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1. The role of arachidonic acid metabolites and oxygen radicals in carrageenin-induced rat paw oedema and dermal reverse passive Arthus reaction (RPA) have been investigated. 2. Indomethacin (10 mg kg-1, p.o.) inhibited carrageenin paw oedema when administered 30 min before, but not 2 h after carrageenin. BWB70C (10 mg kg-1, p.o.), a selective inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, had no effect whether administered before or after carrageenin. Administration of both indomethacin and BWB70C had no greater anti-inflammatory effect than indomethacin alone. 3. BW755C (20 mg kg-1, p.o.), which inhibits the cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism, or superoxide dismutase-polyethylene glycol conjugate (SOD-PEG, 3000 u, i.v.) inhibited carrageenin paw oedema whether administered either 30 min before, or 2 h after carrageenin. 4. Pretreatment with dexamethasone (0.1 mg kg-1) or colchicine (2 mg kg-1), likewise suppressed carrageenin paw oedema. 5. BW755C (25-100 mg kg-1, p.o.) dose-dependently reduced plasma leakage in the RPA, whereas indomethacin (5 mg kg-1, p.o.) or BWB70C either alone or in combination, did not. 6. SOD-PEG (300-3000 u, i.v.) dose-dependently inhibited plasma leakage in the RPA. In addition, the iron chelator and peroxyl radical scavenger, desferrioxamine (200 mg kg-1, s.c.) also inhibited plasma leakage. 7. Pretreatment with dexamethasone (0.1 mg kg-1) or colchicine (1 mg kg-1) reduced the plasma leakage in RPA, whereas MK-886 (10 mg kg-1) had no effect.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
1. In isolated rat mesentery preparations, intra-arterial injection of the following drugs rapidly suppressed vasoconstrictor responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation: bretylium (75-100 mug), guanethidine (10-20 mug) and bethanidine (20-30 mug); with phenoxypropylguanidine (15-30 mug) the onset of blockade was slower. The blockade caused by these or higher concentrations was rapidly abolished by intra-arterial injection of amphetamine (100 mug) as also was the blockade caused by infusing bretylium or guanethidine for 10-20 min. Partial blockade was produced by 20 mug of reserpine and this was only slightly and briefly antagonized by amphetamine.2. In mesentery preparations taken from rats 24 h after subcutaneous injection of bretylium 50 mg/kg, guanethidine 10 mg/kg, phenoxypropylguanidine 10 mg/kg or reserpine 0.1 mg/kg, responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation were greatly impaired. Only in the preparations from the bretylium-treated rats did amphetamine antagonize the blockade. The adrenergic neurone blocking effect of bethanidine 10 mg/kg was evident at 12 h but not at 24 h after injection.3. In rat mesentery amphetamine did not cause vasoconstriction but briefly potentiated the vasoconstrictor effect of sympathetic nerve stimulation. Responses to noradrenaline were not importantly affected.4. The contractile responses of the rat inferior eyelid caused by stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve was greatly reduced 17-27 h after subcutaneous injection of bretylium 300 mg/kg, bethanidine 30 mg/kg, guanethidine 10 mg/kg or reserpine 0.3 mg/kg. Intravenous dexamphetamine (0.5 mg/kg) powerfully antagonized the effect of bretylium, weakly antagonized the blockade by bethanidine and guanethidine and caused no change in the response of reserpine-treated animals.5. The vas deferens taken from guinea-pigs 24 h after subcutaneous injection of either bretylium or guanethidine showed greatly impaired responses to hypogastric nerve stimulation. Amphetamine largely restored the contractile response in bretylium-treated rats but caused only weak antagonism in the guanethidine-treated animals.  相似文献   
Antinociceptive models displaying peripheral opioid activity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A writhing syndrome was induced in mice by intraperitoneal administration of carbacyclin (1-100 micrograms/kg), a potent stable analogue of prostacyclin. A quaternary opiate agonist and antagonist, N-methyl morphine and N-methyl nalorphine respectively, exhibited potent antinociceptive properties on subcutaneous administration in this model. Naloxone and naltrexone also displayed weak antinociceptive activity in carbacyclin-induced writhing. Given subcutaneously, N-methyl morphine, but not N-methyl nalorphine or naloxone, inhibited carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia in the rat paw. Thus, demonstration of the peripheral antinociceptive effects of quaternary morphine or nalorphine depends upon the experimental model used, in which small variations may affect the ability to exhibit such effects.  相似文献   
