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Archives of Women's Mental Health - Sex differences may be important for understanding underlying pathophysiological mechanisms and developing effective preventions and treatments of mental...  相似文献   
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience - Reports of limited clinical significance of attenuated psychotic symptoms before age 15/16 indicate an important role of neurodevelopment...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei einem neugeborenen männlichen Säugling wurde eine angeborene rechtsseitige Lähmung des N. vagus und hypoglossus beobachtet. Diese ist beim Erwachsenen als sog. Tapia-Syndrom bekannt. Die Auswirkungen sind beim Säugling schwerwiegend: Atrophie der rechten Zungenhälfte, bedrohlicher inspiratorischer Stridor bei Schrägstellung des Kehlkopfes und kompletter rechtsseitiger Stimmbandlähmung, so daß sich eine Tracheotomie mit 1 1/2jähriger Kanülenatmung als nötig erwies. Die Folgen scheinen langsam ausgleichbar zu sein. Die Ursache war vorerst nicht zu sichern, wird aber vielleicht im weiteren Verlauf abgrenzbar werden.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Unter der Behandlung mit Prednison ist bei Erythrocytenmessungen an hämolytischen-ikterischen Krankheitsbildern eine rasche, schon innerhalb 24 Std einsetzende, nachhaltige Vergrößerung pathologisch kleiner Zelldurchmesser zu beobachten, die mit der schließlichen Auswirkung einer Milzextirpation verglichen werden kann. Bei normalen Ausgangsgrößen der Erythrocyten sind sofort nach der Prednisontherapie zellverkleinernde Wirkungen zu sehen. Diese treten besonders deutlich an den vergrößerten Zellen einer chronischen Erythroblastenphtise zutage. Wahrscheinlich ist diese Wirkung auf eine unmittelbare Beeinflussung der Erythrocyten im strömenden Blut zu beziehen. Die zur Erklärung herangezogenen Hypothesen sollten in Modellversuchen erhärtet werden.Es ergibt sich ein mehrfacher Angriffsort des Prednisons auf Erythrocytenbildung-,-ausschwemmung und-gestalt.  相似文献   
When a long duration of untreated illness (DUI) is correlated with an unfavourable progression of schizophrenia in the same way as that of a long duration of untreated psychosis (DUP), the characteristics of patients with a long DUI are of particular interest for early recognition and early intervention programmes. With this background, demographic data and early symptoms were collected from 82 first time in-patients with schizophrenia using the IRAOS (Interview for the Retrospective Assessment of the Onset of Schizophrenia). In the total sample, the average DUI was almost 5.9 years. On the basis of the DUI median (5.2 yrs), the random sample was divided into two groups: one with long (n = 41) and one with short (n = 41) DUI. When comparing both groups in terms of socio-demographic data, no significant differences could be found (with the exception of age at first admission: 28 - 32 yrs). On a psychopathological level, patients with long DUI were prone to depressive moods, anxiety, compulsive symptoms and showed early signs of disturbances in bodily perception. An educational campaign should sensitize both employees working in primary care and experts who diagnose and treat psychological illnesses, to the fact that these symptoms could point to a prodrome even when the patient has passed the typical age of being at risk from schizophrenia.  相似文献   
Several studies on first episode schizophrenia suggest that a longer duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) results in poorer clinical outcome. The same is expected for the duration of untreated illness (DUI). It is therefore important to expose people at risk of schizophrenia to adequate treatment early on. The improvement of pathways to adequate treatment within the health care system might well be helpful. Therefore, an analysis of the pathways to care is necessary. Thus, in this present study 80 in-patients with first episode psychosis were investigated using the semi-structured interview IRAOS ("Interview for the Retrospective Assessment of the Onset of Schizophrenia") and data about the pathways to care before psychiatric admission were collected. The results indicate that patients contact on average three carers. Contact to a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist was only made two and a half years after onset of illness; general practitioners were only contacted after more than five years. However, there was a significant time lapse between first contact to psychiatrist/ psychotherapist and psychiatric admission. Only 31 % of patients sought help in the prodromal phase of the illness. Two strategies for a public campaign can be derived from these results: firstly, a public awareness campaign has to be implemented to shorten the interval from onset of illness to first help-seeking behaviour and secondly, professionals need to have more knowledge and better awareness of prodromal signs in order to reduce the time between diagnosis and adequate treatment.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the underlying structure of eight working memory tests used to assess prefrontal dysfunction in schizophrenia research [Letter-Number Span (LNS), Digit-Symbol Test (DST), Trail-Making Test B (TMT-B), Delayed Response Task (DRT) for spatial working memory, Subject Ordered Pointing Task (SOPT), Dual Tasking (DUAL), Continuous Performance Test (CPT)-Identical Pairs, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)]. Sixty-six patients with schizophrenia showed significant working memory performance deficits in all tests when compared with 45 healthy controls. Performance was not systematically related to psychopathology. When differences in IQ were controlled, working memory deficits remained stable except in the WCST. Principal components analyses yielded three components for healthy controls: a comparator function of the central executive defined by a comparison of working memory content with information from the environment, an allocation of attentional resources function, and a maximum storage capacity function. The comparator and maximum storage functions could be replicated in the schizophrenia sample. However, the allocation function did not emerge as an independent component and was replaced by a component defined by the WCST. These findings suggest that working memory is not a unitary concept but rather should be conceptually differentiated as functions of transient storage/active rehearsal capacity and central executive manipulation supporting a previous suggestion proposed by Perry et al. [Schizophr. Bull. 27 (2001) 157].  相似文献   
Working memory dysfunction is a prominent impairment in patients with schizophrenia. Our aim was to determine cerebral dysfunctions by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a large sample of first-episode schizophrenia patients during a working memory task. 75 first-episode schizophrenia patients and 81 control subjects, recruited within a multi-center study, performed 2- and 0-back tasks while brain activation was measured with fMRI. In order to guarantee comparability between data quality from different scanners, we developed and adopted a standardized, fully automated quality assurance of scanner hard- and software as well as a measure for in vivo data quality. After these quality-control measures had been implemented, 48 patients and 57 controls were included in the final analysis. During attention-related processes, even when the performance between patients and controls was comparable, there was a recognizable emergence of cerebral dysfunctions with hypoactivations in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), in the superior temporal cortex and in the thalamus. During working memory performance, parietal hypoactivations, especially in the precuneus, were prominent and were accompanied by poorer performance in patients. A hyperfrontality emerged in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Hence, results point to a dysfunctional ventrolateral prefrontal-parietal network during working memory in patients, suggesting impairments in basic functions such as retrieval, storage and maintenance. The brain activation pattern of this large and significant sample of first-episode schizophrenia patients indicates an imbalanced system failing to adjust the amount of brain activity required in the cerebral network involved in attention and working memory.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Although obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is usually conceptualized as an anxiety disorder some studies suggested it to be a deficit of impulse control. The purpose of this study was to assess impulsiveness in OCD families and compare it to control families. METHOD: Seventy cases and their 139 relatives were compared with 70 controls and their 134 relatives from a German family study on OCD (German Epidemiologic Network for OCD Studies). All subjects were interviewed and diagnosed according DSM-IV criteria and were administered the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS) and PADUA-Inventory to assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms. RESULTS: OCD subjects had significantly higher scores of cognitive impulsiveness. However, first-degree relatives of OCD cases and of controls had comparable BIS-11 scores. Significant associations of aggressive obsessions and checking with cognitive impulsiveness were found. CONCLUSION: OCD is a severe mental disorder that is characterized by a lack of cognitive inhibition. However, impulsiveness does not represent a familial trait in families of OCD subjects.  相似文献   
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