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This study examined the effects of combined administration of tyrosine, lecithin, L-glutamine and L-5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) on heroin withdrawal syndromes and mental symptoms in detoxified heroin addicts. In the cluster-randomized placebo-controlled trial, 83 detoxified heroin addicts were recruited from a detoxification treatment center in Wuhan, China. Patients in the intervention group (n=41) were given the combined treatment with tyrosine, lecithin, L-glutamine and 5-HTP and those in the control group (n=42) were administered the placebo. The sleep status and the withdrawal symptoms were observed daily throughout the study, and the mood states were monitored pre- and post-intervention. The results showed that the insomnia and withdrawal scores were significantly improved over time in participants in the intervention group as compared with those in the control group. A greater reduction in tension-anxiety, depression-dejection, anger-hostility, fatigue-inertia and total mood disturbance, and a greater increase in their vigor-activity symptoms were found at day 6 in the intervention group than in the control group (all P<0.05). It was concluded that the neurotransmitter-precursor-supplement intervention is effective in alleviating the withdrawal and mood symptoms and it may become a supplementary method for patients’ recovery from heroin addiction.  相似文献   
人格障碍者的责任能力是司法精神医学中最有争议、悬而未决的问题之一。各国对此问题的法则也不统一。人格障碍着如确实存在控制能力的严重削弱,承担完全刑事责任,显然不当;反之,若无明显自控能力削弱,如减免其刑事责任,又欠妥当。因此,深入讨论这一问题具有重要意义。本文对此作一文献性温习,并阐明我们的见解,供讨论。  相似文献   
4例抑郁症病人盗窃的病理动机分析王槐经,何武龙,涂前雄迄今有些人主张分析精神疾病患者作案动机是评定责任能力一项重要标准D].近几年来,笔者见到4例抑郁症患者盗窃案,其行为均受病理动机支配、报告如下:案例资料1987年6月至lpel年12月间,我院受理...  相似文献   
对4000例强制戒毒人员的浅析及对戒毒工作的几点思考钱辉苗何武龙(武汉市公安局安康医院,武汉,430070)Table1Agedistributionof1724casestreatedduringOct,1993-Dec,1995Agen%<20a...  相似文献   
静脉吸毒人群是主要的HIV感染人群,全国累积病例报告显示,约50%是静脉吸毒者,并且因为共用注射器具传播HIV的效率最高,静脉吸毒人群在今后数年内将仍然是我国最主要的高危人群[1].为了探讨适用于吸毒人群的AIDS干预方法,笔者于2008年6至11月,在武汉市强制隔离戒毒所和武汉市劳教局下属的劳教所抽取了1039名吸毒人员,开展了有针对性的健康教育和心理干预,并且在于预后对结果进行评估,现将结果分析如下.  相似文献   
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