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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - Although 70% of autistic children and young people meet criteria for co-occurring psychiatric conditions, there are few screening measures...  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To examine whether skeletal adaptations to chronic non-weight-bearing exercise depend on the type of aquatic exercise (swimming or water polo) as well as on sex (men or women). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was a cross-sectional study at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece. A total of 43 water polo players, 26 swimmers, and 30 sedentary individuals, aged 17 to 34 years, were recruited (52 men, 47 women). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Bone mineral content (BMC) and areal bone mineral density (aBMD) of the total body and of various subregions. RESULTS:: Compared with controls, swimmers had lower leg and total aBMD (P < 0.05), whereas water polo players had lower leg but higher arm and trunk aBMD (all P < 0.05). Swimmers and water polo athletes differed at the arms (men only), trunk, and total body (all higher in water polo players, at P < 0.05). Bone adaptations to water polo playing were unaffected by sex. Female swimmers, but not male swimmers, had 13% higher arm BMC than controls (P < 0.05), whereas male swimmers, but not female swimmers, had 12% lower leg BMC than controls (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Athletes participating in long-term water polo playing and swimming have substantially different total and regional aBMD. The effect is not mediated by sex in water polo players; however, sex may mediate the differences between swimmers and controls. Whether the observed differences between athlete groups and sexes arise from different bone adaptations to activity or from other factors cannot be answered by the current data. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Water polo playing may be preferable over swimming for maintaining bone health; both types of aquatic exercise at the elite level of participation, however, have unfavorable effects on the lower limb bones.  相似文献   
Within the ASPIS (Athens Study of Psychosis Proneness and Incidence of Schizophrenia) we sought out to examine in accordance with previous reports if a deviation from dextrality is associated with an augmented endorsement of self rated schizotypal personality traits in a large population of 1129 young male army recruits. Schizotypal traits were assessed using the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire and hand preference membership was determined by applying stringent criteria derived from the Annett Handedness Questionnaire and the Porac-Coren questionnaire of lateral preferences. By adopting three different definitions of hand preference membership, we confirmed an association between mixed handedness and increased schizotypal personality traits, and in particular with Disorganization schizotypy that encompasses aspects of self perceived difficulties in verbal communication. Non-verbal cognitive ability, as indexed by measurement of non-verbal IQ, sustained attention and working memory was not associated with hand preference. We argue that a deviation from normal cerebral lateralization, as indexed by mixed handedness, is associated with mild sub clinical language dysfunction, rather than non-verbal cognitive ability, and this might be relevant to the expression of psychosis phenotype.  相似文献   


There is growing recognition of the value of researching anomalous experiences in the general population to aid our understanding of the psychosis continuum. There are key differences in aims, foci and epistemologies of existing measures, with varying utility for specific research designs. This study addresses gaps in the literature by developing a measure of anomalous experiences with utility for longitudinal (time-sensitive) research, and with particular reliability for people towards the upper (high scoring) end of the continuum.


An online sample was recruited from the general population to provide questionnaire data for two study parts: (A) item selection and (B) psychometric evaluation. For Part A, both classical test theory and item response theory methods were used to select which items to be included from an initial pool of 57, generated from individuals with persistent anomalous experiences. For Part B, psychometric properties of the resulting measure were evaluated using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and tests of reliability and validity.


Scores were provided by 532 participants, from which a 19-item scale, the Transpersonal Experiences Questionnaire (TEQ), was developed. The TEQ was found to be a unidimensional scale, with satisfactory internal consistency (0.85), good test–retest reliability and convergent validity.


