction, demonstrating a spiked potential. All but one of the Mahaim pathways were eliminated successfully at the atrial origin where the spiked Mahaim potential was recorded. Radiofrequency energy application was performed at the slow potential site resulting in failure to eliminate the conduction over the Mahaim pathway. Conduction block at the site between the slow and fast potential recording sites was provoked by intravenous administration of adenosine, concomitant with a decrease in the amplitude of the Mahaim potential. In one patient, the clinical arrhythmia was a sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia originating from the ventricular end of the Mahaim fiber.
Conclusion : The identification of Mahaim spiked potentials may be the optimal method to permit their successful ablation. Detailed electrophysiologic assessment is indispensable for successful ablation of tachycardias associated with Mahaim fibers because tachycardias unassociated with Mahaim fibers can occur despite complete elimination of the Mahaim fiber.  相似文献   
Concealed conduction is demonstrated to occur in an accessory AV pathway (AP). To test the hypothesis that anterograde and retrograde concealed conduction in the AP would have different characteristics, 35 consecutive patients with single APs were studied. The anterograde or retrograde ERP of the AP could be determined in 23 of those patients. Anterograde concealed conduction in the AP was assessed in the first 13 patients with retrograde AP conduction (8 APs with retrograde conduction only and 5 with both directions) (group A). Retrograde concealed conduction in the AP was evaluated in the remaining 10 patients with anterograde AP conduction (6 APs with anterograde conduction only and 4 with both directions) (group B). The concealed conduction in the AP was quantified by determining the ERP of the AP using a “probe” extrastimulus (Sp) introduced in the opposite chamber. The ERP was determined both during conventional extrastimulus (S1S2 method; ERPc) and during that with an Sp (S1SpS2 method; ERPp). The Sp was delivered before or after the last S1 with various S1Sp intervals. The ERPp was determined at each S1Sp interval. Three distinct patterns in concealed conduction in the AP were noted. In the first pattern, the ERPp was always shorter than the ERPc, whereas the reverse relation was noted in the second pattern. The third pattern showed a combination of the two. In group A, only the first pattern was noted. In group B, the first, second, and third patterns were noted in 4, 2, and 4 patients, respectively. The first pattern was noted only in septal APs and the second and third were seen only in left free-wall APs. The second pattern was seen in patients with retrograde AP conduction, whereas the third one was mainly noted in patients without retrograde AP conduction. These observations indicate that anterograde and retrograde concealed conduction in the AP have different characteristics. Shortening of the ERPp might be due to the “peeling back” phenomenon, and its lengthening might be caused by the presence of the inhomogeneous refractory periods of the AP. (PACE 1997; 20[Pt. I]:1342-1353)  相似文献   
Anterograde concealed conduction into the concealed accessory atrioventricular (AV) pathway has been postulated to be one of the factors preventing the reciprocating process via the accessory pathway in patients with the concealed Wolff-Parkinson-White(WPW) syndrome but its presence has not been documented. To demonstrate the occurrence of anterograde concealment, 12 patients with the concealed WPW syndrome were selected for study. A pacing protocol was designed in which the retrograde conduction of the ventricular extrastimulus over the accessory pathway was assessed during ventricular pacing aione (conventional method) and during the AV simultaneous pacing (simultaneous method); the results were then compared. When the high right atrium was simultaneously paced, the effective refractory period of the concealed accessory pathway shortened as compared with the conventional method in five of 12 patients (from 341.7 ± 110.8 to 312.5 ± 108.2 msec, n = 12), whereas, it decreased in all patients studied when the coronary sinus near the accessory pathway was simultaneously paced (from 375.7 ± 135.0 to 287. ± 116.1 msec, n = 7). These results demonstrate that the AV simultaneous pacing frequently shortens the refractoriness of the concealed accessory AV pathway and such facilitation seems to he well explained by the probable anterograde concealment in it and peeling back of the refractory barrier.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The objectives of the present study were to determine whether an extensive biopsy scheme contributes to enhanced detection of prostate cancer in Japanese men and to assess the associated pain and morbidity. METHODS: A total of 147 patients were included in this analysis, with 12 biopsy cores being obtained from each patient. Standard systematic sextant biopsy at the apex, mid-prostate and base of the prostate gland was carried out under local anesthesia and this was followed by the acquisition of additional sextant cores at the same levels from the far lateral peripheral zone. Each patient answered a self-administered questionnaire on pain and morbidity during the 5 days following biopsy. RESULTS: Overall, 39 patients (26.5%) received a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Nine patients (23.1%) were positive only at the standard sextant sites, three patients (7.7%) were positive exclusively at the far lateral sites and the remaining 27 patients (69.2%) were positive at both sites. Cancer was found most frequently in cores obtained from the apex (P = 0.009), with this trend being more evident in patients with abnormal rectal findings, positive sonographic findings, gland volume < 40 cm(3) and prostate-specific antigen density > 0.15 ng/mL/cm(3) (P < 0.03). These findings were also true for those with a prostate-specific antigen range from 4.1 to 20.0 ng/mL. A gradual decrease in incidence and grade of pain, hematuria and rectal bleeding was observed during the first 5 days after biopsy (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Using this 12-core biopsy scheme, we found cancer most frequently in cores taken at the level of the apex. While the extensive procedure only marginally enhanced overall detection of prostate cancer, it was well tolerated with gradually decreasing pain and morbidity over a brief postbiopsy period. Further efforts to optimize biopsy schemes are warranted.  相似文献   
We report a case of a 31-year-old man with extrarenal angiomyolipoma of the perinephric space. He presented with asymptomatic macrohematuria. Computed tomography of the abdomen revealed a large perinephric mass which was separated from the right kidney and its unique growth appeared to have surrounded the kidney. Extrarenal angiomyolipomas of the perinephric fat are rare and they should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a retroperitoneal mass where asymptomatic macrohematuria was presented at the onset.  相似文献   
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