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Objective To evaluate low-dose CT coronary angiography with prospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-triggering using dual-source CT scanner.Methods Sixty-eight patients who underwent coronary CT angiography using a dual-source CT scanner were divided into 2 groups: group A (38 cases) and group B (30 cases).Prospective ECG-triggering sequence scan mode was employed for group A.Inclusion criteria included: heart rate <70 bpm, sinus rhythm, and heart rate fluctuation less than 10 bpm.Data acquisition was set at 70% of the RR-interval.Retrospective ECG-gating helical scan was performed for group B.Inclusion criteria included heart rates < 70 bpm and sinus rhythm.The exclusion criteria included heart failure and serious arrhythmias.In both groups, patients with a BMI≥24 kg/m2 were examined with a tube voltage of 120 kV, whereas patients with a BMI <24 kg/m2 were examined with a tube voltage of 100 kV.All images were transferred to a workstation for further processing and analysis.The imaging quality was evaluated.The imaging quality of coronary artery segments were compared with rank sum test between the two groups, and the radiation dose were compared with t test.Results A total of 476 coronary artery segments were evaluated in group A and 372 segments were evaluated in group B.The mean score of imaging quality for coronary artery segments in group A was 3.48±0.59 and that in group B was 3.53±0.58.There was no statistical difference in imaging quality between the two groups (Z=-1.432, P=0.187).The effective dose was on average (2.51±0.54) mSv (range 1.3--3.3 mSv) in group A, whereas on average (14.55±3.54) rosy (range 7.1--20.2 mSv) in group B.There was a statistical difference between the two groups (t=18.484, P=0.000).Conclusions Low-dose prospective ECG-triggering sequence scan in dual-source CT coronary angiography is feasible in patients with low heart rate and regular cardiac rhythm.This scan mode can substantially reduce radiation doses while preserving good diagnostic image quality.  相似文献   
目的:评价320排CT对心房颤动患者冠状动脉CT成像的有效性。方法:连续入组34例持续心房颤动患者。所有患者均进行了320排CTCA和常规冠状动脉造影(CCA)检查。两位评价者评价CTCA是否存在冠状动脉显著狭窄(≥50%),以CCA为参照标准,评价CTCA的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值(PPV)和阴性预测值(NPV)。结果:以冠状动脉段为单位,CTCA的敏感性、特异性、PPV和NPV分别为94.1%、99.3%、84.2%和99.8%。结论:320排CTCA诊断的准确性较高,在心房颤动患者可以有效地排除冠心病。  相似文献   
评价64排螺旋CT在不同情况下对冠状动脉钙化病变所致狭窄的诊断准确性. 方法 收集165例经CT冠状动脉成像(CTCA)检查发现冠状动脉钙化并至少1个主要分支狭窄>50%的患者,分别以个体、冠状动脉主支、节段、病变狭窄程度及钙化斑块形态为分析对象,测量Agatston积分(ACS)和狭窄率.以冠状动脉造影(CAG)作为标准,通过绘制ROC曲线来判定不同情况下CTCA的诊断价值并确定最佳的诊断切点. 结果 以个体为分析对象,ROC曲线下面积为0.791,以ACS值113.5为切点时诊断准确性最高.以冠状动脉主支为分析对象,对右冠状动脉及其属支狭窄的诊断效果最佳,ROC曲线下面积为0.897.以冠状动脉节段为分析对象,对RCA1段狭窄诊断准确性最高,ROC曲线下面积为0.894.以钙化斑块形态为研究对象,ROC曲线下面积仅在0.601~0.667之间,诊断价值较低.CTCA对狭窄程度<50%的狭窄诊断价值较大,曲线下面积为0.856. 结论 CTCA中,钙化对不同主支、不同节段及不同狭窄程度冠状动脉狭窄的诊断准确性影响不同;钙化斑块的形态不是影响诊断准确性的主要因素.  相似文献   
