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Regulation of T cell-dependent immune responses is mediated in part by bone marrow-derived antigen presenting cells (APC) that (a) process and present antigens which engage the T cell receptor and (b) secrete cytokines that influence the threshold of T cell activation. The anterior chamber of the eye is lined by the corneal endothelium (which rests on a stroma and epithelium that is devoid of class II MHC + APC) and iris/ciliary body (which contain significant numbers of bone marrow-derived cells, one third of which are class II MHC +). When tested in vitro, these potential APCs fail to present antigens in a form that activates T cells. Moreover, iris/ciliary body cells actually suppress activation of T cells exposed to antigens on conventional APC. In addition, aqueous humor under normal circumstances contains factors (one of which is TGFB) that are potent inhibitors of antigen-driven T cell activation, but spare other aspects of T cell function. Evidence suggests that the bone marrow-derived cells in iris/ciliary body are the source of this factor. Thus, the anterior chamber contains powerful forces that can prevent induction and can suppress expression of T cell mediated immunity. It is proposed that these forces are responsible for immunologic privilege and anterior chamber associated immune deviation, and for suppressing pathologic proliferation and inflammation in the anterior segment of the eye.  相似文献   
A large proportion of mice rendered neonatally tolerant of class II MHC antigens respond to the tolerogen in vitro in an MLR, while simultaneously maintaining tolerance in vivo as evidenced by acceptance of a skin graft bearing the tolerated antigens. To determine whether this discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro tolerance is reflective of differences in the amount and/or type of lymphokines produced by tolerant lymphocytes, we have examined the ability of tolerogen-reactive lymphocytes to produce IL-2, IL-4/5, and IFN in vitro in an MLR. Our results demonstrate that when stimulated with the tolerogen, lymphocytes from both normal and tolerant responders produce IL-2 and interferon. However, in comparison to normal cells, 2 alterations in the tolerogen-specific responses of lymphocytes obtained from tolerant mice were identified. (1) The amount of IL-2 in the supernatants derived from tolerant cultures declines prematurely compared to normal cultures. This premature decline in IL-2 production was due neither to a lower frequency of Th cells as judged by limit dilution analysis nor to an increase in IL-2R expression on tolerant lymphocytes as measured by FACS analysis. (2) IL-4 and presumably IL-5 can be demonstrated in supernatants of tolerant, but not normal, lymphocytes stimulated by the tolerogen. Thus although lymphocytes from MLR-positive tolerant mice generate substantial quantities of lymphokines in response to the tolerogen, the pattern of lymphokine production is unusual when compared to that of normal lymphocytes. These results are inconsistent with the notion that a global lack of helper activity, per se, is responsible for the maintenance of tolerance in these mice and furthermore suggest that tolerance could be the result of "inappropriate" lymphokine production.  相似文献   
Multipotent, self-renewing stem and progenitor cells isolated from the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) have been shown to survive as allografts following transplantation to sites throughout the neuraxis. However, studies of this type shed little light upon the immunologic properties of the cells themselves, primarily because little is learned about the intrinsic immunogenic properties of a cell when it is grafted into an immune-privileged site. We have therefore investigated the immunogenic and antigenic properties of CNS progenitor cells by grafting them into a conventional (i.e., non-immune-privileged) site, namely, beneath the kidney capsule. Our results indicate that allogeneic CNS progenitor cells survive at least 4 weeks in a conventional site, during which time they neither sensitize their hosts nor express detectable levels of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or II. These in vivo data are in accord with flow cytometric results showing that CNS progenitor cells do not express MHC class I or class II, either at baseline or upon differentiation in 10% serum. Exposure to interferon gamma, however, reversibly upregulates expression of these key transplantation antigens. Together, these results reveal CNS progenitor cells to possess inherent immune privilege. Since CNS progenitor cell allografts were rejected beneath the kidney capsule following specific sensitization of the host, CNS progenitor cells were able to display alloantigens, albeit not in an immunogenic form.  相似文献   
P815 tumor cells injected in the anterior chamber (AC) of eyes of BALB/c mice elicit anterior chamber-associated immune deviation (ACAID) whereby delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to the tumor-associated antigens are suppressed, precursors of cytotoxic T cells are clonally expanded but not terminally differentiated, and levels of tumor-specific serum antibodies are elevated. These results imply the presence of unique helper T (Th) cell functions in these animals. To identify and describe these cells, we first determined the presence of antigen-activated lymphocytes in AC tumor-bearing mice, as well as mice that received tumor cells subconjunctivally (SC), as measured by proliferative responses of lymphocytes from draining lymph nodes and spleens. In addition, we examined the lymphokine secretion profiles [interleukin (IL) 2, IL 4] of antigen-responsive lymph node and spleen cells in limiting dilution analysis. We found that lymphoid organs of mice primed by the SC route contained high frequencies of antigen-reactive CD4+ cells that secreted IL 2 only, or IL 2 plus IL 4. In addition, IL 2-secreting CD8+ cells were found. Alternatively, the lymphoid organs of mice receiving AC inoculations of P815 cells contained CD4+ as well as CD8+ cells that secreted IL 2 after antigen stimulation. However, no IL 4-secreting cells were found. According to a recent model of differentiation of CD4+ T cells, precursors of Th cells (that secrete IL 2 alone) differentiate into Th0 cells that can secrete IL 2, IL 4 and IFN-gamma. These cells further differentiate into Th1 cells and Th2 cells that secrete IL 2 or IL 4, respectively. We interpret the absence of IL 4-secreting CD4+ cells in AC tumor bearing mice to mean that in these mice precursor Th cells are unable/prevented from differentiating into Th0 cells.  相似文献   
