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Available research provides compelling evidence that ADHD is associated with significantly increased risks for various adverse outcomes while driving, including increased traffic citations (particularly speeding), motor vehicle crashes for which the driver is at fault, repeated crash occurrences,and more severe crashes as determined from dollar damage and likelihood of bodily injuries from the crash. Not surprisingly, teens and adults with ADHD are more likely to have their licenses suspended and even fully revoked. Research further suggests that these driving risks cannot be accounted for by the comorbid disorders likely to be associated with ADHD, such as ODD, conduct disorder (CD), depression, or anxiety, or by lower than normal levels of intelligence.Recent attempts to study the processes or mechanisms involved in driving in adults with ADHD offer some explanation of how the disorder conveys such increased risks. Driving can be conceptualized usefully as involving at least three or more dimensions or levels, including basic cognitive abilities necessary for driving (operational), actual skills for maneuvering the vehicle in traffic (tactical), and the more executive, goal-directed aspects of driving(strategic). The findings of studies indicate that ADHD interferes with the basic operational components of driving by means of the impairments it produces in attention, resistance to distraction, response inhibition, slower and more variable reaction time, and the capacity to follow rules that may compete with ongoing sensory information. Accumulating evidence also points to a problem in the tactical level of driving, such that those with ADHDrate themselves and are rated by others as employing less safe driving habits during their normal operation of a vehicle than are adults in community control groups. Although this has been more elusive to demonstrate through the use of simple laboratory-based driving simulators. more modern virtual reality driving platforms offer greater promise in providing more realistic appraisals of driving performance and thus more direct evidence of the problems that occur at the tactical level from the disorder. Research has not examined the impact of ADHD at the higher strategic level or goal-directed aspects of driving. But given the mounting evidence that ADHD adversely affects executive functioning in adults, the author and colleagues anticipate that this level also will be found to be impaired in adults with ADHD. Indeed,it recently has been shown that adults with ADHD overestimate their driving abilities relative to normal adults, a problem that likely can be ascribed to more limited self-awareness and related meta-cognitive abilities for self-evaluation arising from the disorder.Although further research on the driving problems posed by ADHD is in order, sufficient evidence exists to warrant focus on possible treatments that may serve to improve these driving problems and reduce the risk for these adverse outcomes. High on the list of such treatments deserving further research and clinical attention is the use of stimulant medication. The more recent noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor. atomoxetine, also may have some promise in this regard. Studies are underway in the author's driving laboratory to see if this is the case. Meanwhile, adults with ADHD and parents of teens with ADHD should be advised about these heightened risks and encouraged to take steps that may reduce them, including the consideration of more graduated licensing for adolescents with ADHD and the possible use of stimulant medication in teens and adults with ADHD while they are operating a motor vehicle.  相似文献   
Sixty-one 12- to 18-year-olds were randomized to 8-10 sessions of behavior management training (n = 20), problem-solving and communication training (n = 21), or structural family therapy (n = 20). Families were assessed at pre- and posttreatment and 3-month follow-up. All treatments resulted in significant reductions in negative communication, conflicts, and anger during conflicts and improved ratings of school adjustment, reduced internalizing and externalizing symptoms, and decreased maternal depressive symptoms. Most outcomes remained stable between posttreatment and follow-up, and some continued to improve over this time. Despite group improvements, analyses of clinically significant change and clinical recovery within Ss showed that only 5-30% reliably improved from treatment and only 5-20% recovered following treatment. The three treatments did not differ in these rates.  相似文献   
A battery of tests presumed to assess various frontal lobe functions in children was evaluated for the accuracy of the tests in classifying children as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Two groups of children were tested: (1) 66 children, ages 6-11 years, with ADHD, and (2) a normal community control group of 64 children of the same age. Results indicated good positive predictive power (PPP) for seven of the tests (ranging from 80 to 90%), suggesting that abnormal scores on these tests may be indicative of the presence of ADHD. However, the rates of negative predictive power (NPP) even for these seven tests were modest (ranging from 50 to 66%). Sensitivity was also poor (ranging from 5 to 43%) as were the levels of false negatives (averaging 40%) creating fair-to-poor overall classification rates for all tests (49 to 70%). It is concluded that while these neuropsychological tests may have some value in clinical evaluations of children's psychological abilities, they may not be useful as the sole criteria for the diagnostic classification of children as ADHD.  相似文献   
