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Zusammenfassung Wir berichten fiber die Doppler-sonographischen Ergebnisse bei 33 Patienten mit einer Anastomose zwischen der A. temporalis superficialis and der A. cerebri media. Die Indikation zur Bypass-Operation beinhaltete rezidivierende TIA oder ein kurz zuvor erworbenes leichtes neurologisches Defizit bei angiographischem Nachweis einseitiger oder beidseitiger tiefer Obliterationen der A. carotis interna und hochgradiger Stenosen oder Verschlüsse im distalen Abschnitt der A. carotis interna bzw. im proximalen Abschnitt der A. cerebri media. Die Funktionsfahigkeit der Anastomose wurde überpriift durch die Berechnung der modifizier ten Pourcelot-Indices (relative enddiastolische Strömungsgeschwindigkeit) der A. temporalis superficialis praeauriculär und am Bohrlochrand Bowie durch den EinfluB der intermittierenden Kompression des den Bypass-versorgenden Gefäßes auf den modifizierten Pourcelot-Index der ipsilateralen A. carotis communis. Bei allen Patienten mit funktionsfahigen Anastomosen, definiert durch einen modifizierten Pourcelot-Index von zumindest 0,20 am Bohrlochrand, kam es zu einer Reduktion dieses Parameters um durchschnittlich 0,08 an der A. carotis communis bei kurzfristiger Kompression des den Bypass-versorgenden Astes. Bei den 18 Patienten mit unilateraler Obliteration der A. carotis interna war der Bypass über-wiegend dann funktionsfähig, wenn die summierten modifizierten Pourcelot-Indices der verbliebenen hirnversorgenden Gefäße um zumindest 10% gegenüber einem vergleichbaren Normalkollektiv reduziert waren. Das Vorhandensein bzw. das Fehlen von Ophthalmica-Kollateralen hatte dabei keinen Einfluß auf den Prozentsatz der funktionsfahigen Anastomosen in diesen Untergruppen. Bei den vier Patienten mit bilateraler Obliteration der A. carotis interna war die angelegte Anastomose in jedem Fall funktionsfähig, während die Hälfte der Patienten mit Stenosen and Verschlüssen im distalen Abschnitt der Carotisstrombahn nur eine ungeniigende Bypass-Funktion zeigten. Die zwei Patienten mit einer Mediahauptstammstenose bzw. -obliteration hatten Indices von 0,45 bzw. 0,46 am Bohrlochrand als Hinweis auf die Funktionstüchtigkeit. Wir Bind der Auffassung, daß man mittels Doppler-sonographischer Kriterien die Funktionsfahigkeit einer Temporalis superficialis-Cerebri media-Anastomose überprüfen kann. Der praeoperativ berechnete summierte modifizierte Pourcelot-Index der verbliebenen hirnversorgenden Arterien kann zumindest bei uni- and bilateraler Internaobliteration als zusatzlicher Parameter herangezogen werden, um die Indikation zur Bypass-Operation zu klären.  相似文献   
The deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP)-flap continues to be the standard treatment in microsurgical breast reconstruction. Reasons for the popularity of the DIEP-flap include the availability of a large amount of tissue for the reconstruction of large breasts, a reliable vascular anatomy and an aesthetically pleasing donor site scar. However, the DIEP-flap is not considered the optimal choice as the donor tissue in all patients. Previous abdominal surgeries with resulting scars may threaten the success of a free DIEP-flap due to compromised vascularity within the flap. We elaborated a technique to increase the safety of breast reconstruction with the DIEP-flap in the presence of an infraumbilical vertical scar. After raising the DIEP-flap in a traditional manner on one side with harvesting of a considerate length of the inferior epigastric vessels, a segment of the superior epigastric vessels is left attached to the main pedicle. This stump of the superior epigastric vessels is now anastomosed under the microscope to a paraumbilical perforator on the contralateral side of the flap for in-flap microvascular augmentation. The above-mentioned technique was applied in five patients who presented with an infraumbilical vertical scar and were reconstructed with a DIEP-flap because of breast cancer. In three of the five patients there was an additional risk factor present such as smoking or diabetes mellitus. In all five patients no major complication due to marginal perfusion of the contralateral side of the flap was encountered. In two patients there was minor breakdown of fatty tissue that was managed conservatively in both cases. In-flap microvascular augmentation of DIEP-flaps is a valuable tool for the plastic surgeon in microvascular breast reconstruction. It permits usage of the lower abdominal tissue even if perfusion is compromised due to midline scarring. We recommend this technique as a safe alternative in patients seeking autologous breast reconstruction in the presence of a midline abdominal scar.  相似文献   
