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经皮穿刺套管导向器的设计和临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的设计一种经皮穿刺套管导向器,以期提高齿状突螺钉及侧块关节螺钉置入的成功率及置入质量。方法对13具尸体模拟经皮前路C1~2侧块关节螺钉手术内固定,进而应用于临床治疗患者7例。术中均使用经皮穿刺套管导向器,记录手术用时、放射线剂量及影像学评价螺钉位置优良率。回顾性分析上颈椎经皮前路内固定手术32病例,统计上述三项指标。结果13具尸体模拟手术,螺钉植入26枚,手术用时为(50.25±9.07)min,螺钉固定优良率92.31%,放射线量仅为(0.395±0.105)Gycm2。临床患者7例螺钉植入14枚,手术用时35~72min,平均(52.71±9.54)min;固定螺钉位置优良率100%,放射线量仅为(0.411±0.081)Gycm2。未用套管导向器的32例临床病例组,手术用时为(116.72±13.22)min,固定螺钉位置优良率70.31%,放射线量仅为(0.690±0.124)Gycm2。统计使用导向器与未用导向器两组结果具有显著性差异。结论使用经皮穿刺套管导向器可提高侧块螺钉置入的准确性、减少X线对手术人员的辐射量及缩短手术时间。  相似文献   
目的:比较寰枢关节前、后路侧块螺钉固定的效果,并测定其双侧、单侧侧块螺钉固定的稳定性,为临床应用提供理论依据。方法:取5具新鲜冷冻人体颈椎标本C1~C5,用牙托粉和螺钉固定C1和C2-C5,保留C1-C2之间的活动.切断寰椎横韧带和齿状突,造成寰枢关节不稳定,每个标本依次行前路单侧、前路双侧、Margel单侧、Margel双侧侧块螺钉固定:在生物力学试验机上应用位移控制法测定6种状态下的稳定性,前屈和侧屈的位移定值为1mm.旋转角度为3°。测定完好标本、损伤后及各种内固定下在前屈、双侧侧屈和旋转状态下的刚度.比较其稳定性。结果:所有内固定组的刚度均明显高于损伤组及完好组的刚度,前路双侧侧块螺钉和后路双侧侧块螺钉固定的稳定性无明显差异。前路双侧侧块螺钉固定在前屈、左侧屈、右侧屈、旋转时的稳定性高于前、后路单侧侧块螺钉:前路单侧侧块螺钉与后路单侧侧块螺钉固定的稳定性无明显差异。结论:前、后路双侧侧块螺钉固定效果好,可单独应用于临床;而单侧侧块螺钉稳定性不足,术后需加用外固定。  相似文献   
目的 分析脊柱前中柱稳定性对椎弓根螺钉内固定器固定后前屈压缩刚度的影响,并探讨其临床意义。方法 收集7具新鲜猪T_(10)~L_4节段胸腰椎脊柱标本,“Ⅴ”形切除L_1椎体并压缩至闭合,造成前中柱不稳,模拟L_1骨折后安放AF椎弓根内固定器,进行前屈-压缩测试,分别计算完整标本、损伤标本和内固定后标本的前屈-压缩刚度。结果 完整标本、损伤标本和固定后标本的前屈-压缩刚度分别为413.9±118.6N/mm、136.6±31.6N/mm、240.5±51.4N/mm。相互间差异显著 (P<0.001)。结论 脊柱前中柱失稳后,经椎弓根螺钉内固定器械固定不能使其恢复到正常的机械力学性质,特别是前屈-压缩方向上。胸腰椎脊柱骨折经椎弓根螺钉系统固定后恢复前中柱的机械力学性质,减少其载荷分享是防止术后角度丢失,避免内固定器械固定失败的关键。  相似文献   
Objectives To report a new index (the SC-line) and a new classification for predicting of postoperative spinal cord decompression after cervical laminoplasty. Methods From March 2008 to August 2009, MRI images of 25 patients treated with cervical laminoplasty were retrospectively studied.Using T2-weighted images of the cervical spine, point A was anterior point of the spinal cord at inferior endplate level of cranial compressed vertebra. Point B was anterior point of the spinal cord at superior endplate level of caudal compressed vertebra. The SC-line was defined as a line that connects A and B.Posterior surface of compressor at compression level did not exceed the line in Type Ⅰ , connected the line in Type Ⅱ , and exceeded it in Type Ⅲ . Twenty-five patients who underwent cervical laminoplasty were classified into 3 groups according to the SC-line classification. The posterior shift of the spinal cord after the posterior decompression procedure was evaluated by using a modified gradation of degree of anterior spinal cord compression by MRI finding. The relationship between the degree of anterior spinal cord compression after surgery and the SC-line types were analyzed. Results Preoperative cervical SC-line classification showed high correlations to the degree of spinal cord decompression. There were 3. 