[摘要]目的探讨静脉推注美托洛尔在冠状动脉CT检查中的作用。方法受检者72例,随机分为美托洛尔静脉推注组(静脉组)和口服组各36例。静脉组推注美托洛尔总剂量10 mg,如心率下降至65次·min-1或血压下降至90/60 mmHg时,停止静脉推注美托洛尔,行冠状动脉多排CT检查;口服组一次给予美托洛尔50 mg。结果静脉组患者50.0%在用药后10 min达到目标心率,口服组中只有19.4%的患者用药后30 min达到目标心率(P<0.01)。结论静脉推注美托洛尔可以快速、有效、安全地减慢心率,使心率过快患者顺利、快速完成冠状动脉CT检查。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate low-dose CT coronary angiography with prospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-triggering using dual-source CT scanner.Methods Sixty-eight patients who underwent coronary CT angiography using a dual-source CT scanner were divided into 2 groups: group A (38 cases) and group B (30 cases).Prospective ECG-triggering sequence scan mode was employed for group A.Inclusion criteria included: heart rate <70 bpm, sinus rhythm, and heart rate fluctuation less than 10 bpm.Data acquisition was set at 70% of the RR-interval.Retrospective ECG-gating helical scan was performed for group B.Inclusion criteria included heart rates < 70 bpm and sinus rhythm.The exclusion criteria included heart failure and serious arrhythmias.In both groups, patients with a BMI≥24 kg/m2 were examined with a tube voltage of 120 kV, whereas patients with a BMI <24 kg/m2 were examined with a tube voltage of 100 kV.All images were transferred to a workstation for further processing and analysis.The imaging quality was evaluated.The imaging quality of coronary artery segments were compared with rank sum test between the two groups, and the radiation dose were compared with t test.Results A total of 476 coronary artery segments were evaluated in group A and 372 segments were evaluated in group B.The mean score of imaging quality for coronary artery segments in group A was 3.48±0.59 and that in group B was 3.53±0.58.There was no statistical difference in imaging quality between the two groups (Z=-1.432, P=0.187).The effective dose was on average (2.51±0.54) mSv (range 1.3--3.3 mSv) in group A, whereas on average (14.55±3.54) rosy (range 7.1--20.2 mSv) in group B.There was a statistical difference between the two groups (t=18.484, P=0.000).Conclusions Low-dose prospective ECG-triggering sequence scan in dual-source CT coronary angiography is feasible in patients with low heart rate and regular cardiac rhythm.This scan mode can substantially reduce radiation doses while preserving good diagnostic image quality.  相似文献   
低剂量增强多层螺旋CT对陈旧性心肌梗死心肌活性的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 前瞻性评价低剂量增强多层螺旋CT(MSCT)显示陈旧性心肌梗死心肌活性的可行性和可靠性,并与MR心肌灌注和心肌活性成像进行对照研究.方法 对32例临床明确诊断为陈旧性心肌梗死的患者行前瞻性首过和延迟增强64层MSCT及MR心肌灌注成像,在短轴面上将左心室分为16个心肌段进行分析,所有患者的MSCT和MR影像资料被双盲分析,确定早期心肌灌注缺损区和晚期延迟增强区的大小及范围.采用一致性检验的Kappa检验,评价两种方法对显示心肌活性的一致性.结果 32例患者,首过灌注期MSCT提示灌注缺损为41个节段,无灌注缺损为471个节段;首过灌沣期MRI提示灌注缺损为47个节段,无灌注缺损为465个节段,两种方法一致性Kappa值为0.650,符合率为94.5%(484/512).延迟期MSCT显示延迟增强为135个节段,其中非透壁性梗死为50个节段,透壁性梗死为85个节段,未出现延迟增强为377个节段;延迟期MRI显示延迟增强为120个节段,其中非透壁性梗死为56个节段,透壁性梗死为64个节段,未出现延迟增强为392个节段,两种方法一致性Kappa值为0.609,符合率为80.7%(413/512).结论 低剂量增强螺旋MSCT与MRI对心肌活性的评价有较好的相关性,MSCT对陈旧性心肌梗死的存活心肌和非存活心肌的检测是呵行和可靠的,减少不必要的X线辐射剂量是该研究的重要方面.  相似文献   