We investigated cellular phenotypes and expression of class II major histocompatibility complex antigens on endothelium and cellular infiltrates in synovium from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or reactive arthritis, using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The RA specimens showed synovial lining layer hypertrophy and several focal accumulations of lymphocytes, both of which were absent in the reactive arthritis synovium. The percentage of cells expressing monocyte/macrophage markers was significantly higher in RA specimens. The percentages of cells expressing B and T cell markers were similar in both diseases. There was no significant difference in the expression of HLA-DR or DP by endothelium in the 2 diseases, but a marked increase in expression of HLA-DQ by endothelium was observed in the RA synovium versus that from patients with reactive arthritis. This overexpression of HLA-DQ was also seen in the interstitial cells of RA patients compared with reactive arthritis patients. In the reactive arthritis synovium, a significant population of cells (30%) was noted to be HLA-DR positive, and negative for macrophage and lymphocyte markers. Some of these cells had a dendritic morphology. The coexpression of HLA-DQ and HLA-DR may play an important role in antigen presentation and disease chronicity in RA.  相似文献   
The objective of this mixed methods study was to examine current sexual risk behaviors, acceptability and potential adoption of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention, and sexual behavior intentions with PrEP adoption among HIV-negative gay and bisexual men (GBM) in HIV serodiscordant relationships. A multiracial/ethnic sample of 25 HIV-negative GBM in serodiscordant relationships completed a qualitative interview and a brief interviewer-administered survey. A modified grounded theory approach was used to identify key themes relating to acceptability and future adoption of PrEP. Participants reported engaging in sexual risk behaviors that place them at risk for HIV infection. Participants also reported a high level of acceptability for PrEP and willingness to adopt PrEP for HIV prevention. Qualitative themes explaining future PrEP adoption included: (1) the opportunity to engage in sex using a noncondom HIV prevention method, (2) protection from HIV infection, and (3) less anxiety when engaging in sex with an HIV-positive partner. Associated with the future adoption of PrEP, a majority (64%) of participants indicated the likelihood for an increase in sexual risk behaviors and a majority (60%) of participants also indicated the likelihood for a decrease or abandonment of condom use, both of which are in contrast to the findings from the large iPrEx study. These findings suggest that the use of PrEP by HIV-negative GBM in serodiscordant relationships carries with it the potential for risk compensation. The findings suggest that PrEP only be offered as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention strategy that includes ongoing risk reduction counseling in the delivery of PrEP to help moderate risk compensation.  相似文献   
The classic view holds that the medial temporal lobes (MTL) are dedicated to declarative memory functioning. Recent evidence, however, suggests that perirhinal cortex (PrC), a structure within the anterior MTL, may also play a role in perceptual discriminations when representations of complex conjunctions of features, or of gestalt‐characteristics of objects must be generated. Interestingly, neuroimaging and electrophysiological recordings in nonhuman primates have also revealed a face patch in the anterior collateral sulcus with preferential responses to face stimuli in various task contexts. In the present fMRI study, we investigated the representational demands that influence PrC involvement in different types of judgments on human faces. Holding stimulus complexity constant, we independently manipulated the nature of the task and the orientation of the stimuli presented (through face inversion). Aspects of right PrC showed increased responses in a forced‐choice recognition‐memory and a perceptual‐oddity task, as compared to a feature‐search task that was included to probe visual detection of an isolated face feature. Effects of stimulus orientation in right PrC were observed when the recognition‐memory condition for upright faces was compared with all other experimental conditions, including recognition‐memory for inverted faces‐a result that can be related to past work on the role of PrC in object unitization. Notably, both effects in right PrC paralleled activity patterns in broader networks of regions that also included the right fusiform gyrus and the amygdala, regions frequently implicated in face processing in prior research. As such, the current findings do not support the view that reference to a prior study episode clearly distinguishes the role of PrC from that of more posterior ventral visual pathway regions. They add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that the functional role of specific MTL structures may be best understood in terms of the representations that are required by the task and the stimuli at hand. