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肺癌又称支气管肺癌,是肺部最常见的恶性肿瘤.目前国内外肺癌的发病率都有逐年上升的趋势.北京市肺癌死亡已占癌症死亡病人的第一位,上海占第二位.石家庄市结核病防治所,十几年来在结核病防治工作中,提高对肺癌病的警惕,早期发现,早期诊断,指导肺癌的群防群治.1 在结核病流行病学调查中(包括健康检查)筛选肺癌病人石家庄市的结核病流行病学调查共检查了58725人,肺结核患病率为(633)/10万.同时检出肺癌病人5例,肺癌患病率为(8.5)/10万.可见X线胸部检查在发现肺结核的同时对肺癌的发现也具有重要  相似文献   
目的 研究静注射普鲁卡因对脊髓反射的影响,旨在探讨普鲁卡因注射产生镇痛是否发生在脊髓水平。方法 利用猫处周伤害性刺激能够引起的屈肌反射产生易化的模型,观察静脉注射普鲁卡因5和10mg/kg对屈肌反射及屈肌反射及屈肌反射易化的影响。结果 5mg/kg组屈肌反射及屈肌反射易化的抑制率分别为20.5%(P〈0.01,n=12)和53.3%(P〈0.01,n=12),10mg/kg组抑制率分别为50.6%  相似文献   
目的:研究NMDA(N-methyl-D-aspartic acid)和非NMDA受体在介导脊髓内脏痛传入中的作用,方法:气球膨胀(3-15 kPa,20 s)麻醉猫结-直肠诱发脊髓背角痛敏神经元发放,结果:1)扩张结-直肠引起神经元发放增加的为兴奋性型:17个SLA型(短潜伏期突然增加);11个SLS型(短潜伏期渐增);9个LL型(长潜伏期),15个神经元属于抑制性的Inh型,2)67.6%,78.4%和59.5%的膨胀肠诱发兴奋的神经元,分别被微电泳NMDA、使君子酸(QA)和海人藻酸(KA)激活;60%,86.7%和53.3%的Inh神经元也分别被3个酸激活.3)微电泳NMDA受体拮抗剂d,l-2-amino-5-phosphonovalemte(APV)和非NMDA受体拮抗剂6,7-dinitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione(DNQX),分别使兴奋性反应减少35%±10%和65%±14%,DNQX明显强于APV(P<0.05).DNQX使3/7个Inh神经元抑制翻转30%-50%,而APV无效,结论:NMDA和非NMDA受体均参与介导脊髓内脏伤害性信息传递,而非NMDA受体的作用更强。 (责任编辑 李颖)  相似文献   
氯胺酮在吗啡急性耐受大鼠的外周镇痛作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我们产证明氯胺酮引起的外周镇痛作用与阿片受体的激活有关。本实验旨在建立吗啡外周镇痛耐受的大鼠模型,进一步观察氯胺酮的外周镇痛作用与阿片受体的关系。外周感受野局部皮下注射5μl吗啡(10μg/μl)明显的抑制伤害性肌电反应。随吗啡注射次数的增加,伤害性反应的抑制逐渐减弱,一般于第五次注射,吗啡不再产生抑制,出现外周镇痛的急性耐受。但是,在耐受动物的同一部位注射0μl氯胺酮(50μg/μl),仍产生很  相似文献   


The aim of the present study is to verify the ATP-induced varied responses in isolated dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons of the adult rat, and investigate the modulatory effects of specific P2X receptor agonist β, γ-me-ATP and protein kinase C (PKC) on P2X receptor-mediated inward current in DRG neurons.


Whole cell patch-clamp was employed to record the currents on acutely isolated DRG neurons in the adult rats.


β, γ-me-ATP, similar as ATP, evoked 2 distinct subtypes of P2X receptor-mediated inward currents in a dose-dependent manner in DRG neurons. Activation of PKC by phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) significantly inhibited both subtypes of inward currents mediated by P2X receptors in a dose-dependent manner.


