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Metastasis (the spread of cancer from a primary tumor to secondary organs) is responsible for most cancer deaths. The ability to follow the fate of a population of tumor cells over time in an experimental animal would provide a powerful new way to monitor the metastatic process. Here we describe a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that permits the tracking of breast cancer cells in a mouse model of brain metastasis at the single-cell level. Cancer cells that were injected into the left ventricle of the mouse heart and then delivered to the brain were detectable on MR images. This allowed the visualization of the initial delivery and distribution of cells, as well as the growth of tumors from a subset of these cells within the whole intact brain volume. The ability to follow the metastatic process from the single-cell stage through metastatic growth, and to quantify and monitor the presence of solitary undivided cells will facilitate progress in understanding the mechanisms of brain metastasis and tumor dormancy, and the development of therapeutics to treat this disease.  相似文献   
Behavioral disturbances have been reported with subthalamic (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment in Parkinson's disease (PD). We report correlative functional imaging (fMRI) of mood and motor responses induced by successive right and left DBS. A 36-year-old woman with medically refractory PD and a history of clinically remitted depression underwent uncomplicated implantation of bilateral STN DBS. High-frequency stimulation of the left electrode improved motor symptoms. Unexpectedly, right DBS alone elicited several reproducible episodes of acute depressive dysphoria. Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) imaging was carried out with sequential individual electrode stimulation. The electrode on the left was within the inferior STN, whereas the right electrode was marginally superior and lateral to the intended STN target within the Fields of Forel/zona incerta. fMRI image analysis (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages, AFNI) contrasting OFF versus ON stimulation identified significant lateralized blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes with DBS (P < 0.001). Left DBS primarily showed changes in motor regions: increases in premotor and motor cortex, ventrolateral thalamus, putamen, and cerebellum as well as decreases in sensorimotor/supplementary motor cortex. Right DBS showed similar but less extensive change in motor regions. More prominent were the unique increases in superior prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate (Brodmann's area [BA] 24), anterior thalamus, caudate, and brainstem, and marked widespread decreases in medial prefrontal cortex (BA 9/10). The mood disturbance resolved spontaneously in 4 weeks despite identical stimulation parameters. Transient depressive mood induced by subcortical DBS stimulation was correlated with changes in mesolimbic cortical structures. This case provides new evidence supporting cortical segregation of motor and nonmotor cortico-basal ganglionic systems that may converge in close proximity at the level of the STN and the adjacent white matter tracts (Fields of Forel/zona incerta).  相似文献   
While the role of collagen and elastin fibrous components in heart valve valvular biomechanics has been extensively investigated, the biomechanical role of the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) gelatinous-like material phase remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated the biomechanical role of GAGs in porcine aortic valve (AV) leaflets under tension utilizing enzymatic removal. Tissue specimens were removed from the belly region of porcine AVs and subsequently treated with either an enzyme solution for GAG removal or a control (buffer with no enzyme) solution. A dual stress level test methodology was used to determine the effects at low and high (physiological) stress levels. In addition, planar biaxial tests were conducted both on-axis (i.e. aligned to the circumferential and radial axes) and at 45° off-axis to induce maximum shear, to explore the effects of augmented fiber rotations on the fiber–fiber interactions. Changes in hysteresis were used as the primary metric of GAG functional assessment. A simulation of the low-force experimental setup was also conducted to clarify the internal stress system and provide viscoelastic model parameters for this loading range. Results indicated that under planar tension the removal of GAGs had no measureable affect extensional mechanical properties (either on- or 45° off-axis), including peak stretch, hysteresis and creep. Interestingly, in the low-force range, hysteresis was markedly reduced, from 35.96 ± 2.65% in control group to 25.00 ± 1.64% (p < 0.001) as a result of GAG removal. Collectively, these results suggest that GAGs do not play a direct role in modulating the time-dependent tensile properties of valvular tissues. Rather, they appear to be strongly connected with fiber–fiber and fiber–matrix interactions at low force levels. Thus, we speculate that GAGs may be important in providing a damping mechanism to reduce leaflet flutter when the leaflet is not under high tensile stress.  相似文献   
A systematic review was performed to assess whether cerebral blood flow with different imaging modalities could identify brain abnormalities in children with sickle cell disease where structural magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial Doppler velocity appeared normal. A total of 11 studies were identified which reported cerebral blood flow abnormalities alongside structural magnetic resonance imaging or transcranial Doppler velocity abnormalities in patients with sickle cell disease. Potential for bias was assessed with the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies scale in addition to treatment bias. Subjects of each study were categorized into patients with and without stroke. The prevalence of abnormalities for each modality was then separately calculated in each group. The included studies had mostly moderate degrees of bias. The prevalence of blood flow abnormalities compared with structural magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities was equal to or lower in patients with stroke and equal to or greater in patients without stroke. Blood flow abnormalities were more prevalent than transcranial Doppler abnormalities in four studies of patients without stroke and in one study of patients with stroke. The studies suggest that the assessment of cerebral blood flow in sickle cell disease can be of potential value in addressing brain abnormalities at the tissue level; however, further studies are warranted.  相似文献   
MR and CT have evolved and are both capable of providing important physiologic information for guiding acute stroke therapy. This information could help to alleviate the growing unease concerning the low numbers of patients who meet the nonindividualized epidemiologically-derived enrollment criteria for thrombolysis. Physiologic assessment, such as measurement of blood-brain barrier permeability, could lead to individualization of eligibility for thrombolysis with expanded patient enrollment. Cerebrovascular reactivity analysis ("brain stress test") could improve the management of patients who have carotid occlusive disease. Detection of impaired autoregulation would favor surgical or endovascular intervention as opposed to medical management in these patients. The application of physiologic imaging techniques will undoubtedly play a key role in the management of patients who have disorders of cerebral blood flow.  相似文献   
Increased risk of hemorrhagic transformation (HT) limits the general use of thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke (AIS). This study shows that early blood-brain barrier defects in AIS can be assessed by using permeability MR imaging. Significantly increased permeability was found in 3 patients who later hemorrhaged. This method indicates the potential for identifying patients at higher risk of HT and offers the use of physiologic imaging rather than time from onset of symptoms to guide treatment decisions.  相似文献   
Reversal of restricted diffusion in cerebral venous thrombosis: case report   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We report a patient with extensive cerebral venous thrombosis who showed complete reversal of restricted diffusion on MRI, accompanied by excellent clinical recovery. The implications of these findings in relation to interpretation of diffusion changes in cerebral venous thrombosis are discussed, and differences with arterial stroke are highlighted.  相似文献   
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