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Fifty-five patients with extensive-disease small cell bronchogenic carcinoma received three courses of intensive, inpatient, remission induction chemotherapy in (25 patients) or out (30 patients) of protected environment-prophylactic antibiotic (PEPA) units. Chemotherapy consisted of ECHO induction (E = epipodophyllotoxin VP-16-213; C = cyclophosphamide; H = hydroxydaunorubicin; O = Oncovin) and PRIME maintenance (PR = procarbazine; I = ifosfamide; ME = methotrexate). All evaluable patients (22 in the protected environment group and 26 in the control group) had a complete (50 percent in the protected environment group and 54 percent in the control group) or partial (50 percent in the protected environment group and 46 percent in the control group) remission. Median response and survival durations for both treatment groups were similar. The median survival duration of patients with a complete remission favored the protected environment group (16.5 versus 12.67 months; p = 0.20). Two patients (one from each group) are alive and disease-free for more than four years. Myelosuppression was intense and more pronounced in the protected environment group (p ≤ 0.01). Infectious complications were less common in patients receiving intravenous prophylactic antibiotics and in those treated with intravenous antibiotics in PEPA units (p ≤ 0.04). There were no treatment-related deaths, although treatment might have contributed to the death of three patients in the protected environment group and four in the control group. The administration of intensive ECHO induction chemotherapy to patients with extensive small cell bronchogenic carcinoma produced a high complete remission rate, although there was no significant long-term survival advantage over a program of less intensity. The administration of intravenous prophylactic antibiotics and the use of PEPA units significantly reduced the infectious morbidity of chemotherapy.  相似文献   
When fluid flows through a channel, pipe, or duct, there are two basic forms of motion: smooth laminar motion and complex turbulent motion. The discontinuous transition between these states is a fundamental problem that has been studied for more than 100 yr. What has received far less attention is the large-scale nature of the turbulent flows near transition once they are established. We have carried out extensive numerical computations in pipes of variable lengths up to 125 diameters to investigate the nature of transitional turbulence in pipe flow. We show the existence of three fundamentally different turbulent states separated by two distinct Reynolds numbers. Below Re 1 ≃ 2,300, turbulence takes the form of familiar equilibrium (or longtime transient) puffs that are spatially localized and keep their size independent of pipe length. At Re 1 the flow makes a striking transition to a spatio-temporally intermittent flow that fills the pipe. Irregular alternation of turbulent and laminar regions is inherent and does not result from random disturbances. The fraction of turbulence increases with Re until Re 2 ≃ 2,600 where there is a continuous transition to a state of uniform turbulence along the pipe. We relate these observations to directed percolation and argue that Re 1 marks the onset of infinite-lifetime turbulence.  相似文献   
The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) has been used as an animal model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The present study was designed to determine whether exposure to elevated androgen levels early in development demonstrated impairments in cognitive functioning, neuroendocrine control, and brain development parallel to those seen in ADHD children. The animals (SHR and Wistar (WKY) controls) were implanted with testosterone on postnatal day 10 and tested for behavior in a spatial cognition paradigm on postnatal day 45. Plasma samples were collected for determination of adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone levels as indicators of the basal tone of the pituitary-adrenal neuroendocrine axis. In addition, the density of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers (an indicator of catecholamine innervation) in the frontal cortex was compared between animals. The current data show that early testosterone treatment in SHR animals resulted in additional deficits in spatial memory in the water maze, but was ineffective in altering the response of WKY animals. Furthermore, SHR rats had high basal ACTH and low corticosterone levels that may indicate a dysfunctional stress axis similar to other reports in humans with persistent ADHD. Finally, there was a further suppression of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactivity in the frontal cortex of androgen-treated SHR rats. These results support the hypothesis that early androgen treatment may support the neurobiology of animals with genetic predisposition to hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention in a manner consistent with the enhanced expression of ADHD-like behaviors.  相似文献   
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