The complement system (C) is one of the main humoral components of innate immunity. Three major tasks of C against invading pathogens are: (i) lysis of pathogens by the formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC); (ii) opsonization of pathogens with complement fragments to favor phagocytosis; and (iii) attraction of inflammatory cells by chemotaxis. Like other particles, HIV activates C and becomes opsonized. To escape complement-mediated lysis, HIV has adopted various properties, which include the acquisition of HIV-associated molecules (HAMs) belonging to the family of complement regulators, such as CD46, CD55, CD59, and the interaction with humoral regulatory factors like factor H (fH). Opsonized virus may bind to complement receptor positive cells to infect them more efficiently or to remain bound on the surface of such cells. In the latter case HIV can be transmitted to cells susceptible for infection. This review discusses several aspects of C-HIV interactions and provides a model for the dynamics of this process.  相似文献   
Resting CD4(+) T cells in the lymphoid tissue (LT) are essential producers of virions at the beginning of HIV infection in vivo. We previously developed a model that allowed in vitro infection of non-prestimulated T lymphocytes in the presence of autologous B lymphocytes and complement. In this study, we try to clarify the mechanism(s) responsible for virus transmission in unstimulated autologous B cell/T cell co-cultures. Ex vivo analyses of patient plasma samples revealed that HIV was opsonized. Flow cytometry showed that opsonized virus preferentially bound to complement receptor (CR)-2 on B lymphocytes in primary B cell/T cell co-cultures. As indicated by cytokine measurements and transwell experiments, soluble factors seemed to play a minor role in enabling infection. Rather, direct interaction between B and T lymphocytes and direct binding of opsonized virus to CR2 on B cells turned out to be essential for productive infection. Antibodies blocking cell-cell adhesion inhibited p24 antigen production. An anti-CR2 antibody blocking C3d-CR2 binding also significantly reduced viral replication. Since the infection of unstimulated T cells by opsonized primary HIV isolates in the presence of B cells was highly efficient independent of the tropism of the virus, this mechanism may be critical in the pathogenesis of HIV.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aus Suspensionen zerstörter Thrombocyten des Menschen wurden reine Fraktionen von Hyalomer und Granulomer hergestellt. Von den Fraktionen wurde jeweils ein Teil für die elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung, ein anderer Teil für die Bestimmung des Serotonins verwandt. Durch die elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung jeder einzelnen Fraktion wurde die Reinheit der Fraktionen überprüft. Die Bestimmung des Serotoningehaltes erfolgte am isolierten Rattenmagen. In Kontrollversuchen wurde ferner der Serotoningehalt intakter Thrombocyten bestimmt.Intakte Thrombocyten besitzen im Mittel einen Serotonin-Gehalt von 52 ng/108 Thrombocyten. In den Fraktionierungsversuchen fanden wir 95% des Serotonins in den Hyalomer-Fraktionen und nur 5% des Serotonins in den Granulomer-Fraktionen. In vivo findet sich also der hohe Serotoningehalt fast ausschließlich im Hyalomer der Thrombocyten.
Summary Pure fractions of hyalomer and granulomer were prepared from suspensions of destroyed human thrombocytes. One portion of the fractions was used for the electron microscopic studies, and the other part for the determination of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine). The electron microscopic investigation allowed to check the purity of each single fraction. On the isolated rat stomach the determination of the concentration of serotonin was performed. In control preparations we studied the serotonin concentration of intact thrombocytes. These thrombocytes have a mean serotonin concentration of 52 ng/108 platelets. In fractioning experiments we found 95% of the serotonin in the hyalomer fractions and only 5% of the serotonin in the granulomer fractions. In vivo therefore, the high concentration of the serotonin is found almost exclusively in the hyalomer of the thrombocytes.

