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精神分裂症的复发是精神科临床常常面临的棘手问题.该病由于反复发病或迁延不愈常残留慢性症状或人格障碍.要使病人最大限度地康复,待出院后尚需要长时间的继续服药.一般来讲,初次治愈者继续服药时间不能少于5年,多次治愈者应终生服药,以巩固其治疗效果及预防复发.精神症状基本稳定的康复期病人有较强的康复出院回归社会的愿望,在这段期间,病人往往不愿意服药,而如果停药或受到精神刺激则极易导致病情复发.  相似文献   
Iq7611是天津市医药科学研究所研制的醌类成份放射增敏药物。初步实验室研究表明可降低细胞氧耗量,增加氧分压,又可降低癌细胞谷胱甘肽的含量,使癌细胞丧失或减少了对射线的防护能力。自1982年2月到1984年12月,在我院临床应用。进行了62  相似文献   
Objective Reduction ascending aortoplasty is an alternative procdure to the replacement of the ascending aorts in case of ascending aorta dilation. However,its applicabikity is still under debate.This retrospective study was designed to evaluuate the midterm follow-up of unsupported ascending reduction aortoplasty for of the ascending aorta in petients with aortic valve dis- ease.Methods From October ,1996 to April,2007, a total of 54 patients with aortic valve disease and dilatation of the ascending aorta underwent unsupported reduction aortoplasty in combination with aortic valve replacement at our institution The diameter of the ascending aorta was measyred before and early after sugery and then later between 13 and 96 menths [mean (23 ±16)months] posto- perativeiy using echocardiography.Results Two patients were dead with thean overall perioperative mortality rate was of 3.7%. The reduction aortoplasty decreased the diameter of the aorta from (45.77±6.02) mm p~eope~afive]y to (34.67 ~4.81) mm early after surgery (P<0.01). During follow-up, the diameter d aorta increased from (34.67±4.81) mm early after surgery to (37.65± 6.35) mm after a mean follow-up of (23±16) months (P<0.01), including the diameters are greater than > 45 mm within 5 pa- tients. Aortic stenosis and an early postoperative diameter greater than 40 mm m'e independent risk factors for redilatation. Conchusion Because of the unsatisfied midterm follow-up redilation of unsupported reduction aortoplasty for dilation of the ascending aorta with aortic valve disease, this group of patients needs continued intimate fallow-up or even reoperation. The patients of stenosis is the surtable indication for RAA, and it is necessary to reduce the diameter of aorta to be lees than 40 mm to prevent redilation.  相似文献   
330例小儿动脉导管未闭的外科治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨小儿动脉导管未闭(PDA)的外科治疗。方法:回顾分析330例小儿动脉导管未闭的外科治疗情况。305例经左后外侧切口第4肋间进胸,用10号丝线结扎导管,15例在低温体外循环(CPB)下结扎导管,14例在深低温低流量体外循环下经肺动脉缝闭导管。结果:随访3个月 ̄14a,除6例有气急、心悸外,均恢复正常。结论:(1)不合并肺动脉高压的单纯PDA,可在学龄前择期手术;(2)抗心衰治疗无效的早产儿  相似文献   
硝酸钾盖髓的初步观察杜泰桓,谷正华,王孝廉为观察硝酸钾盖髓剂的临床疗效,现总结228例患者的治疗情况,报道如下。病例选择及方法:本组共228人,年龄10~44岁。共治疗248颗恒牙,其中双尖牙28例,磨牙220例。深龋患牙有191例;另有57例去龋后...  相似文献   
5年来以活血化瘀法为主,治疗泌尿系结石80例(下称治疗组),同时应用排石冲剂治疗该病40例(下称对照组),现报告如下。1 临床资料 120例患者大多数有肾绞痛/或有血尿病史而来院诊治。均经B超、X线腹平片、静脉肾盂造影或CT等检查确诊。病史最短为1天,最长为8年;年龄最小为15岁,最大为70岁;初起发病为41例,反复发作者79例。  相似文献   
带蒂阴囊中线皮条加盖修复尿道下裂30例报告(附编者按)汪敏标谷兴琳华洁陈永福马耿作者单位:210008南京市儿童医院我院自1991年6月~1995年6月应用带蒂阴囊中线皮条加盖尿道成形术修复阴茎阴囊型尿道下裂30例,效果满意。报告如下。临床资料本组3...  相似文献   
AZF基因的研究赵亚力谷志远作者单位:100853北京,解放军总医院分子生物学研究室人们一直致力于发现和确认控制精子生成或称为无精子症因子(Azoospermiafactor,AZF)的基因。随着对精子发育的细胞遗传学和分子生物学等领域的深入研究,逐...  相似文献   
电针“内关”促进急性实验性心肌缺血恢复的...   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
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