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Originally described by Rosen in 1983, syringomatous nipple adenoma (SAN) is a tumor of disputed histogenesis, which can be problematic both diagnostically and therapeutically. 1 It is a benign primary tumor of breast epithelium with histology similar to that of the syringoma. In the current case, we describe a 40-year-old female with this lesion occurring within a supernumerary breast. This case represents, to our knowledge, the first such reported case, and represents a significant finding as its presence could lend some confusion as to whether or not this represents a benign primary process of breast or a potentially infiltrative tumor of the skin.  相似文献   
Surgically-obtained tissue specimens from 41 patients with ventricular aneurysm were studied electron microscopically. The tissue from the resected aneurysms showed substantially varied morphological differences. In some, there were extensive regions of scar containing increased fibrotic material and few cells, in others there were also larger contiguous regions of myocardium with an essentially normal appearance. In the preserved myocardial regions, the cardiac cells showed moderate hypertrophy. There was an increase in contractile substance in parallel with an increase in mitochondria and enlargement of the nucleus with frequent waves and invaginations in the cell membrane. The cells at the marginal regions between fibrous tissue and preserved myocardium were frequently isolated from adjacent cells. In particular, when the isolated cells were completely surrounded by fibrous tissue, clear degeneration was apparent. These cells showed mainly a fibrillolysis with dissolution of the cross-bands and loss of the entire contractile apparatus. In compensation, occasionally there was proliferation of other cell structures, especially the free sarcoplasmatic reticulum. The hypertrophy of the still intact myocardial cells is considered compensatory for the infarct-incurred loss of tissue. The degenerative appearance is mainly attributable to fibrous tissue invasion. The diminished oxygen supply, compromised or abolished impulse conduction, loss of function and passive stretch during systole may be regarded as causes of the degeneration.  相似文献   
Spinal Ewing's sarcomas are rare and cause problems in differential diagnosis. The radiologic, nuclear medicine and CT findings in two children with histologically proven Ewing's sarcoma are presented and problems in differential diagnosis discussed. Biopsy should be done early.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that obesity in women lead to a more severe form of hyperandrogenism and other endocrine abnormalities which may have some health implications later in life. Obese females are at higher risk for metabolic syndrome due to severe hyperandrogenemia. Calculated values for free testosterone are equivalent to those obtained by equilibrium dialysis, which is one of the reference measurement procedures (RMP) for estimation of free testosterone and may be capable of replacing values estimated using RMP's. For adult women correlations of body mass index (BMI) with calculated free (cFT) and bioavailable testosterone (cBT) are still rare, while these data are reported for peripubertal and adolescent girls. In this study we aimed to investigate the association between BMI and different androgen parameters (including calculated free and bioavailable testosterone, free androgen index, and sex hormone-binding globulin [SHBG]) in adult women with Hirsutism and with PCOS. In hirsute women with BMI > or = 25 kg/m2 measured total testosterone (TT) was significantly higher, SHBG was significantly lower and the calculated androgen parameter (FAI, cFT and cBT) were significantly higher compared to women with BMI < 25 kg/m2. In PCOS women with BMI > or = 25 kg/m2 TT was significantly higher, SHBG was significantly lower and the calculated androgen parameter (FAI, cFT and cBT) were also significantly higher compared to women with BMI < 25 kg/m2. In both the Hirsutism and PCOS-group there was a positive correlation between BMI and TT, cFT, and cBT, while BMI was negatively correlated with SHBG. In summary, in adult women with Hirsutism and PCOS obesity is associated with increased levels of TT and decreased levels of SHBG resulting in significant elevated calculated free and bioavailable testosterone levels. Obesity might lead to a more severe form of hyperandrogenism with elevated calculated free and bioavailable testosterone in the study population.  相似文献   
Hereditary complete deficiency of the fourth component of complement (C4) is an extremely rare disorder with 17 cases reported so far. Twelve of these patients suffered from a systemic-lupus-erythematosus-like illness. The patient we here describe presented with severe Henoch-Sch?nlein purpura (HSP) at the age of 17. Immunofluorescence of a kidney biopsy showed granular deposits of IgG, IgA, IgM, C3 and fibrinogen in the mesangium and segmentally along the basement membrane. Six years later, the patient developed hypertension and nephrotic syndrome. Renal function deteriorated rapidly. He was on hemodialysis for 12 months and then received a cadaveric kidney graft. After 2 years of uncomplicated course, microhematuria and proteinuria developed. Immunofluorescence of a transplant biopsy was virtually identical to the pattern in the patient's own kidneys. We thus conclude that the patient had recurrence of his primary disease in the graft. Three and a half years after transplantation hemodialysis had to be restarted. This unique case supports the current view that deficiency of classical pathway components predisposes to the development of immune complex diseases and that the complement system is activated via the alternate pathway in HSP. Furthermore, we assume that complete C4 deficiency was the major cause for the recurrence and unfavorable outcome of HSP in the graft.