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【摘要】 目的:观察MRI检查中短T1反转回复(short T1 inversion-recovery,STIR)成像技术对于非神经根源性腰痛患者腰椎退变性病变的显示能力,评价其临床应用价值。方法:2010年9月~2011年6月对在我院就诊的有腰痛症状但无神经根放射痛症状的患者进行腰椎MRI扫描,共纳入130例患者,其中男89例,女41例,年龄17~81岁,平均48.3±16.0岁。病史均超过1年。MRI扫描序列包括:矢状面TSE-T1WI、TSE-T2WI、STIR序列,横断面TSE-T2WI序列。对STIR图像及TSE-T2WI图像上腰椎退变性病变进行观察,观察内容包括:L1~S1椎间盘退变情况、椎间盘突出/膨出的节段及程度、腰椎小关节骨质增生情况、棘间韧带水肿情况和腰背部皮下软组织水肿情况。分别对STIR序列与TSE-T2WI序列发现腰椎间盘退变、椎间盘突出/膨出、椎小关节病变、腰部软组织病变的能力进行比较。结果:130例非神经根源性腰痛患者中,STIR序列对于腰椎间盘退变、棘间韧带水肿及腰背部皮下软组织水肿的检出数分别为482个、118节和25例,TSE-T2WI序列检出311个、42节和8例,两序列检出率有显著性差异(P<0.05);STIR与TSE-T2WI序列对于腰椎间盘突出/膨出和椎小关节骨质增生的检出数均为182个和71个,无差异。两序列均发现5例腰椎滑脱,19例腰椎管狭窄。结论:MRI STIR序列对非神经根源性腰痛患者腰椎间盘退变、棘间韧带水肿及腰背部皮下软组织水肿显示能力优于MRI T2WI。  相似文献   
目的评价CYP7A1-204A/C基因多态性与胆石病风险及血清脂质水平之间的相关性。方法通过纳入排除标准,获取符合要求的文献;根据研究间的异质性,确定使用随机效应模型或固定效应模型,使用Rev Man对数据进行分析。结果使用5篇文献评估CYP7A1-204A/C基因多态性与胆石病风险间的关系,涉及病例组人群830名,对照组健康人群882名。结果显示,CYP7A1-204A等位基因导致GSD风险提高5%(OR=1.05,95%CI:0.91~1.22,P=0.48),提高幅度不显著。以种族进行的亚组分析后,仍未见显著差异。使用4篇文献对CYP7A1-204A与血清脂质水平的相关性进行分析,涉及病例组人群802名,健康对照组人群691名。所有对象均为亚洲人。数据整合结果显示,AC基因型比AA基因型人群TG水平更高,差异显著(MD=-0.42,95%CI=-0.76~0.08,P=0.01)。显示AC基因型比AA基因型人群TG水平更高,差异显著(MD=-0.42,95%CI=-0.76~0.08,P=0.01)。CC基因型病例组人群的LDL-C显著高于AA基因型病例组人群(MD=-0.40,95%CI=0.06~0.73,P=0.02);AA基因型比CC基因型对照组人群有着更高的TC水平(MD=-0.35,95%CI=-0.60~0.10,P=0.007);AC基因型对照组人群的TG水平高于CC基因型对照组人群,差异显著(MD=-0.35,95%CI=-0.61~-0.08,P=0.01);对比对照组人群的CC基因型,AA基因型人群的HDL-C水平更高(MD=-0.15,95%CI=-0.21~0.09,P=0.0000098)。结论 CYP7A1-204A/C多态性与GSD风险在亚洲人群中无相关性;但是,CYP7A1-204A/C多态性与血清脂质水平有显著相关性。  相似文献   
目的 对Bryan颈人工椎间盘置换术治疗颈椎病的失败原因进行分析.方法 2004年10月至2007年10月,采用Bryan颈人工椎间盘对48例颈椎病患者的56个椎间盘进行治疗,其中单节段40例,双节段8例.术后随访2~38个月,平均18个月.手术失败4例,男1例,女3例;年龄分别为42、51、40、49岁.患者均为经6周的保守治疗无效后行Bryan颈人工椎间盘置换.结果 1例全麻后在用胶带固定患者体位的过程中造成对臂丛的过度牵拉,术后双上肢肌力下降到2~3级.1例术前CT及MRI显示C4~C6水平后纵韧带骨化,其中C4,5节段骨桥形成,向后方压迫脊髓;手术切除部分骨化后纵韧带,使之漂浮;术后患者症状无改善,并出现锥体束征阳性,复查CT及MRI示存在骨化后纵韧带压迫脊髓.1例术前MRI显示C4-5椎间盘突出,椎管前后径约为5 mm,C4,5水平脊髓变性;术中向外侧减压时致椎管内静脉破裂,出血影响术野;术后左侧肢体肌力下降至0级.1例术后1年发现假体后方异位骨化,但不影响关节活动.结论 臂丛损伤、减压不彻底、术中椎管内静脉出血和异位骨化可能是引起颈椎人工椎间盘置换术失败的主要原因.  相似文献   
高位腰椎间盘突出症的手术治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨高位腰椎间盘突出症的手术治疗方法。方法:37例高位腰椎间盘突出症患者中,男25例,女12例:年龄38~65岁,平均54.3岁;L1/2 7例,L2/3 13例;L3/4 17例。22例行双侧小关节切除自体小关节骨及cage后路椎间融合椎弓根钉内固定术,15例行前路椎间盘切除植骨融合钛板内固定术。应用JOA评分评价患者手术前后及随访时的神经功能,总结手术并发症,观察植骨融合情况。结果:后路手术患者中2例硬脊膜撕裂.1例椎弓根螺钉位置偏斜;前路手术患者中1例硬脊膜破裂,2例术后出现单侧神经根麻痹,1例术后出现难控制性呃逆。随访24~66个月,平均43.5个月,JOA评分由术前11.85&#177;2.41分提高到随访时的25.34&#177;3.23分,优良率为83.78%;其中前路手术者JOA评分由11.92&#177;2.53改善到24.49&#177;3.19分,优良率为80.00%;后路手术者由11.71&#177;2.34改善到25.83&#177;3.41分,优良率86.36%。无内固定物松动、断裂等并发症发生,后路手术者骨性融合率为95.45%,前路手术者骨性融合率为93.33%。结论:高位腰椎间盘突出症采用手术治疗是必要的,前或后路手术均可取得良好的疗效。  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the failed Bryan cervical disc arthroplasty and to improve its re-sults. Methods From October 2004 to October 2007, 48 patients underwent Bryan cervical disc arthro-plasty. All patients were followed up 2 to 38 months(mean 18 months). Among them, 4 failed cases were an-alyzed, which include 1 male and 3 females, with the age of 42, 51, 40, 49 years. Results Case 1 reported the brachial plexus injury as the result of the patient's shoulders being overstretched while fixing his position during operation, the muscular power of both upper extremities declining to degree Ⅱ and Ⅲ upon operation completion, which was restored to degree 4 when discharged from hospital (45 days after operation). Case 2 reported the compression on the spinal cord as the result of failure to remove the ossification of posterior