82 ± 0. 39 points in Type Ⅰ before surgery, 3. 90 ±0. 32 points in Type Ⅱ , and 4. 00 ±0. 00 points in Type Ⅲ , respectively. After surgery, there were 1. 15 ±0. 50 points in Type Ⅰ , 2. 70 ±0. 48 points in Type Ⅱ , and 3. 50 ±0. 55 points in Type Ⅲ, respectively. Significant differences were found between each Type ( F = 42. 49, P < 0. 01; Type Ⅰ vs. Type Ⅱ : P<0. 01;Type Ⅰvs. Type Ⅲ: P <0. 01;Type Ⅱ vs. Type Ⅲ: P =0.038). Conclusion SC-line can be used to predict the degree of postoperative spinal cord decompression following cervical laminoplasty.  相似文献   
目的比较寰枢椎后路手术中常用的Gallie、Brooks、Magerl双螺钉、Maged单螺钉等内固定方法单独应用或联合应用时的力学稳定性,为临床选择治疗术式提供实验依据.方法取5具新鲜冷冻人体颈椎(C1~C5)标本,固定C1和C2~C5,仅保留C1~C2之间活动.切断寰椎横韧带和齿状突,造成寰枢关节不稳定.每个标本依次行Maged单螺钉、Maged双螺钉、Gallie、Maged单螺钉 Gallie、Maged双螺钉 Gallie、Brooks固定.在生物力学试验机上应用位移控制法测定各组的稳定性,前屈和侧屈的位移定为lmm,旋转角度为30°测定正常组、损伤组及内固定各组在前屈、双侧侧屈和旋转状态下的刚度,比较内固定各组的稳定性.结果在各组内固定中,Maged双侧侧块螺钉 GaUie刚度最大,最稳定.Magerl单螺钉 Gallie和Maged双螺钉相比.在各种状态下.二者刚度均无显著性差异(P>0.05),在旋转状态下,其刚度值分别为1.55 0.07Nm/3°和1.44 0.13Nm/3°(P>0.05);而Maged单螺钉的刚度在各种状态下均明显低于Magerl双螺钉(P<0.05),其中在旋转状态下分别为0.96±0.17Nm/3°和1.44±0.13Nrn/3°(P<0.05).结论Maged单螺钉 Gallie钢丝固定稳定性好,可替代Magerl双螺钉,而Maged单螺钉固定效果不佳,应尽量避免单独使用.  相似文献   
Objectives To report a new index (the SC-line) and a new classification for predicting of postoperative spinal cord decompression after cervical laminoplasty. Methods From March 2008 to August 2009, MRI images of 25 patients treated with cervical laminoplasty were retrospectively studied.Using T2-weighted images of the cervical spine, point A was anterior point of the spinal cord at inferior endplate level of cranial compressed vertebra. Point B was anterior point of the spinal cord at superior endplate level of caudal compressed vertebra. The SC-line was defined as a line that connects A and B.Posterior surface of compressor at compression level did not exceed the line in Type Ⅰ , connected the line in Type Ⅱ , and exceeded it in Type Ⅲ . Twenty-five patients who underwent cervical laminoplasty were classified into 3 groups according to the SC-line classification. The posterior shift of the spinal cord after the posterior decompression procedure was evaluated by using a modified gradation of degree of anterior spinal cord compression by MRI finding. The relationship between the degree of anterior spinal cord compression after surgery and the SC-line types were analyzed. Results Preoperative cervical SC-line classification showed high correlations to the degree of spinal cord decompression. There were 3. 82 ± 0. 39 points in Type Ⅰ before surgery, 3. 90 ±0. 32 points in Type Ⅱ , and 4. 00 ±0. 00 points in Type Ⅲ , respectively. After surgery, there were 1. 15 ±0. 50 points in Type Ⅰ , 2. 70 ±0. 48 points in Type Ⅱ , and 3. 50 ±0. 55 points in Type Ⅲ, respectively. Significant differences were found between each Type ( F = 42. 49, P < 0. 01; Type Ⅰ vs. Type Ⅱ : P<0. 01;Type Ⅰvs. Type Ⅲ: P <0. 01;Type Ⅱ vs. Type Ⅲ: P =0.038). Conclusion SC-line can be used to predict the degree of postoperative spinal cord decompression following cervical laminoplasty.  相似文献   