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Grundlagen: Seit Einführung der laparoskopischen Cholezystektomie wird diskutiert, ob bei diesem Eingriff Einmal- oder wiederverwendbare Instrumente eingesetzt werden sollten. Argumenten der Wirtschaftlichkeit wurden Aspekte der Sicherheit und Hygiene entgegengestzt. Eine Beurteilung des Ger?teeinsatzes unter Berücksichtigung der Kosten als auch des Nutzwertes der Instrumente ist bis heute nicht erfolgt. Methodik: Es wurde ein Kostenvergleich von 3 Varianten des Instrumenteneinsatzes durchgeführt (1. wiederverwendbare Instrumente, 2. Einmalger?te, 3. kombinierte Anwendung). Der Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung wurde eine Nutzwertbestimmung der einzelnen Instrumente durch die Operateure entgegengestellt. Ergebnisse: Durch den Einsatz von wiederverwendbaren Instrumenten ist eine betr?chtlichen Kostenreduktion (5888 ATS bei ausschlie?licher Anwendung von wiederverwendbaren Ger?ten. 3945 ATS bei kombiniertem Einsatz) zu erreichen. Der Nutzenvergleich zeigte beim Clipsetzer und dem Port für die erste Insertion Vorteile für die Einmalinstrumente. Schlu?folgerungen: Aufgrund der Ergebnisse von Kostenkalkulation und Nutzwertbestimmung stellt der kombinierte Einsatz von wiederverwendbaren und Einmalinstrumenten derzeit die beste Alternative dar.   相似文献   
Gadolinium-DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid)-cascade-polymer, a potential new blood pool contrast agent for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, was compared with a known blood pool agent, Gd-DTPA-polylysine, in an animal model. The relative signal intensities of liver, renal cortex, pancreas, and trunk muscle were assessed in 12 pigs between 4 seconds and 120 minutes after injection of a 20 μmol/kg dose of each contrast agent, by using a FLASH (fast low-angle shot) sequence. Except for muscle, all tissues showed visible enhancement after injection of either contrast agent. After injection of Gd-DTPA-polymer, enhancement patterns in the liver, renal cortex, and pancreas were similar to those seen after injection of Gd-DTPA-polylysine. No statistically significant differences in enhancement between the two contrast agents were found at any time point. The authors conclude that the contrast kinetics of Gd-DTPA-cascade-polymer are similar to those of Gd-DTPA-polylysine and that this agent may also be used as a blood pool contrast agent for MR imaging.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Anamnese und Diagnostik: Ein 75-jähriger Patient wies neben unspezifischen anamnestischen Symptomen (Appetitverlust, Merkfähigkeitsstörung und Muskelschwäche) klinisch diskrete Beinödeme, abgeschwächte Muskeleigenreflexe und eine deutliche Gedächtnisstörung auf. Aufgrund einer euvolämischen, laborchemisch hypoosmolaren Hypoatriämie und eines Urinnatriums im Normbereich wurde als Arbeitsdiagnose von einem Syndrom der inadäquaten ADH-Sekretion (SIADH) ausgegangen. Während sich weder in der Anamnese noch in den folgenden Untersuchungen eine dem SIADH zugrunde liegende Pathologie eruieren ließ, ergab sich in den weiteren Laboruntersuchungen der Befund einer ausgeprägten Hypothyreose. Die Hyponatriämie bei Hypothyreose spiegelt eine Komponente der renalen Funktionsstörung bei Schilddrüsenhormonmangel wider. Therapie und Verlauf: Nach Flüssigkeitsrestriktion und Hormonsubstitution erreichte der Patient schnell normale Natriumwerte und zeigte eine deutliche Besserung seiner kognitiven Fähigkeiten. Schlussfolgerung: Als Schlussfolgerung aus dieser Kasuistik wird Zurückhaltung bei der Diagnose eines SIADH empfohlen, bevor nicht eine sorgfältige Untersuchung des Nebennieren- und Schilddrüsenhormonstatus erfolgt ist. Abstract Case History and Diagnosis: A 75-year-old male patient presented with a history of anorexia, muscle weakness, and increasing memory loss. He had mild pedal edema and decreased deep tendon reflexes. As the laboratory tests showed hypoosmolar hyponatremia and urinary sodium within the normal range, a syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH) was presumed. While neither the medical history nor any of the diagnostic procedures revealed any underlying pathology explaining the SIADH, laboratory tests showed significant hypothyroidism. Hypothyroid states are associated with significant changes in renal function, one of which is hypoosmolar hyponatremia. Treatment and Course: Treatment included fluid restriction and hormone substitution and resulted in a quick correction of the hyponatremia and a clear improvement of the patient's cognitive function. Conclusion: It is concluded that the diagnosis of SIADH should only be made after thorough investigation of the adrenal and thyroid hormone status.  相似文献   
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