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Family planning in Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past 5 years, four knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) surveys on family planning have been organized by the Unit of Population Survey Methodology of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita' (National Institute of Health). These surveys show that during the past 20 years, use of reliable contraceptives in Italy has increased, particularly in the North, encouraged by the more open attitude toward sexual behavior, following legalization of the provision of information on contraception and abortion upon request, and other social and cultural changes.In 1989 and 1991, 25% of women in Central and Southern Italy were using the pill or an IUD. However, the percentage of women not using contraceptives was still high (26% in 1989, and 19% in 1991) and withdrawal was the most widley used method (31% and 33%). The data show large regional differences.The main reasons for not using contraception, in the 1989 study, were fear of side-effects and ignorance, especially in the youngest and oldest women. Those least likely to use modern contraception were the young, the ill-educated and the nulliparous women.Lack of information seems to be the main problem in Italy. In fact, the 5044 women interviewed showed a medium level of knowledge of contraception, with only 63% who could identify correctly the fecund period in the menstrual cycle. However, their attitude toward the use of modern contraception was positive; 65% of the women interviewed said they would recommend the Pill or an IUD to a friend, and 10% of them would recommend condoms.Induced abortion is still common in Italy (13 reported abortions per 1000 women aged 15–44), although the incidence has steadily decreased since 1982. In the vast majority of cases, abortion was an emergency measure after the failure of contraceptive methods. It has been calculated that from 10% to 50% of induced abortions might be prevented in a short period through appropriate programs of health education and family planning involving the 2474 governmental maternal and child healt clinics in Italy.
Resumen En los 5 últimos años, la Sección de Metodología de Encuestas Demográficas del Istituto Superiore di Sanità realizó cuatro estudios de conocimiento, actitud y práctica (KAP) respecto a la planificación familiar. Estos estudios indican que, en los 20 últimos años, el uso de anticonceptivos fiables en Italia ha aumentado, especialmente en el norte, fomentado por una actitud más abierta en cuanto a la conducta sexual, tras la legalización y otros cambios sociales y culturales.En 1989 y 1991, el 25% de las mujeres de la región central y meridional de Italia utilizaban la pídora o el DIU. Sin embargo, el porcentaje de mujeres que no utilizaban anticonceptivos continuaba siedo alto (26% en 1989 y 19% en 1991) y elcoitus interruptus era el método más utilizado (31% y 33%). Los datos indican grandes differencias regionales.Los motivos principales de la no utilización de anticonceptivos, en el estudio de 1989, eran el temor a los efectos secundarios y la ignorancia, especialmente entre las mujeres de menor y de mayor edad. Las que probablemente menos utilizaran anticonceptivos modernos eran las mujeres jóvenes, las de bajo nivel de educación y las nulíparas.La falta de información parece ser el problema principal en Italia. En realidad, las 5044 mujeres entrevistadas tenían un nivel medio de conocimiento y sólo el 63% pudo identificar correctamente el período de fecundidad del ciclo menstrual. Sin embargo, su actitud respecto al uso de anticonceptivos modernos era positiva; el 65% de las mujeres entrevistadas manifestaron que recomendarían la píldora o el DIU a una amiga y el 10% de ellas recomendarían preservativos.El aborto provocado continúa siendo común en Italia (13 abortos notificados por cada 1000 mujeres de 15–44 años de edad) si bien su incidencia ha disminuido constantemente desde 1982. En la gran mayoría de los casos, el aborto era una medida de emergencia después del fracaso de un método anticonceptivo. Se ha calculado que del 10 al 50% de los abortos provocados podría impedirse en un plazo breve mediante programas apropiados de educación sanitaria y planificación familiar con la participación de las 2474 clínicas maternoinfantiles estatales de Italia.

