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This retrospective study of formalin-fixed infiltrating breast cancer specimens compared manual immunohistochemical assay with a new image analyzer-assisted immunohistochemical quantitation method, using fluorescence in situ hybridization assay (FISH) as the standard. Following the manual immunohistochemical assay, 189 cases, including most manual immunohistochemically positive and some random negative cases, were analyzed by FISH assay for Her-2/neu gene amplification and by the Automated Cellular Imaging System (ACIS) for immunohistochemical staining. Using the FISH standard, the ACIS immunohistochemical assay attained a higher concordance rate and sensitivity than the manual immunohistochemical assay (91.0% and 88% vs 85.7% and 71%, respectively), with only a slight decrease in specificity (93% vs 96%, respectively). In particular, the ACIS immunohistochemical assay resulted in a higher correlation with the FISH assay in the manual immunohistochemical assay 2+ cases. The ACIS immunohistochemical assay achieved higher accuracy than the manual method according to receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. The ACIS method represents a substantial improvement over the manual method for objective evaluation of the HER-2/neu status.  相似文献   
Our previous studies showed that glioblastomas express increased urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptors (uPARs) in comparison to low-grade gliomas (Yamamoto et al., Cancer Res., 54, 5016-5020, 1994). To explore whether downregulation of uPAR inhibits tumor formation and invasiveness, a human glioblastoma cell line was transfected with a cDNA construct corresponding to 300 bp of the human uPAR's 5¢ end in an antisense orientation, resulting in a reduced number of uPA receptors. Co-culture studies with tumor spheroids and fetal rat brain aggregates showed that antisense SNB19-AS1 cells expressing reduced uPAR failed to invade fetal rat brain aggregates. Intracerebral injection of SNB19-AS1 stable transfectants failed to form tumors and were negative for uPAR expression in nude mice. Thus uPAR appears in this model to be essential for tumorigenicity and invasion of glioblastomas in vivo.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to profile gene expression changes in colorectal tumors to identify new targets and strategies for the management of this disease. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: cDNA microarray analysis was used to detect differences in gene expression between normal tissue and colon tumors and polyps isolated from 20 patients. To identify genes that are important in regulating the growth properties of colorectal cancer, RNA interference (RNAi) was used to disrupt expression of several of the overexpressed genes in a colon tumor cell line, HCT116, which showed similar patterns of gene expression as many of the patient tumors. RESULTS: Expression changes of > or =2-fold in approximately one-third of the patients were consistently observed for 2632 of a total of 9592 genes (574 up-regulated genes and 2058 down-regulated genes). Subsequent analysis of 13 genes by quantitative real-time PCR confirmed the reliability of this analysis. RNAi-mediated disruption of the expression of one of these genes, survivin, a potent inhibitor of apoptosis, severely reduced tumor growth both in vitro and in an in vivo xenograft model. CONCLUSIONS: The combined use of microarray analysis and RNAi provides an excellent system to define the role of specific genes that are up-regulated in cancer lead to the increased in vitro and in vivo growth of colon tumors.  相似文献   
The nucleocapsid (N) protein of SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is the key protein for the formation of the helical nucleocapsid during virion assembly. This protein is believed to be more conserved than other proteins of the virus, such as spike and membrane glycoprotein. In this study, the N protein of SARS-CoV was expressed in Escherichia coli DHSalpha and identified with pooled sera from patients in the convalescence phase of SARS. A plasmid pCI-N, encoding the full-length N gene of SARS-CoV, was constructed. Expression of the N protein was observed in COS1 cells following transfection with pCI-N. The immune responses induced by intramuscular immunization with pCI-N were evaluated in a murine model. Serum anti-N immunoglobutins and splenocytes proliferative responses against N protein were observed in immunized BALB/c mice. The major immunoglobulin G subclass recognizing N protein was immunoglobulin G2a, and stimulated splenocytes secreted high levels of gamma interferon and IL-2 in response to N protein. More importantly, the immunized mice produced strong delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and CD^8+ CTL responses to N protein.