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The prevalence of coeliac disease in adult diabetes mellitus   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Coeliac disease occurs more commonly in children with insulin-dependentdiabetes mellitus (IDDM) than in the general population, butthe prevalence of coeliac disease in adults with diabetes isunknown. We therefore screened an adult hospital-based diabeticpopulation using IgA antigliadin antibody (IgA-AGA) to identifythose patients requiring intestinal biopsy. In 1 year, 1789patients (43% IDDM, 57% NIDDM) were screened, and 73 had raisedIgA-AGA. Of these patients, 49 agreed to duodenal biopsy and13 (10 IDDM) had coeliac disease. Selective IgA deficiency wasfound in eight patients, one of whom had coeliac disease. Ofthese 14 patients with newly diagnosed coeliac disease, fourhad microcytic anaemia, nine a low serum ferritin, and foura low albumin-corrected calcium. Eight patients had symptomswhich improved on gluten withdrawal. Dietary compliance wasmaintained in 6/8 symptomatic patients, but only in 1/6 withoutsymptoms. Included in the 1789 patients were four (all IDDM)with known coeliac disease. The overall prevalence of coeliacdisease in adult patients with IDDM was 1:50 compared with 1:340in NIDDM. Coeliac disease is common in adults with IDDM andmay cause malabsorption and ill health. It should be suspectedin any IDDM patient with gastrointestinal symptoms or unexplainedanaemia.  相似文献   
Suppression of Humoral Immune Responses by Dialkylnitrosamines:Structure-Activity Relationships. KAMINSKI, N. E., JORDAN, S.D., PAGE, D., KIM, B. S., AND HOLSAPPLE, M. P. (1989). Fundam.Appl Toxicol 12,321-332. Comparisons between chemical structureof N, N-dialkylnitrosamine congeners and their ability to alterthe Day 4 IgM antibody response to sRBC, body weights. and organweights of female B6C3F1 mice were investigated. Short-chainnitrosamine congeners were selected for these studies on thebasis of two criteria: (1) congeners wth symmetrical aliphaticchain length [N-nitrosodimethylamine (DMN), N-nitrosodiethylamine(DEN), N-nitrdipropylamine (DPN), N-nitrosodibutylamine (DBN)]and (2) congeners possessing an N-methyl group [N-nitrosomethylethylamine(MEN), N-nitrosomethylpropylamine (MPN), and N-nitrosomethylbutylamine(MBN)]. The immunotoxicity of each congener was evaluated basedon the compound's ability to suppress the in vivo sRBC antibodyresponse following 7 consecutive days of treatment. An ED50dose was calculated, using a linear regression analysis, foreach congener and represents the millimoles of congener perkilogram body weight required to cause a 50% suppression ofthe sRBC response. These studies demonstrated two general trends:(1) those dialkylnitrosamine congeners that possessed an N-methylgroup were most immunotoxic and exhibited comparable ED50 concentrations(42-183 µmol/kg); and (2) dialkylnitrosamine congenerspossessing symmetrical aliphatic chains demonstrated an inverserelationship between aliphatic chain length and immunotoxicpotency—DMN (62 µmol/kg) > DEN (276 µmol/kg)> DPN (467 µmol/kg) > DMN (1557 µmol/kg).Comparisons were also made between the immunotoxic potency ofvarious nitrosamine congeners in the whole animal and theirpotency in an in vitro hepatocyte-spleen cell coculture system.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to investigate a number of immuneparameters which may be compromised with exposure to morphinesulfate. Mice were implanted subcutaneously with 8-, 25-, or75-mg morphine sulfate pellets. Placebo pellets of identicalmakeup to the 75-mg morphine pellet (without morphine of course)were used as a control. Twenty-four hours after implantationof a 75-mg morphine pellet, blood levels reached a peak of 1610ng/ml. Corticosterone increased in parallel with morphine andreached a peak level of 966 ng/ml 24 hr after implantation.The dose response of morphine to increase corticosterone, however,was fiat. The weight of the lymphoid organs, spleen and thymus,and the liver were significantly reduced in the morphine-treatedgroups. Morphine treatment was associated with an increase inserum albumin, SGPT, BUN, and alkaline phosphatase indicativeof hepatic damage. In contrast to increased serum proteins,the C3 component of complement was reduced in a dose-dependentmanner. Leukocyte number in the peripheral blood was significantlyreduced, while erythro-cyte number and hematocrit were bothincreased. The number of B cells and T cells was decreased inmorphine-treated animals. However, the percentage of T cellsrelative to B cells was increased. The primary IgM antibodyresponse to the T-depen-dent antigen, sheep red blood cells,was decreased. Natural killer cell activity was reduced in responseto morphine, as was the phagocytic capacity of Kupffer cells.Host-resistance models of Listeria monocytogenes or Streptococcuspneumoniae showed an increased resistance following administrationof morphine. This increased host resistance, however, was notdue to an increase in antimicrobial action of sera obtainedfrom mice treated with morphine. The majority of morphine'seffects on the immune system exhibited a flat dose response,suggesting that these effects may be mediated secondarily throughcorticosterone.  相似文献   
The responses of the adenohypophyseal hormones adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH), growth hormone (GH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), prolactin, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to sub-maximal doses of hypothalamic releasing factors were studied in six lean male volunteers (age 23-35 years) with and without infusions of oxytocin (OXT). OXT infusion (mean plasma concentration 133.6 +/- 2.6 pmol/l) completely inhibited the plasma ACTH responses to corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) (saline, peak increment ACTH 1.61 +/- 0.75 pmol/l; OXT, peak increment ACTH - 0.04 +/- 0.28 pmol/l; P less than 0.05). OXT infusion had no significant effect on the GH response to growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), the TSH and prolactin responses to thyrotrophin releasing hormone (thyroliberin, TRH) or the LH and FSH responses to gonadotrophin releasing hormone (luteoliberin, GnRH). The data support a role for OXT in the modulation of ACTH secretion in man.  相似文献   
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