lon-gitudinal ligament (OPLL) which had been identified by the preoperative CT; the patient complained of no release of symptoms after the operation and postoperative CT showed that compression still existed. Case 3 reported incomplete spinal cord injury caused by massive bleeding during decompression, a function of ex-tremely small vertebral canal anteroposterior diameter (5 mm shown in preoperative MRI); the muscular pow-er of left extremity dropped to degree 0 upon operation completion; the patient could walk with crutch 10 days after operation. Case 4 reported'heterotopic ossification (OP) which occurred 1 year after operation and became deteriorated 2 years later, but did not affect the motion of prosthesis. Conclusion Bryan disc arthroplasty is being extensively used as an effective procedure for decompression and reconstruction of the cervical disc. Excellent clinical results are related to strict selection of indications, perioperative manage-ment, and the experience and surgical technique of the surgeon are also important to the final outcome.  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the failed Bryan cervical disc arthroplasty and to improve its re-sults. Methods From October 2004 to October 2007, 48 patients underwent Bryan cervical disc arthro-plasty. All patients were followed up 2 to 38 months(mean 18 months). Among them, 4 failed cases were an-alyzed, which include 1 male and 3 females, with the age of 42, 51, 40, 49 years. Results Case 1 reported the brachial plexus injury as the result of the patient's shoulders being overstretched while fixing his position during operation, the muscular power of both upper extremities declining to degree Ⅱ and Ⅲ upon operation completion, which was restored to degree 4 when discharged from hospital (45 days after operation). Case 2 reported the compression on the spinal cord as the result of failure to remove the ossification of posterior lon-gitudinal ligament (OPLL) which had been identified by the preoperative CT; the patient complained of no release of symptoms after the operation and postoperative CT showed that compression still existed. Case 3 reported incomplete spinal cord injury caused by massive bleeding during decompression, a function of ex-tremely small vertebral canal anteroposterior diameter (5 mm shown in preoperative MRI); the muscular pow-er of left extremity dropped to degree 0 upon operation completion; the patient could walk with crutch 10 days after operation. Case 4 reported'heterotopic ossification (OP) which occurred 1 year after operation and became deteriorated 2 years later, but did not affect the motion of prosthesis. Conclusion Bryan disc arthroplasty is being extensively used as an effective procedure for decompression and reconstruction of the cervical disc. Excellent clinical results are related to strict selection of indications, perioperative manage-ment, and the experience and surgical technique of the surgeon are also important to the final outcome.  相似文献   
