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秋季天气渐凉、天气干燥,人必须顺应上述变化来调整自己的精神、起居和饮食,使之与自然规律相协调,达到身心俱养的目的。  相似文献   
现代都市人的生活节奏越来越快,工作压力和生活压力很容易让人变得烦闷甚至狂躁,惟有心态平和才能远离这些亚健康症状。  相似文献   
人们在炎热的夏季易出现全身乏力、食欲不振、出汗、头晕、心烦、昏昏欲睡等症状,甚至被中暑、腹泻等疾病所困扰,因此,夏季养生是人们一直热切关注的话题。  相似文献   
中医进入美容养生领域,并成为一朵行业奇葩,然而,有多少人真正了解中医养生?  相似文献   
目的:探究裸花紫珠片结合羟氯喹治疗红斑毛细血管扩张型玫瑰痤疮的疗效。方法:纳入2019年6月-2021年6月笔者医院收治的109例红斑毛细血管扩张型玫瑰痤疮患者为研究对象,以随机数字表法分为对照组(55例)和观察组(54例),对照组采取羟氯喹治疗,观察组采取裸花紫珠片联合羟氯喹治疗。观察两组疗效、毛细血管扩张缓解时间、红斑好转时间、皮肤敏感及潮红好转时间,观察患者主客观症状评分、美学效果评分及皮肤红斑指数E值、血清白介素-37(IL-37)水平变化,采用痤疮特异性生活质量问卷(Acne-QoL)评估患者生活质量,并观察不良反应发生情况。结果:治疗后,观察组疗效优于对照组,且患者毛细血管扩张缓解时间、红斑好转时间、皮肤敏感好转时间及皮肤潮红好转时间短于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组治疗后主观、客观症状评分显著低于对照组(P<0.05),治疗后患者美学效果评分均升高,皮肤红斑指数E值、IL-37水平均降低,观察组改善水平优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组Acne-QOL评分均改善,观察组优于对照组(P<0.05),两组不良反应均...  相似文献   
"当我们时常面临身体零件的小毛病,当‘亚健康’开始变得平常,我们既不愿去医院大动干戈,也不甘坐以待毙,那么谁来解救我们的身体?当然是中医养生!了解了中医的神奇奥妙,我们发现,原来养生可以这么简单!"  相似文献   
中医讲究五行与身体脏腑的配合,金、木、水、火、土分别对应肺、肝、肾、心、脾五脏。五脏平衡,身体就会健康。假如某个脏器处于虚弱状态,就会引发身体的蝴蝶效应,肤质、气色自然不佳。因此,当你出现皮肤问题时,不妨先看看身体究竟哪里出了问题。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: During joint replacement, different materials of prosthesis can be used. Different prosthesis can produce different effects and the stress distribution of bone interface. OBJECTIVE: To explore the effects of different materials on the stress distribution and biomechanics of the bone interface of artificial hip joint. METHODS: The CT scan of the hip was carried out. The image data were saved in DICOM format and processed by MIMICS software. The 3D finite element model of the femur was obtained by ANSYS. A three dimensional finite element model of the femur was made with the material properties of the femur. Three kinds of different replacement prosthesis materials (Co Cr Mo alloy, titanium alloy and composite materials) were selected, and the specific requirements of the actual joint replacement were selected, and different types of prosthesis were designed in CAE software. In the STL format, the prosthesis model was imported into MIMICS, and the femur and prosthesis were assembled. The stress status of different prosthesis was analyzed, and the stress shielding rates of exterior and interior sides of middle and lower parts of the femur, right to and 30 mm below lesser trochanter and right to lesser trochanter of the proximal femur were calculated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Through three-dimensional finite element analysis, a direct and accurate model of the femur and the three-dimensional model of the prosthesis were established. According to the actual situation, material assignment of the femoral three-dimensional finite element model was conducted to obtain the corresponding model. Thus, the properties of different materials of the femur were shown visually. The femoral stress of cobalt chromium molybdenum alloy, titanium alloy, and composite material was simulated after replacement. Results found that the stress shielding rate can decrease in the middle and lower parts of the femur. After replacement, the femoral stress is higher than that of the intact femur. The experimental results show that the stress shielding of the joint was performed after joint replacement with Co Cr Mo alloy, titanium alloy and composite materials. Among them, the composite material is more close to the actual physiological environment of the human body, and it can better reduce the stress shielding effect, and is beneficial to the stress from the prosthesis to the femur.   相似文献   
对应24小时,古时称之为十二时辰,当我们为每天安排行程作息的时候,身体经络也在悄悄地运作着。今天我们就去研究一下身体各个系统经络的作息安排。  相似文献   
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