STUDY OBJECTIVE--The aim was to evaluate the thrombolytic efficacy of recombinant double chain tissue plasminogen activator (Duteplase, t-PA) given as a single intravenous bolus versus an infusion in a canine model of coronary arterial occlusion/reperfusion. DESIGN--Coronary arterial thrombi were induced by a copper coil (placed under fluoroscopic control) in the left anterior descending coronary artery of anaesthetised dogs. Following 90 min thrombotic occlusion, animals were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: group 1 = t-PA infused intravenously at 0.6 x 10(6) IU.kg-1.h-1, or group 2 = t-PA (0.6 x 10(6) IU.kg-1) by intravenous bolus over 6 min. Both groups received concurrent heparin (six 1000 IU boluses, + 100 IU.kg-1.h-1) throughout t-PA administration and the 2 h reperfusion period. SUBJECTS--16 beagle dogs of either sex were used, weight 9.2-20.3 kg. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Radiolabelled microspheres were injected to assess microvascular coronary flow at various time points throughout the experimental period. Infarct related vessel patency (IRVP) was assessed arteriographically every 5 min. Infarct size was assessed histochemically at the end of the reperfusion period. IRVP was achieved within 42.9 (SEM 7.4) min and 43.1(7.0) min for infusion and bolus groups respectively; 60 min patency rates were 88% for both groups. t-PA restored full microvascular flow to ischaemic subendocardial and subepicardial regions in both groups compared to initial preocclusion regional blood flow. Extent of reactive hyperaemia was greater in infusion than bolus treatment animals: infusion group 1.18(0.15) v bolus group 0.72(0.14) ml.min-1.g-1 (subepicardial). Degree of microvascular reocclusion at 120 min reperfusion was similar for both groups despite aggressive anticoagulation throughout: infusion group 0.33(0.08) v bolus group 0.42(0.11) ml.min-1.g-1 (subendocardial). Areas of the myocardium at risk (R), absolute infarct size (I), and infarct risk ratio (I/R) were similar for both groups: R = 33.9(1.5) v 30.9(1.9)%; I = 15.9(3.1) v 13.3(3.1)%; I/R = 46.3(8.4) 42.1(9.2)%. Degree of systemic fibrinogenolysis was similar for both groups: infusion 1.65(0.40) to 0.67(0.07) g.litre-1 v bolus 1.68(0.15) to 0.96(0.12) g.litre-1. CONCLUSIONS--Single bolus administration of t-PA showed equivalent efficacy to infusion dosing in respect of IRVP, microvascular reperfusion, and microvascular reocclusion. As a result the degree of tissue necrosis (I/R ratio) was no different when comparing the two dosing regimens. Similar degrees of systemic fibrinogenolysis were observed for both treatment groups.  相似文献   
STUDY OBJECTIVE--The aim was to examine the value of a subthrombolytic maintenance infusion of recombinant double chain tissue plasminogen activator (BW t-PA, Duteplase) in preserving microvascular coronary flow following initial thrombolysis. DESIGN--Coronary arterial thrombi were induced by a copper coil (placed under fluoroscopic control) in the canine left anterior descending coronary artery. Complete vessel occlusion occurred within 10-15 min of coil placement. Following 90 min of thrombotic occlusion, animals received one of three treatments: group 1, vehicle 0.9% saline; group 2, t-PA 1.0 X 10(6) IU.kg-1.h-1 for 1 h; group 3, t-PA 1.0 X 10(6) IU.kg-1.h-1 for 1 h followed by 0.12 X 10(6) IU.kg-1.h-1 throughout the 2 h reperfusion period. Radiolabelled microspheres were administered to assess microvascular coronary flow at various time points throughout the experimental period. SUBJECTS--Experimental subjects were beagle dogs of either sex (n = 30), weight 8.9-14.3 kg. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Main vessel patency (assessed fluoroscopically) was achieved within 40.0(SEM 4.0) min and 37.0(3.1) min for group 2 and group 3 animals respectively. Group 1 animals did not reperfuse. Full microvascular coronary flow was achieved following the lytic infusion of t-PA. However, microvascular flow to the ischaemic zone was significantly reduced at the end of the 2 h reperfusion phase in group 2 animals despite "aggressive" anticoagulation with heparin throughout the reperfusion period: subendocardial flow decreased from 0.74(0.14) to 0.24(0.08) ml.min-1.g-1; subepicardial flow decreased from 0.82(0.13) to 0.36(0.09) ml.min-1.g-1, p less than 0.05. Microvascular coronary flow to the ischaemic zone was better preserved following the maintenance infusion of t-PA given throughout the reperfusion phase: subendocardial flow decreased from 0.95(0.07) to 