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28例右心系统肿瘤的诊断与外科治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨右心系统肿瘤的特点,总结其诊断和外科治疗经验。方法 对1989年6月~2006年8月期间的28例右心系统肿瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。28例中26例在体外循环下行肿瘤切除术,其中17例良性肿瘤均完整切除,同期行三尖瓣DeVega成形术2例,补片修补房间隔或右房壁3例;9例恶性肿瘤因侵及范围广泛,仅行大部切除术。结果 全组28例中26例行手术治疗。手术死亡2例,1例为横纹肌肉瘤术中死于低心排血量综合征,1例为间皮肉瘤术后2d死于低心排血量综合征、多器官功能衰竭。术后2例出现脑栓塞给予相应的治疗,其中1例神经系统症状消失,1例遗留轻度运动障碍。17例良性肿瘤患者中,无远期死亡和复发;9例恶性肿瘤患者中除1例随访时间较短外(〈3个月),其它8例均于术后6个月内死亡。结论 右心系统肿瘤临床少见,恶性率、误诊率高,手术效果和预后均较差。  相似文献   
白塞病是1937年首先由Behcet提出的,一种病因不明以口腔溃疡、外阴溃疡、皮肤损害及眼炎为临床特征,累及几乎所有系统的慢性疾病.大部分患者预后良好,但心脏大血管受损者预后差[1].  相似文献   
背景:目前临床应用的人工瓣膜,无论机械瓣还是生物瓣都存在着诸如易感染、出血和血栓形成并发症,因瓣口狭窄需再手术等自身难以克服的缺陷。理论上具有生物活性的组织工程心脏瓣膜可克服上述缺点,但种子细胞和瓣膜支架的选取尚存在争议。目的:探讨应用人骨髓基质干细胞及脱细胞猪主动脉瓣支架体外构建组织工程瓣膜的可行性。方法:采用去垢剂一核酸酶消化法处理,去除猪主动脉瓣叶细胞成分,获取施行简单先心病修补患者胸骨来源的骨髓基质干细胞,将其种植于脱细胞猪主动脉瓣支架共培养5d。结果与结论:流式细胞技术证实接种的种子细胞的表面抗原符合人骨髓基质干细胞的特征;光镜及电镜检查证实,猪主动脉瓣膜中的细胞成分可完全去除,获得完整无细胞的纤维网状支架;瓣叶去细胞前后的生物力学性能无明显变化;种植的人骨髓基质干细胞可在脱细胞猪主动脉瓣支架表面形成一层连续的细胞层;接种的人骨髓基质干细胞有向成纤维细胞分化的趋势。以上结果提示种植人骨髓基质干细胞于脱细胞猪主动脉瓣支架上,可构建出组织工程心脏瓣膜。  相似文献   
22例StanfordA型主动脉夹层手术止血技巧体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:总结22例Stanford A型主动脉夹层患者术中止血技巧的体会.方法:2003年3月至2009年12月对22例确诊为Stanford A型主动脉夹层的患者实施手术,依据夹层范围、破口位置、主动脉瓣受累情况的不同,采用不同的手术及体外循环方式以缩短转机及低温时间;同时综合采用主动脉近端横窦缝合,主动脉根部-右心房...  相似文献   
BACKGROUND:Nowadays, mechanical or biological valve recipients used in the clinic are still at the risk of infection, hemorrhage, thrombosis and reoperation owing to valve stenosis. Tissue-engineered heart valve with biological activity can overcome the disadvantages above. While, the optimal choice of scaffolds and seeding cells remains disputable. OBJECTIVE:To explore the feasibility to construct tissue-engineered heart valve with acellularized porcine aortic valve scaffold and human bone marrow stromal stem cells in vitro. METHODS:The porcine aortic valves were decellularized with the detergent and enzymatic extraction process to remove the cellular components. Human bone marrow stromal stem cells were aspirated from sternum of the patients with simple congenital heart malformation, and then the cells were seeded on the acellularized porcine aortic valve scaffold and cultured for 5 days. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Flow cytometry identified that the characteristics of surface antigen of the inoculated seed cells were in line with those of human bone marrow stromal stem cells. Light microscopy and electron microscopy confirmed that the cellular components in the porcine aortic valves could be removed to obtain the complete acellular fiber mesh stent. There was no significant difference in biomechanical property between before and after acellularization. The human bone marrow stromal stem cells implanted on the acellularized porcine aortic valve scaffold could form a continuous cell layer on the surfaces of the scaffold. The inoculated bone marrow stromal stem cells could be differentiated into fibroblasts. The implantation of human bone marrow stromal stem cells on the acellularized porcine aortic valve scaffold can construct the tissue-engineered heart valve.  相似文献   
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