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通过对129例气功偏差者心身障碍的临床心理学研究,结果显示其临床表现有内气不止、外动不已、走火、入魔4种类型。其中心理障碍有感知障碍者41例,注意障碍34例,情感障碍116例,思维障碍23例,记忆障碍31例,行为障碍48例,意识障碍4例。入魔者的 BPRS 总分均值为44.88±9.42;走火者的 HAMD 总分均值16.00±8.30,HAMA 为16.82±6.90,两者间经统计学处理差异无显著性意义(P>0.05),但两种量表结果均显著高于健康人(P 均<0.001)。表明气功偏差患者有不同程度的躯体和心理障碍。  相似文献   
气功发生偏差的原因与患者原患疾病,和练功者的学练方法及练功时的心理等因素有关。偏差的临床表现主要有躯体症状和精神症状,按程度可分为轻、中、重三度。诊断除依据三项诊断标准外,须与原患疾病的病理性反应、精神疾病的症状等作鉴别诊断。治疗方法主要有安心法、导引按(足乔)、气功按摩、点穴拍打及辨证施功、调整练功方法等。对於中、重度偏差者可配合针灸、火罐、中药等综合性治疗。在施诒纠偏过程中还要结合诱导、规劝和暗示等心理疗法。  相似文献   
One hundred and nine patients with mental disorders caused by Qigong psychophysical exercise deviation are studied. These patients were divided into schizophrenic type (47 cases) and neurotic type (62 cases) and were analyzed by standard psychiatric rating scales and improved Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI). The results show that patients with Qigong deviation presented abnormalities in perception, thinking, and behavior of varying degree. The clinical characteristics could not be classified into extent psychiatric disease units. Most of these patients manifested specific physical symptoms of Qigong deviation. The authors suggest that this kind of mild, benign mental disorder associated with the unique culture of our country be studied to contribute to the study of the classification of mental disorders. Qigong triggered disorders usually normalized during short term follow-up.  相似文献   
气功所致精神障碍的临床现象学研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
调查因气功偏差所致精神障碍109例,其中类精神分裂样障碍47例,类神经症样障碍62例,并采用精神科评定量表和MMPI进行心理分析。结果表明练气功出现偏差后表现不同程度的感知、思维、情感和行为方面的异常,临床特征往往不能归入现有的精神疾病单元,且大多数患者伴有气功偏差的特殊躯体症状。作者建议,对这种与我国特殊文化有关的精神障碍应予足够重视,有助于精神疾病的分类学研究。  相似文献   
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