Activation of PKC negatively modulated the P2X receptor-mediated currents in rat DRG neurons, which may be of benefit to preventing the over-excitation of nociceptor under inflammatory or neuropathic conditions.  相似文献   
AIM: To examine the effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptors on noxious stimulation-induced Fos expression in the rat spinal cord. METHODS: Formalin (2%) was injected s.c. into one hindpaw of the rat. Fos expression was exhibited by immunocytochemical technique. RESULTS: Two hours after s.c. formalin, Fos-like immunoreactive (FLI) neurons were distributed mainly in medial part of the lamina I and the outer lamina II of the ipsilateral dorsal horn. dl-2-Amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV) administered intrathecally (10 microL, 0.01, 0.1, or 1 g.L-1) before injection of formalin into a hindpaw reduced the number of FLI neurons dose-dependently in the dorsal horn (P < 0.01), while 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2, 3(1H,4H)-dione (DNQX) (1 g.L-1) was ineffective. CONCLUSION: NMDA receptor mediated noxious stimulation-induced Fos expression in the rat spinal cord.  相似文献   
本文采用荧光金(FG)逆行束路追踪技术研究了大鼠前扣带皮层吻侧(rostralanteriorcingulatecortex,rACC)的传入投射纤维联系。将0.2μl的3%荧光金注入到大鼠单侧rACC,7d后灌注取材,将切片贴于载玻片上,在荧光显微镜下观察FG标记神经元的分布。FG标记神经元主要位于注射区同侧的许多皮层和皮层下结构,如丘脑中线核群和板内核群、杏仁核、次级视皮层、次级听皮层、外嗅皮层和嗅周皮层等。上述结果表明rACC不但接受来自丘脑的伤害性信息传入,也接受来自视、听、嗅皮层等的环境信息的传入。本研究的结果为rACC参与痛的情绪反应提供了形态学证据。  相似文献   
AIM: To study the role of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptors in processing nociceptive visceral information in the spinal cord. METHODS: The firing of spinal dorsal horn neurons to colorectal distension (3-15 kPa, 20 s) by inflation with air of latex balloon was recorded in 25 anesthetized cats. RESULTS: 1) According to the patterns of responses to colorectal distension, the neurons with increase and decrease in firing were classified as excitatory and inhibitory, respectively. The former consisted of 17 short-latency abrupt (SLA) neurons, 11 short-latency sustained (SLS) neurons, 9 long-latency (LL) neurons. The 15 inhibited (Inh) neurons were recorded. 2) Microelectrophoretic administration of NMDA, quisqualic acid (QA), and kainic acid (KA) activated 67.6%, 78.4%, and 59.5% of the colorectal distension-excited neurons tested. Also, 60%, 86.7%, and 53.3% of Inh neurons were activated by these 3 amino acids. 3) Colorectal distension-induced excitatory responses were reduced by 35% +/- 10% and 65% +/- 14% by a selective NMDA receptor antagonist d,l-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV) and a selective non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6,7-dinitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX), respectively. Such DNQX-induced inhibition was significantly more potent than that by APV (P < 0.05). Colorectal distension-induced inhibitory responses were partially relieved by 30%-50% in 3/7 Inh neurons by DNQX, but not APV. CONCLUSION: Both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors are involved in transmission and/or modulation of spinal visceral nociceptive information and non-NMDA receptors may play more important role than NMDA receptors.  相似文献   
P物质和谷氨酸介导辣椒素引起的脊髓γ—氨基丁酸的释放   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以前的实验证明辣椒素急性处理外周神经可导致初级传入末梢大量释放P物质,同时也观察到脊髓背角浅层GABA的排空。本研究的目的在于探讨外周施加辣椒素激活背角GABA能神经元,是否与初级传入末梢释放的递质有关。结果表明,外周胫神经辣椒素处理30分钟即可引起的同侧背角浅层GABA免疫反应产物(GABA—IR)的明显减少,予先用NK—1受体桔抗剂Spantide(50nM)或NMDA受体拮抗剂APV(100μM)灌流脊髓腰膨大表面,可部分阻断辣椒素引起的GABA—IR密度和GABA—IR阳性神经元数目的减少,使GABA—IR有不同程度的恢复。本文讨论了初级传入末梢释放的P物质和兴奋性氨基酸与GABA能神经元在脊髓痛觉信息调制中的作用。  相似文献   
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