Die Ergebniss wurden vor der Medizinischen Gesellschaft Düsseldorf am 23. 1. 1963 mitgeteilt. Herrn Prof. Dr.Meessen danken wir für die Anregung und Förderung der Arbeit, Herrn Prof. Dr.Greeff für die Hilfe bei den Serotoninbestimmungen.  相似文献   
We have recently shown that 'alloimmune sera' derived from polytransfused patients (PTP sera) are able to recognise and neutralise HIV in vitro. In this study we try to identify the protein(s), which are recognised by the PTP sera and elucidate mechanisms responsible for the neutralising capacity of these sera. The PTP sera allowed immunoprecipitation (IP) of HLA class II molecules on HIV-infected cells. To detect a potential cross-reactivity of alloreactive antibodies (Ab) with the HIV envelope protein gp160 or its subunits gp120/gp41 and HLA proteins, ELISA and FACS analyses were performed. The lack of reactivity of the PTP sera against rsgp160 in ELISA or FACS analysis indicated that recognition of cells was independent of HIV infection. To clarify whether interaction of the PTP sera with target cells has any effect on the infection process, virus neutralisation assays were performed. Inhibition of HIV infection was observed only when virus was pre-incubated with the PTP sera. Complement enhanced neutralisation of HIV-1 significantly. This enhancement was not due to complement-mediated lysis, because pre-incubation of the target cells with PTP sera did not inhibit HIV replication. Therefore, the neutralising effect of the Ab was due to blocking of the viral attachment/fusion process and not to negative signalling after infection. Since steric hindrance is possible only when HLA and gp120/gp41 are in close vicinity, isolation of rafts and IP assays were performed. These experiments revealed that gp120 and MHC class II molecules are indeed co-localised. The close physical association of gp120/gp41 and HLA strongly supports a mechanism for neutralisation of HIV by anti-HLA-Ab based on steric hindrance.  相似文献   
The detection of isolated tumor cells (ITC) in the bone marrow of patients with epithelial malignancies is an independant prognostic factor for several entities as breast cancer, colorectal cancer or non-small lung cancer. However, with conventional immunocytology using Ficoll density gradient and APAAP staining, only a small proportion of the bone marrow samples can be scanned for cytokeratin-positive (CK+) cells. To improve detection rates, we evaluated the enrichment of ITC by magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS) compared to regularly stained cytospins. Recovery experiments with a CK+ breast cancer cell line (SKBR3) were performed to calculate the MACS enrichment rate. Bone marrow was obtained by aspiration from 20 patients with carcinomas of epithelial origin and from 17 controls. ITC were enriched and stained with magnetically labeled CAM 5.2 antibodies directed to cytokeratin 7 and 8. MACS of SKBR3 seeded in peripheral blood revealed average recovery rates of 62% and 48% and average enrichment factors of 104-fold and 8139-fold of the CK+ cells after one and after two separations, respectively. After immunomagnetic enrichment, CK+ cells were detected in 16 of 20 (80%) cancer patients, whereas only 7 (35%) patients showed CK+ cells without magnetic enrichment (P=0.002). Ten of twelve (83%) patients with metastatic disease (stage M1) and six of eight (75%) patients without any overt metastases (M0) had CK+ cells in their bone marrow. None of the negative controls showed any CK+ cells. Enrichment with magnetically labeled anti cytokeratin antibodies increases the detection rate of epithelial cells in bone marrow of cancer patients compared to immunocytology. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To determine demographic data and define prognostic factors for long-term outcome in patients presenting with high-grade osteosarcoma of bone with clinically detectable metastases at initial presentation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Of 1,765 patients with newly diagnosed, previously untreated high-grade osteosarcomas of bone registered in the neoadjuvant Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group studies before 1999, 202 patients (11.4%) had proven metastases at diagnosis and therefore were enrolled onto an analysis of demographic-, tumor-, and treatment-related variables, response, and survival. The