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Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of Nd:YAG laser plastic operation com-bined implantation tube for patients with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction. Methods Seventy-six patients (91eyes) with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction were treated by means of Nd:YAG laser,and supporting canal was left in the lacrimal duct for 3 months. Irrigating lacrimal duct was applied regularly. Results After followed up 6~24 months, epiphora of 65 eyes (about71.4% ) was disappear, the symptom of 11 eyes (about 12.1% ) was alleviated,and the total efficiency was 83.5%. The symptom of 15 eyes (about 16.5% ) hadn't been changed. Conclusion Nd:YAG laser plastic operation and implantation tube can be used safely and ef-fectively for treating recurreut lacrimal duct obstruction with less complication by simple operation. It' s worth being promoted.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of Nd:YAG laser plastic operation com-bined implantation tube for patients with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction. Methods Seventy-six patients (91eyes) with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction were treated by means of Nd:YAG laser,and supporting canal was left in the lacrimal duct for 3 months. Irrigating lacrimal duct was applied regularly. Results After followed up 6~24 months, epiphora of 65 eyes (about71.4% ) was disappear, the symptom of 11 eyes (about 12.1% ) was alleviated,and the total efficiency was 83.5%. The symptom of 15 eyes (about 16.5% ) hadn't been changed. Conclusion Nd:YAG laser plastic operation and implantation tube can be used safely and ef-fectively for treating recurreut lacrimal duct obstruction with less complication by simple operation. It' s worth being promoted.  相似文献   

方法:对60例60眼老年性白内障患者,随机分成两组,常规超声组和反向超声组,术前常规进行全身及眼科专科检查,并详细记录每位患者的性别、年龄、核硬度分级、角膜内皮计数、眼压、前房深度、轴深等数据; 两组患者分别采用常规超声乳化和反向超声乳化的方式完成超声乳化和折叠式人工晶状体的植入,记录术中超声乳化时所使用的平均超声能量和有效超声时间,最终可计算出平均复合超声能量(平均超声能量×有效超声时间),同时记录术中出现的手术并发症等情况; 术后第3d对两组患者进行眼压和角膜内皮细胞计数检查。

结果:经统计,术前两组患者基本情况无明显统计学差异(P>0.05)。两组患者分别经不同的超声乳化方式治疗后,两组患者在手术中所接受的平均复合超声能量和术后第3d的眼压无明显统计学差异(t=-0.95,P=0.924>0.05; t=0.34,P=0.735>0.05)。而两组患者术后第3d的角膜内皮细胞丢失数量比较,有明显统计学差异(t=-9.89,P<0.01)。