本文主要讲述了医院统计管理的信息化网络化的作用:医院统计管理的信息化网络化给登录者带来的便利;医院统计管理的信息化网络化对医院现代化建设起到重要作用;医院统计管理的信息化网络化的建设。  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the failed Bryan cervical disc arthroplasty and to improve its re-sults. Methods From October 2004 to October 2007, 48 patients underwent Bryan cervical disc arthro-plasty. All patients were followed up 2 to 38 months(mean 18 months). Among them, 4 failed cases were an-alyzed, which include 1 male and 3 females, with the age of 42, 51, 40, 49 years. Results Case 1 reported the brachial plexus injury as the result of the patient's shoulders being overstretched while fixing his position during operation, the muscular power of both upper extremities declining to degree Ⅱ and Ⅲ upon operation completion, which was restored to degree 4 when discharged from hospital (45 days after operation). Case 2 reported the compression on the spinal cord as the result of failure to remove the ossification of posterior lon-gitudinal ligament (OPLL) which had been identified by the preoperative CT; the patient complained of no release of symptoms after the operation and postoperative CT showed that compression still existed. Case 3 reported incomplete spinal cord injury caused by massive bleeding during decompression, a function of ex-tremely small vertebral canal anteroposterior diameter (5 mm shown in preoperative MRI); the muscular pow-er of left extremity dropped to degree 0 upon operation completion; the patient could walk with crutch 10 days after operation. Case 4 reported'heterotopic ossification (OP) which occurred 1 year after operation and became deteriorated 2 years later, but did not affect the motion of prosthesis. Conclusion Bryan disc arthroplasty is being extensively used as an effective procedure for decompression and reconstruction of the cervical disc. Excellent clinical results are related to strict selection of indications, perioperative manage-ment, and the experience and surgical technique of the surgeon are also important to the final outcome.  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the failed Bryan cervical disc arthroplasty and to improve its re-sults. Methods From October 2004 to October 2007, 48 patients underwent Bryan cervical disc arthro-plasty. All patients were followed up 2 to 38 months(mean 18 months). Among them, 4 failed cases were an-alyzed, which include 1 male and 3 females, with the age of 42, 51, 40, 49 years. Results Case 1 reported the brachial plexus injury as the result of the patient's shoulders being overstretched while fixing his position during operation, the muscular power of both upper extremities declining to degree Ⅱ and Ⅲ upon operation completion, which was restored to degree 4 when discharged from hospital (45 days after operation). Case 2 reported the compression on the spinal cord as the result of failure to remove the ossification of posterior lon-gitudinal ligament (OPLL) which had been identified by the preoperative CT; the patient complained of no release of symptoms after the operation and postoperative CT showed that compression still existed. Case 3 reported incomplete spinal cord injury caused by massive bleeding during decompression, a function of ex-tremely small vertebral canal anteroposterior diameter (5 mm shown in preoperative MRI); the muscular pow-er of left extremity dropped to degree 0 upon operation completion; the patient could walk with crutch 10 days after operation. Case 4 reported'heterotopic ossification (OP) which occurred 1 year after operation and became deteriorated 2 years later, but did not affect the motion of prosthesis. Conclusion Bryan disc arthroplasty is being extensively used as an effective procedure for decompression and reconstruction of the cervical disc. Excellent clinical results are related to strict selection of indications, perioperative manage-ment, and the experience and surgical technique of the surgeon are also important to the final outcome.  相似文献   
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