intended therapeutic strategy included pre- and postoperative multiagent chemotherapy as well as aggressive surgery of all resectable lesions. RESULTS: With a median follow-up of 1.9 years (5.5 years for survivors), 60 patients were alive, 37 of whom were in continuously complete surgical remission. Actuarial overall survival rates at 5 and 10 (same value for 15) years were 29% (SE = 3%) and 24% (SE = 4%), respectively. In univariate analysis, survival was significantly correlated with patient age, site of the primary tumor, number and location of metastases, number of involved organ systems, histologic response of the primary tumor to preoperative chemotherapy, and completeness and time point of surgical resection of all tumor sites. However, after multivariate Cox regression analysis, only multiple metastases at diagnosis (relative hazard rate [RHR] = 2.3) and macroscopically incomplete surgical resection (RHR = 2.4) remained significantly associated with inferior outcomes. CONCLUSION: The number of metastases at diagnosis and the completeness of surgical resection of all clinically detected tumor sites are of independent prognostic value in patients with proven primary metastatic osteosarcoma.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To define patients and tumor characteristics as well as therapy results, patients with pelvic osteosarcoma who were registered in the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS) were analyzed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty-seven patients with a high-grade pelvic osteosarcoma were eligible for this analysis. Fifteen patients had primary metastases. All patients received chemotherapy according to COSS protocols. Thirty-eight patients underwent limb-sparing surgery, 12 patients underwent hemipelvectomy, and 17 patients did not undergo definitive surgery. Eleven patients received irradiation to the primary tumor site: four postoperatively and seven as the only form of local therapy. RESULTS: Local failure occurred in 47 of all 67 patients (70%) and in 31 of 50 patients (62%) who underwent definitive surgery. Five-year overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival rates were 27% and 19%, respectively. Large tumor size (P =.0137), primary metastases (P =.0001), and no or intralesional surgery (P <.0001) were poor prognostic factors. In 30 patients with no or intralesional surgery, 11 patients with radiotherapy had better OS than 19 patients without radiotherapy (P =.0033). Among the variables, primary metastasis, large tumor, no or intralesional surgery, no radiotherapy, existence of primary metastasis (relative risk [RR] = 3.456; P =.0009), surgical margin (intralesional or no surgical excision; RR = 5.619; P <.0001), and no radiotherapy (RR = 4.196; P =.0059) were independent poor prognostic factors. CONCLUSION: An operative approach with wide or marginal margins improves local control and OS. If the surgical margin is intralesional or excision is impossible, additional radiotherapy has a positive influence on prognosis.  相似文献   
 To contribute to effective and safe outpatient treatment, we investigated the metabolism of trofosfamide (Trofo) after oral administration. We analyzed Trofo metabolism in 15 patients aged from 3 to 73 years who were treated with 150 or 250 mg/m2 Trofo in combination with etoposide. Serum samples were collected with 13 patients after oral administration, and Trofo and its dechloroethylated metabolites were quantified by gas chromatography. Urine samples were collected from five patients and analyzed by same method. Ifosfamide (Ifo) was the main metabolite in serum and urine (AUCTrofo:AUCIfo 1:13), whereas cyclophosphamide (Cyclo) was formed in smaller amounts (AUCIfo:AUCCyclo 18:1). Ifo and Cyclo were further oxidized in the chloroethyl side chains to form 2- and 3-dechloroethylifosfamide in varying quantities. The urinary excretion of Trofo and its dechloroethylated metabolites amounted to about 10% of the total dose. Our results confirm former in vitro observations about the metabolism of Trofo. The main side-chain metabolites Ifo and Cyclo can be further activated by oxidation and formation of their respective phosphoramide mustards. Hence, Trofo is an interesting agent for oral chemotherapy. Received 21 July 1996 / Accepted: 11 November 1996  相似文献   
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