Objectives To report a new index (the SC-line) and a new classification for predicting of postoperative spinal cord decompression after cervical laminoplasty. Methods From March 2008 to August 2009, MRI images of 25 patients treated with cervical laminoplasty were retrospectively studied.Using T2-weighted images of the cervical spine, point A was anterior point of the spinal cord at inferior endplate level of cranial compressed vertebra. Point B was anterior point of the spinal cord at superior endplate level of caudal compressed vertebra. The SC-line was defined as a line that connects A and B.Posterior surface of compressor at compression level did not exceed the line in Type Ⅰ , connected the line in Type Ⅱ , and exceeded it in Type Ⅲ . Twenty-five patients who underwent cervical laminoplasty were classified into 3 groups according to the SC-line classification. The posterior shift of the spinal cord after the posterior decompression procedure was evaluated by using a modified gradation of degree of anterior spinal cord compression by MRI finding. The relationship between the degree of anterior spinal cord compression after surgery and the SC-line types were analyzed. Results Preoperative cervical SC-line classification showed high correlations to the degree of spinal cord decompression. There were 3. 82 ± 0. 39 points in Type Ⅰ before surgery, 3. 90 ±0. 32 points in Type Ⅱ , and 4. 00 ±0. 00 points in Type Ⅲ , respectively. After surgery, there were 1. 15 ±0. 50 points in Type Ⅰ , 2. 70 ±0. 48 points in Type Ⅱ , and 3. 50 ±0. 55 points in Type Ⅲ, respectively. Significant differences were found between each Type ( F = 42. 49, P < 0. 01; Type Ⅰ vs. Type Ⅱ : P<0. 01;Type Ⅰvs. Type Ⅲ: P <0. 01;Type Ⅱ vs. Type Ⅲ: P =0.038). Conclusion SC-line can be used to predict the degree of postoperative spinal cord decompression following cervical laminoplasty.  相似文献   
目的应用前路经皮侧块螺钉内固定治疗寰枢椎骨折,并进行术后随访及影像学评估。方法采用自行设计的一套中空穿刺器械,进行前路经皮穿刺侧块螺钉内固定同时行前部结构植骨融合术,治疗C1-2骨折38例,手术患者包括:Jeferson骨折10例,C1前弓骨折12例,寰枢椎脱位7例、半脱位5例,陈旧性齿状突骨折4例。对术后患者进行X线、CT检查,观察螺钉的位置。结果临床术后患者得到随访,平均随访2.8年,术后无严重合并症,无血管、神经损伤,无气管损伤及食管瘘,螺钉1例一侧松动,但未引起神经症状及其他合并症。1例一侧螺钉进入椎动脉孔边缘,但无椎动脉损伤。其余螺钉位置良好。结论前路经皮侧块螺钉内固定治疗C1-2操作简单,出血少,创伤小,恢复快,疗效可靠。只要采用合理的配套器械,选择正确的穿刺点及穿刺深度,该手术方法是安全可靠的。  相似文献   
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