0.50(0.10) ml.min-1.g-1; subepicardial flow decreased from 0.73(0.04) to 0.52(0.08) ml.min-1.g-1. Thrombolytic reperfusion led to salvage of the ischaemic myocardium, with infarct/risk ratio decreasing from 75.0(10.0)% in group 1 to 46.3(11.0)% in group 2, p less than 0.05. Further salvage of the ischaemic myocardium followed a lytic plus maintenance infusion of t-PA, with infarct/risk ratio decreasing to 35.5(6.7)% but this did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS--t-PA consistently achieved main vessel reperfusion within 40 min (mean) of instituting therapy in our model, leading to marked salvage of ischaemic myocardium. The data also suggest that maintenance infusion of t-PA helps preserve microvascular coronary flow throughout reperfusion and tends to reduce infarct size further.  相似文献   

This study examines the public stigma of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by their school-aged peers, focusing on both explicit and implicit attitudes. The twofold aims were to provide a broader picture of public stigma and to explore age-related changes in attitudes. Students completed an explicit measure of the public stigma and an implicit measure of attitudes after watching a video displaying children with ASD vs. typically developing (TD) children. Both measures showed more negative perceptions towards children with ASD compared to TD children. However, while explicit attitudes improved with age, implicit attitudes remained constantly negative. This finding suggests that both explicit and implicit attitudes should be considered when promoting an inclusive climate at school.

BW A575C (N-(1-(S)-carboxy-5-[4(3-isopropylamino-2-(R, S)-hydroxypropoxy)indole-2- carboxamido]pentyl)-(R, S)-alanyl-(S)-proline) is a chemically novel agent which exhibits in a single molecule both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition and beta-adrenoceptor-blocking properties. BW A575C produced a competitive blockade of heart rate responses to isoprenaline in a guinea-pig right atrial preparation (pKB 7.18 +/- 0.05, cf. pindolol 8.9 +/- 0.7). BW A575C inhibited a partially purified preparation of ACE obtained from rabbit lung (IC50 10.7 +/- 2.1 nM, cf. enalaprilat, 4.4 +/- 0.8 nM). Intravenous administration of BW A575C (1-100 micrograms kg-1 min-1) to the pithed rat inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion both angiotensin I-induced pressor responses and isoprenaline-induced tachycardia. Dose-ratios obtained from such studies demonstrated that, in this preparation, BW A575C was approximately 100 times more active as an ACE inhibitor than as a beta-adrenoceptor blocking agent. Intravenous administration of BW A575C (1 mg kg-1) to the conscious rat inhibited angiotensin I-induced pressor responses, being approximately equipotent to enalapril and 10 times more potent than captopril. At the same dose, BW A575C had a similar duration of action as an ACE inhibitor to enalapril. Intravenous administration of BW A575C (1 mg kg-1) to either conscious dogs or rats inhibited both angiotensin I-induced pressor responses and isoprenaline-induced heart rate responses. Dose-ratios obtained from such studies demonstrated that in these species, BW A575C was 2-10 times more active as an ACE inhibitor than as a beta-adrenoceptor blocking agent.  相似文献   
The cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) is a potent hyperalgesic agent in the rat whereas IL-1 alpha is relatively inactive (Ferreira et al., 1988). IL-1 beta induced a dose-dependent increase in the sensitivity of rat paws to mechanical stimulation following intra-plantar injection but this effect was not reduced by indomethacin (1.0 mg kg-1, p.o.), at a dose known to inhibit completely prostaglandin synthesis in the rat (Salmon et al., 1983). Prostaglandin (PG)E2 enhanced sensitivity to both mechanical pressure and increased temperature but IL-1 beta enhanced only sensitivity to pressure. These observations indicate that IL-1 beta sensitized pressure-sensitive but not temperature-sensitive sensory neurones, through a prostaglandin-independent mechanism. Hyperalgesia induced by IL-1 beta but not PGE2, was inhibited by the neuropeptide melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha MSH) and its analogue [Nle4, D-Phe7] alpha MSH which are known to antagonize IL-1 responses in other systems (Holdeman & Lipton, 1985; Cannon et al., 1986). IL-1 beta-induced hyperalgesia was also reduced by the putative IL-1 beta antagonist Lys-D-Pro-Thr (Ferreira et al., 1988) but alpha MSH and its analogue were 10-50 times more potent.  相似文献   
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