The TEQ can be used as a unidimensional scale to detect anomalous experiences in the general population, with particular reliability for people with higher incidence of these experiences.  相似文献   
In order to examine the physical and physiological demands of water polo, we assessed the profile of elite water polo players. Nineteen male professional water polo players (age: 25.5±5.0 years, height: 184.5±4.3 cm body mass: 90.7±6.4 kg) underwent body composition assessment by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. We also evaluated peak oxygen consumption O2peak, lactate threshold (LT), energy cost of swimming (Cs), anaerobic capacity and isokinetic shoulder strength. Body fat (%) was 16.8±4.4, lean mass (LM) 75.1±4.9 kg and bone mineral density (BMD) 1.37±0.07 g·cm–2 . O2peak was 57.9±7 ml·kg–1· min–1 . LT was identified at 3.9±0.7 mmol·l–1 at a swimming velocity (v) of 1.33±0.05 m·s–1 with a heart rate of 154±7 bpm, corresponding to an intensity of 83±9 of O2peak. The average Cs of swimming at the LT was 1.08±0.04 kJ·m–1 . Cs at LT was correlated to body mass index (BMI) (r=0.22, P=0.04) and to swimming performance at 400 m (r=0.86, P=0.01) and 4×50 m (r=0.84, P<0.01). Internal rotator muscles were stronger compared to the external rotators by a 2:1 ratio. This study provides a quantitative representation of both physical and physiological demands of water polo and proposes a comprehensive battery of tests that can be used for assessing the status of a team.  相似文献   
A new method for evoking the tail flick reflex is introduced, using short duration or "impulsive" nociceptive stimuli, which allow synchronization and recording of electrophysiological responses. Ten adult rats were studied, by means of thermal (CO(2) laser infrared pulse with 30 ms duration, 7.5 or 10W), electric (a 25 ms train of five 0.2 ms pulses, with 5 or 10 mA intensity) or mechanical (pin pressed with 5 g force) stimuli. Both electromyographic and strain gauge mechanical responses were recorded from the tail. All three types of stimulation gave rise to three components, named early, late and ultralate, respectively occurring in the range of 19-97 ms, 190-519 ms, 1,523-2,765 ms. Conduction velocities of the underlying afferent fibres were calculated by moving the stimulation site. The early component could be linked to Aδ afferents, while late and ultralate components were due to unmyelinated C afferents. Experiments with Fentanyl (20 μg/kg) showed that only the C linked components were depressed, with the ultralate component the most affected, possibly because supraspinally originated. Tail flick reflex evoked by impulsive stimuli is believed to be an important electrophysiological complement to behavioural procedures, useful in identifying the site of action of analgesics and other drugs upon the spinal and supraspinal centres involved in nociception.  相似文献   

Consistent research findings indicate that parents and teachers observe genuinely different Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) behaviours in their respective settings.


To evaluate the utility of information provided by teacher informant assessments (INFAs) of ADHD symptoms, and the implications of aggregation algorithms in combing parents’ information, i.e. using ‘or-rule’ (endorsement by either one informant) versus ‘and-rule’ (endorsement by both informants).


Teacher ratings on Conners scales and clinical data from parental accounts on 1383 probands and their siblings from the IMAGE study were analysed. The psychometric properties of teacher and combined ratings using the item response theory model (IRT) are presented. Kappa coefficients, intraclass correlations and linear regression were employed.


First, teacher endorsement of symptoms is located in a narrow part of the trait continuum close to the average levels. Symptoms exhibit comparable perception in the measurement of the trait(s) with similar discrimination ability and information (reliability). Second, the IRT properties of the ‘or-rule’ ratings are predominantly influenced by parent-INFAs; and the ‘and-rule’ ratings predominantly by teacher-INFAs ratings. Third, parent-teacher INFAs agreement was low, both for individual items (κ = 0.01–0.15) and for dimensional scores (r = 0.12–0.16). The ‘or-rule’ captured milder expressions of ADHD symptoms, whereas the ‘and-rule’ indexed greater severity of ADHD.


Parent and teacher-INFAs provide different kinds of information, while both are useful. Teacher-INFA and the ‘and-rule’ provide a more accurate index of severity than an additive symptom count. Parent-INFA and the ‘or-rule’ are more sensitive for detecting cases with milder ADHD.

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