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Giant cell tumors of the bone can behave as aggressive and sometimes lethal tumors. In the sacrum, the tumor can be extremely difficult to manage. Standard treatments, including surgery and radiation, are associated with significant complications and recurrence rates. The goal of this study is to evaluate the long-term outcome of selective arterial embolization as an alternative treatment modality. METHODS: From 1975 to 2001, 18 patients were treated with selective intraarterial embolization. The embolization method was a combination of Gelfoam particles and coils for peripheral and central occlusions, respectively. The number of embolizations was based on clinical symptoms, radiographic response, and the vascularity of the tumor. Nine patients received intraarterial cisplatin as part of their treatment. The median follow-up was 105 months. RESULTS: Of 18 patients, 14 responded favorably to embolization with improvement in pain and neurologic symptoms. Computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging scans showed reossification and stabilization of tumor size. Arteriograms showed diminished vascularity. With long-term follow-up, three patients developed late disease recurrences within the sacrum. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that the risk of local recurrence is 31% at 10 years and 43% at 15 and 20 years. The long-term outcome was not affected by intraarterial cisplatin. There was one death that occurred 1 day after embolization. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients demonstrate an objective early radiographic response to embolization. Long-term follow-up shows that the response is durable in approximately one half of the patients. Given the potential morbidity of other treatments, embolization should be included in the armamentarium of treatment for this difficult disease. Embolization may be used alone or in conjunction with other therapy. Long-term follow-up is recommended for all patients because late disease recurrence or sarcomatous change can occur.  相似文献   
目的:利用微持续与微间隔时间技术,设计了两组相关的实验,对亮度知觉效应和视觉加工方式进行探讨。方法:实验于2006-06在中南民族大学物理楼脑认知实验室进行,所有受试者为年龄20~25岁的大学本科生,视力(含矫正视力)正常,均为右利手。①实验1:被试为10名(男5名,女5名),要求被试分别对n屏依次呈现的亮块的明度和n 1屏依次呈现的亮块的明度进行比较(n≤17)。②实验2:被试为28名(男13名,女15名),实验涉及两个刺激物,先呈现的刺激物由左右两个大小相同、亮度不同的亮块a和b组成,后呈现的刺激物把a和b的位置进行对调,当这两个刺激物依次显示时,要求被试报告左右两边的明度是否存在差异,存在何种差异。结果:①实验1∶1≤n≤3时,100%的被试报告,n 1屏的明度大于n屏的亮度,即n 1>n;4≤n≤10时,70%~90%的被试报告n 1>n;n>10时,50%~70%的被试报告n 1>n;随着n值的增加明度差异也在减小,大约在n=17时达到稳定,n屏和n 1屏的明度区别将很难被看出。②实验2:在L(a)b a,随着a和b的亮度差异减小,左右两边呈现的明度越相似;同样当L(a)相似文献   
目的:严重的多节段脊髓型颈椎病单纯前路或后路手术都有其局限性。观察一期前后路联合手术并自体髂骨植骨及带锁钢板内固定材料置入在治疗多节段脊髓型颈椎病中的应用价值。方法:选择2004-11/2006-12本院12例多节段脊髓型颈椎病患者,均采用一期前后路减压、自体髂骨植骨融合、带锁钢板内固定联合手术。其中男9例,女性3例,年龄49~75岁;3节段受累9例,4节段受累3例(突出节段分布:C3~66例,C4~73例,C3~73例)。全部病例进行临床随访,患者均对本试验知情同意。采用mJOA评分标准对患者神经功能改善情况进行评定;术前颈椎侧位片测量,以D值(C4椎体后下缘到齿突后缘与C7椎体后下缘连线的垂直距离)评价颈椎(C2~7)弧度;根据颈椎伸屈动态侧位片C2和C7椎体后缘切线相交所成的夹角之和评价颈椎(C2~7)活动范围。主要以电话随访和问卷填写的方式,分别从神经功能改善情况、颈椎弧度、活动范围及术后并发症等进行随访观察。结果:①12例患者全部得到随访,术后随访时间6~28个月,平均(16±6)个月。②所有植骨均获得骨性愈合;疗效结果中优4例(33.3%);良6例(50%);无效2例(16.7%);颈椎D值术前(3.9±1.4)mm,术后即刻(8.5±1.7)mm,随访时(8.1±2.5)mm。术前与术后差异有显著性(P<0.01),术后与随访时差异无显著性(P=0.251);颈椎活动范围术前(36.3±4.0)°,随访时(10.6±2.7)°,与术前相比差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。③术后C5神经根麻痹1例,为感觉及运动混合型,8个月随访时,感觉功能恢复,肩关节外展肌力从术后Ⅱ级恢复至Ⅳ级;1例术后6个月出现"S"畸形而再次压迫脊髓,神经功能改善停滞,目前处于随访中。结论:一期前后路手术并自体髂骨植骨及带锁钢板内固定材料置入减压充分、彻底,而且前路手术能重建颈椎稳定性,恢复颈椎生理前凸和椎间高度,并且后路减压术又能预防相邻颈椎退变引起的脊髓继发的压迫。  相似文献   
Herein, we present a case of asymptomatic isolated cardiac cystic echinococcosis localized entirely to the inter‐atrial septum in a pregnant woman. The patient underwent successful surgery. Cardiac cystic echinococcosis is rarely seen in pregnancy. A high index of suspicion is necessary for the diagnosis of a cardiac cyst hydatid. The treatment of cardiac cyst hydatid is surgical and should not be delayed during pregnancy. Early surgery might prevent septic embolization and cardiac life‐threatening complications and save the lives of both mother and baby as in the present case.  相似文献   
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