Resumé Au cours de cinq dernières années, le service chargé de la méthodologie pour les enquêtes sur la population à l'Istituto Superiore di Sanità a organisé quatre enquêtes sur les connaissances, les attitudes et les pratiques en matière de planning familial. Ces enquêtes ont révélé qu'au cours de vingt dernières années en Italie, l'utilisation de contraceptifs fiables s'est répandue, notamment dans le nord du pays, encouragée par une attitude plus ouverte à l'égard du comportement sexuel à la suite de changements législatifs et autres dans le domaine social et culturel.En 1989 et 1991, 25% des femmes en Italie centrale et méridionale utilisaient la pilule ou un DIU. Le pourcentage de femmes ne faisant appel à aucune méthode de contraception était cependant encore élvé (26% en 1989 et 19% en 1991) et le retrait était la méthode la plus fréquemment adoptée (31% et 33%). Les données font apparaître d'importantes différences régionales. D'après l'étude de 1989, les raisons essentielles du non emploi des contraceptifs provenaient de la crainte d'éventuels effects secondaires et de l'ignorance, surtout chez les juenes et les femmes plus âgées. Les femmes les moins susceptibles de faire appel à la contraception moderne étaient les jeunes, les femmes peu éduquées et les nullipares.Le manque d'information semble être le problème principal en Italie. En fait, les 5044 femmes interrogées ont fait preuve de connaissances moyennes sur la contraception, 63% à peine étant capables d'identifier correctement la période de fécondité du cycle menstruel. Leur attitude à l'égard de la contraception moderne était cependant positive; 65% des femmes interrogées ont répondu qu'elles recommanderaient la pilule on un DIU à une amine, et 10% qu'elles recommanderaient le préservatif.Les avortements provoqués sont encore fréquents en Italie (13 avortements signalés pour 1000 femmes de 15 à 44 ans), mais leur incidence a progressivement diminué dequis 1982. Dans la grande majorité des cas, l'avortement est une mesure d'urgence après l'échec des méthodes de contraception. On a calculé que 10 à 50% des avortements provoqués pourraient être évités en peu de temps si l'on prévoyait des programmes appropriés d'éducation sanitaire et de planning familial dans les 2474 cliniques maternelles et infantiles qui existent en Italie.