目的:探讨增强磁共振肺灌注成像对肺动脉栓塞血流动力学改变的价值。材料和方法:经放射性核素肺通气-灌注显像和MR肺灌注成像(MRPP)诊断的20例肺动脉栓塞患者和14例健康志愿者,行主肺动脉MR血流编码扫描,通过分析肺实质的信号强度变化率(TROS)、时间-信号曲线、右/左心室内径比及主肺动脉的相关参数(主肺动脉直径、血流峰值、平均流速、单位时间内流量等),比较肺动脉栓塞患者与志愿者间肺动脉血流动力学参数间的差异,评价MR在肺动脉栓塞血流动力学方面的作用。结果:肺栓塞患者组与健康志愿者组肺实质信号强度变化率、峰值时间、主肺动脉直径、右/左心室内径比差异有显著性意义;两组间的主肺动脉峰值流速、平均流速、流量具有统计学差异,肺栓塞患者MR血流编码的肺动脉峰值流速-时间曲线表现为收缩期峰值流时间提前,并可见明显反流。结论:MRI具有诊断肺动脉栓塞的可行性,并可测量肺动脉血流动力学参数变化,粗略估计肺动脉高压程度,有望成为一种研究肺栓塞的无创性影像方法。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate low-dose CT coronary angiography with prospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-triggering using dual-source CT scanner.Methods Sixty-eight patients who underwent coronary CT angiography using a dual-source CT scanner were divided into 2 groups: group A (38 cases) and group B (30 cases).Prospective ECG-triggering sequence scan mode was employed for group A.Inclusion criteria included: heart rate <70 bpm, sinus rhythm, and heart rate fluctuation less than 10 bpm.Data acquisition was set at 70% of the RR-interval.Retrospective ECG-gating helical scan was performed for group B.Inclusion criteria included heart rates < 70 bpm and sinus rhythm.The exclusion criteria included heart failure and serious arrhythmias.In both groups, patients with a BMI≥24 kg/m2 were examined with a tube voltage of 120 kV, whereas patients with a BMI <24 kg/m2 were examined with a tube voltage of 100 kV.All images were transferred to a workstation for further processing and analysis.The imaging quality was evaluated.The imaging quality of coronary artery segments were compared with rank sum test between the two groups, and the radiation dose were compared with t test.Results A total of 476 coronary artery segments were evaluated in group A and 372 segments were evaluated in group B.The mean score of imaging quality for coronary artery segments in group A was 3.48±0.59 and that in group B was 3.53±0.58.There was no statistical difference in imaging quality between the two groups (Z=-1.432, P=0.187).The effective dose was on average (2.51±0.54) mSv (range 1.3--3.3 mSv) in group A, whereas on average (14.55±3.54) rosy (range 7.1--20.2 mSv) in group B.There was a statistical difference between the two groups (t=18.484, P=0.000).Conclusions Low-dose prospective ECG-triggering sequence scan in dual-source CT coronary angiography is feasible in patients with low heart rate and regular cardiac rhythm.This scan mode can substantially reduce radiation doses while preserving good diagnostic image quality.  相似文献   
多排CT低射线技术在儿童先天性心脏病的应用现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>先天性心脏病(先心病)的发病率约0.4%~0.8%,是小儿最常见的心血管疾病[1]。随着冠心病的手术及介入技术的进步,术前的准确定性和定量诊断越来越重要[2]。冠心病影像学诊断的方法很多,包括超声心动图、X线平片、心  相似文献   
目的 :探讨选择性肺动脉造影与核素肺灌注 通气扫描在肺栓塞诊断的相关性。方法 :回顾性分析 2 3例肺栓塞选择性肺动脉造影与核素肺灌注 通气扫描显像。结果 :2 3例选择性肺动脉造影与核素肺灌注 通气扫描显像结果比较 ,肺血管堵塞≥ 8支以上者 ,二者相关性达 10 0 % ;<8支者二者相关性为 90 5 %。 7例冠状动脉造影阴性患者 ,经肺动脉造影证实为肺栓塞。结论 :选择性肺动脉造影是临床肺栓塞诊断和病变定位的可靠依据 ,而核素肺灌注 通气扫描显像检查则是目前临床诊断肺栓塞的有价值的无创性诊断方法之一。  相似文献   
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