结论:反向超声乳化较常规方式超声乳化有明显的保护角膜内皮细胞、减少损伤的作用,值得临床工作中推广。  相似文献   

泪小管断裂修复术的临床观察   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
目的 探讨修复泪小管断裂的有效方法。方法 根据泪小管的不同解剖位置,10例采用直视法,22例采用参照法均迅速找到泪小管鼻侧断端,在泪小管内留置硬膜外麻醉导管作为支撑物后行泪小管吻合术。结果 32例全部一次修复成功,随访6~42月,泪道冲洗通畅,除2例因瘢痕性睑外翻溢泪外,其余均无溢泪。结论 采用直视法和参照法寻找泪小管鼻侧断端容易,吻合成功率高。  相似文献   
泪道阻塞是眼科常见病,尤以农村地区发病率较高,虽然治疗方法较多,但效果多不理想。近两年来,我们采用脉冲Nd∶YAG激光治疗泪道阻塞152例,疗效满意,现报告如下。资料与方法1.临床资料泪道阻塞患者152例(160眼)。男65例(67眼),女87例(93眼);年龄17~72岁。下泪小管阻塞19例(19眼),泪总管阻塞18例20眼,鼻泪管阻塞115例121眼。病程1~25年,其中62例曾施行过泪道探通术。2.诊断依据及适应证根据患者有泪溢症状、泪道冲洗不通即可诊断。根据冲洗液反流情况断定泪道阻塞部位。怀疑泪囊肿瘤者应作造影检查。排除了肿瘤、控制了急慢性炎症且泪道生…  相似文献   
翼状胬肉撕离联合不同角膜缘干细胞移植   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的比较翼状胬肉撕离联合自体游离结膜瓣角膜缘十细胞移植及带蒂结膜瓣角膜缘干细胞移植治疗翼状胬肉的临床疗效。方法91例(97眼)翼状胬肉随机分为A、B两组.A组45例(47眼)行翼状胬肉撕离联合白体游离结膜瓣角膜缘干细胞移植术;B组46例(50眼)行翼状胬肉撕离联合带蒂结膜瓣角膜缘干细胞移植术。术后随访6~30月,比较两组术后角膜缘干细胞植片存活及翼状胬肉复发情况。结果A组5眼移植片脱落,B组植片无脱落,(X2=5.31,P〈0.05)。A组6眼翼状胬肉复发,复发率为12.76%;B组巾1眼复发,复发率仅为2.00%;(X2=5.20,P〈0.05)。结论翼状胬肉撕离联合带蒂角膜缘干细胞移植术,植片存活率高,翼状胬肉复发率低。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of Nd:YAG laser plastic operation com-bined implantation tube for patients with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction. Methods Seventy-six patients (91eyes) with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction were treated by means of Nd:YAG laser,and supporting canal was left in the lacrimal duct for 3 months. Irrigating lacrimal duct was applied regularly. Results After followed up 6~24 months, epiphora of 65 eyes (about71.4% ) was disappear, the symptom of 11 eyes (about 12.1% ) was alleviated,and the total efficiency was 83.5%. The symptom of 15 eyes (about 16.5% ) hadn't been changed. Conclusion Nd:YAG laser plastic operation and implantation tube can be used safely and ef-fectively for treating recurreut lacrimal duct obstruction with less complication by simple operation. It' s worth being promoted.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of Nd:YAG laser plastic operation com-bined implantation tube for patients with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction. Methods Seventy-six patients (91eyes) with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction were treated by means of Nd:YAG laser,and supporting canal was left in the lacrimal duct for 3 months. Irrigating lacrimal duct was applied regularly. Results After followed up 6~24 months, epiphora of 65 eyes (about71.4% ) was disappear, the symptom of 11 eyes (about 12.1% ) was alleviated,and the total efficiency was 83.5%. The symptom of 15 eyes (about 16.5% ) hadn't been changed. Conclusion Nd:YAG laser plastic operation and implantation tube can be used safely and ef-fectively for treating recurreut lacrimal duct obstruction with less complication by simple operation. It' s worth being promoted.  相似文献   
目的比较小切口非超声乳化白内障摘出术中表面麻醉与球后麻醉的麻醉效果。方法 95例(95眼)白内障随机分为A、B两组,A组48例使用0.5%爱尔凯因表面麻醉;B组47例使用传统的球后麻醉。两组均行小切口非超声乳化白内障摘出及人工晶状体植入术,对麻醉效果和并发症进行分析。结果两组麻醉效果均满意,麻醉并发症的发生率A组低于B组(χ^2=4.18,P〈0.05)。结论表面麻醉下小切口非超声乳化白内障摘出术安全有效,并发症少。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of Nd:YAG laser plastic operation com-bined implantation tube for patients with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction. Methods Seventy-six patients (91eyes) with recurrent lacrimal duct obstruction were treated by means of Nd:YAG laser,and supporting canal was left in the lacrimal duct for 3 months. Irrigating lacrimal duct was applied regularly. Results After followed up 6~24 months, epiphora of 65 eyes (about71.4% ) was disappear, the symptom of 11 eyes (about 12.1% ) was alleviated,and the total efficiency was 83.5%. The symptom of 15 eyes (about 16.5% ) hadn't been changed. Conclusion Nd:YAG laser plastic operation and implantation tube can be used safely and ef-fectively for treating recurreut lacrimal duct obstruction with less complication by simple operation. It' s worth being promoted.  相似文献   
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