This paper is a revised version of one presented at the Workshop Acceptance and Effectiveness of Modern Contraception, organized by the International Health Foundation at the SAC Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, October 1992.  相似文献   
The disappearance of diphtheria and poliomyelitis is the best evidence of the efficacy of the vaccination strategies adopted in Italy. The active offer of the prophylaxis, reinforced by law, has characterised the operational aspects of the strategy. The active surveillance system is the main tool to take under control the effectiveness of health services responsible for vaccination. This system could be more easily implemented if the health services will be given a specific software aiming to handle and evaluate vaccination registers. The present pilot study, performed in the regions Marche and Sardegna, is an example of active surveillance and it is based on the ARVA software produced by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The results show a good level of coverage (> 95%) within the second year of life. Unsatisfactory results were obtained on the timing of vaccinations, as recommended by the vaccination schedule, mostly for the third doses.  相似文献   
Maternal and child health represents one of the most relevant fields of interest in public health and particular attention is given to congenital pathologies. In Italy, the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is 1:3200 live birth. CH is diagnosed at birth by neonatal thyroid screening. This allows a precocious onset of substitutive therapy which avoids severe psychomotor deficits in infants with CH. Moreover, the newborn screening program have permitted to identify transient disorders of thyroid function in newborns. These are essentially due to neonatal, maternal and environmental risk factors, especially iodine deficiency. The National Register (NR) of infants with CH was established in 1987. The aim of the NR is to provide disease surveillance and to monitor efficiency and effectiveness of neonatal screening. Furthermore, the NR represents an useful tool for developing epidemiological studies to identify possible environmental and/or familial risk factors of CH.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: We recently showed that LOH proximal to M6P/IGF2R locus (D6S1581) in primary ovarian tumors is predictive for the presence of disseminated tumor cells (DTC) in the bone marrow (BM). For therapy-monitoring, it would be highly desirable to establish a blood-based biomarker. Therefore, we quantified circulating DNA (cirDNA) in sera of 63 ovarian cancer patients before surgery and after chemotherapy, measured incidence of LOH at four cancer-relevant chromosomal loci, correlated LOH with tumor cell spread to the BM and evaluated prognostic significance of LOH. Patients and Methods: cirDNA was fractionated into high- and low molecular-weight fraction (HMWF, LMWF) for LOH-profiling, utilizing PCR-based fluorescence microsatellite analysis. BM aspirates were analyzed for DTC by immunocytochemistry using the pan-cytokeratin antibody A45-B/B3. RESULTS: cirDNA levels in the HMWF before surgery were predictive for residual tumor load (p=0.017). After chemotherapy, we observed a significant decline of cirDNA in the LMWF (p=0.0001) but not in the HMWF. LOH was prevalently detected in the LMWF with an overall frequency of 67 %, only moderately ablating after chemotherapy (45 %). Before surgery, LOH in the LMWF at marker D10S1765 and D13S218 significantly correlated with tumor grading and FIGO stage (p=0.033, p=0.004, respectively). In both combined fractions, LOH at D6S1581 additionally associated with overall survival (OS) (p=0.030). Moreover, solely LOH at D10S1765 in LMWF after therapy correlated with DTC in BM after therapy (p=0.017). CONCLUSION: We demonstrate the applicability and necessity of DNA-fractionation prior to analyzing circulating LOH and identify LOH at D10S1765 and D6S1581 as novel blood-based biomarkers for ovarian cancer, being relevant for therapy-monitoring.  相似文献   
Background: Nutritional quality during pregnancy is crucial for mother and child health and their short/long-term outcomes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the adherence to nutritional recommendations in Italy during the three pregnancy trimesters in Normal Weight (NW) and Over Weight (OW) women. Methods: Data from a multicenter randomized controlled trial included 176 women (NW = 133; OW = 43) with healthy singleton pregnancies enrolled within 13 + 6 weeks of gestation. Dietary intake was assessed every trimester by a Food Frequency Questionnaire. Results: OW and NW had similar gestational weight gain. However, as Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommend lower gestational weight gain (GWG) for OW, they exceeded the suggested range. In both groups, caloric intake during the three trimesters never met recommendations. Protein intake in first and second trimester was higher than recommendations, as was sugars percentage. Dietary fiber intake was lower in OW. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, iron and folic acid requirements were never satisfied, while sodium intake exceeded recommendations. Conclusions: NW and OW women in Italy do not adhere to nutritional recommendations during pregnancy, with lower caloric intake, protein and sugars excess and inadequacies in micronutrients intake. Pregnant women in Italy should be provided with an adequate counseling and educational intervention as well as supplementation when indicated.  相似文献   
Streptococcus bovis is one of the nonenterococcal species included among the streptococci group D. It is part of the normal bowel flora in humans and animals, but it is also responsible for infectious diseases (10-15% of all cases of bacterial endocarditis). Many cases of bacteremia and metastatic abscesses (spleen, liver, soft tissues, bone, meninges, endocardium) caused by S. bovis were reported as associated with digestive tract diseases, mainly colonic disease, and, in particular colonic neoplasms, or chronic liver diseases. A role in carcinogenesis has been suggested for this microorganism. The authors report two cases of S. bovis sepsis, one associated with colonic neoplasm and the other with liver cirrhosis and gastric carcinoma. Discussion is focused on probable mechanisms that favor gastric colonization and systemic diffusion of S. bovis from the gut in patients with gastrointestinal neoplasms or chronic liver disease and provides clinical recommendations for patients with S. bovis infections.  相似文献   
Introduction: Pelvic serous carcinomas (PSCs) are a controversial entity, which mostly comprise fallopian tube carcinoma (FTC), primary peritoneal carcinoma (PPC) and serous ovarian carcinoma (OC). Despite incremental attention towards understanding pelvic serous carcinogenesis, the gold standard treatment and survival rates have not substantially changed in these last decades.

Areas covered: This review summarizes and gives a critical overview of the ongoing Phase II trials investigating therapies for PSC.

Expert opinion: Several novel molecules have been developed and are currently under investigation for the treatment of PSC, including FTC, PPC and serous OC. The trend of novel targeted agents is one towards individualized, tailored therapy, based on the molecular and biological differences that characterize tumors that seem similar based solely on histological analysis. The task of developing new molecules is particularly difficult for PSC, given the recurrent development of new patterns of drug resistance. However, even if current research is focused towards identifying the best treatments for each woman with a molecularly defined disease, a deeper knowledge of the molecular biology and genetics underlying FTC and its relation as a precursor of PSC is needed.  相似文献   

There has been a debate about the possibility of a link between silicone breast implants and the onset of systemic connective tissue diseases (eg, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis) and other inflammatory pathologies, such as silicone implant associated syndrome and adult Still disease. We report a case of adult Still disease in a patient with a silicone gel breast implant. The disease regressed with steroidal treatment, and the patient is now no longer steroid-dependent, although the implant is still in place.  相似文献   
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