Acute, low-dose ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation alters the local skin site such that epicutaneous application of hapten fails to induce contact hypersensitivity (CH), but induces tolerance in UVB-susceptible mice. Although the inability of irradiated skin to support CH induction may be a strictly local effect, there may also be systemic immune consequences of UVB radiation delivered in this manner. To examine this matter, abdominal skin of C57BL/6 mice was exposed to acute, low-dose UVB radiation. Dinitrofluorobenzene was immediately painted directly on the irradiated site, or at a distant (unirradiated) site. In separate experiments, epicutaneous application of the hapten on a distant site was delayed for 1–3 days. The mice were tested for acquisition of CH, and for tolerance, i.e. the capacity to become sensitized when exposed subsequently to hapten via normal body wall skin. It was found that, immediately after completion of the UVB regimen, CH was inducible via unirradiated, but not via irradiated, skin. At 3 days post-UVB exposure, CH was no longer inducible even through unirradiated skin. Mice that first encountered hapten via UVB-exposed skin developed tolerance, as did mice that first encountered hapten via unirradiated skin of UVB-treated mice. Neutralizing anti-tumor necrosis factor-α TNF-α antibodies failed (a) to restore the ability of unirradiated skin to support induction of CH, and (b) to interfere with tolerance induction, whether hapten was first painted on irradiated or unirradiates skin. The data indicate that the acute, low-dose regimen of UVB radiation produces effects on the immune system that are manifest locally as well as systemically. By demonstrating that the disruption of CH induction following UVB radiation is TNF-α dependent, whereas locally and systemically induced tolerance is not, our findings encourage further search for other UVB-related modulators of systemic immunity and tolerance.  相似文献   
Liposomes containing the drug dichloromethylene diphosphonate (Cl2MDP) can eliminate phagocytic cells, such as macrophages, when injected in vivo. In this paper we report that Cl2MDP-containing liposomes have been used experimentally to determine the extent to which cutaneous macrophages participate (1) in the induction of contact hypersensitivity (CH) when hapten is painted on normal murine skin, and (2) in the induction of CH or tolerance when hapten is painted on murine skin that has been exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. Intradermal (i.d.) injections of Cl2MDP-containing liposomes were found to have no deleterious effects on CH induction via normal skin, whether the amount of hapten (dinitrofluorobenzene) applied to the cutaneous surface was optimal or excessive. Moreover, Cl2MDP-containing liposomes did not deplete the epidermis of Langerhans' cells. However, similar i.d. injections of Cl2MDP-containing liposomes did prevent the induction of CH when hapten was painted on UVB-irradiated skin of BALB/c mice, a strain that develops CH when hapten is applied to UVB-exposed skin. These findings indicate that the antigen-presenting cell (APC) function found in skin of UVB-resistant mice following exposure to UVB radiation can be attributed to macrophages. This explains why these mice develop and display CH after UVB radiation. By contrast, i.d. injections of Cl2MDP-containing liposomes failed to prevent the induction of the tolerance when hapten was applied to the surface of UVB-exposed skin of UVB-susceptible mice, such as C57BL/6. Since the dermis of UVB-exposed skin of these mice is known to contain a novel population of cells that can provide a tolerance-conferring signal, the current findings rule out macrophages as the responsible cell type.  相似文献   
Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and cis-urocanic acid (UCA) have recently been implicated in the process by which ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) impairs the induction of contact hypersensitivity when dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) is painted on UVB-exposed skin. The evidence supports the hypothesis that UVB radiation converts trans- to cis-UCA in the epidermis which in turn causes the epidermis of UVB-susceptible mice to produce/contain excessive local amounts of TNF-alpha. When hapten is painted on TNF-alpha- or UVB-treated skin, contact hypersensitivity fails to develop. As UVB radiation also induces hapten-specific tolerance and suppressor T cells when hapten is applied to UVB-exposed skin of UVB-susceptible strains of mice, we examined whether TNF-alpha and/or UVB-irradiated UCA (UV-UCA) might be similarly involved in the mechanism by which UVB induces tolerance. We report that intracutaneously-injected TNF-alpha and UV-UCA altered the cutaneous environment such that when DNFB was painted on the injected site, hapten-specific tolerance was induced and suppressor cells were generated. However, the tolerance induced by UVB radiation and the tolerance that followed intracutaneous injection of UV-UCA were not reversed by neutralizing anti-TNF-alpha antibodies. Moreover, UV-UCA and TNF-alpha-induced tolerance and suppressor cells in both UVB-susceptible (UVB-S) and UVB-resistant mice, whereas UVB radiation induced tolerance only in UVB-S mice. We conclude that the mechanism by which UVB radiation induces tolerance in mice is separate and distinct from the mechanism by which UVB radiation impairs contact hypersensitivity induction. Moreover, our data support the view that the generation of suppressor cells and the development of hapten-specific tolerance may be mechanistically distinct. The possible molecular and cellular mediators of UVB-induced tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet-B radiation (UVR) of mouse skin promotes both local and systemic immune aberrations that are thought to be important in the pathogenesis of cutaneous malignancies. Acute, low-dose UVR regimens inhibit the induction of contact hypersensitivity (CH) in genetically susceptible mice by TNF-alpha-dependent mechanisms. In addition, these regimens also promote the development of tolerance when hapten is applied to the UVR-exposed site at the completion of the radiation treatment protocol. A third immune abnormality is also observed in mice exposed to acute, low-dose UVR. This abnormality, which develops within 48-72 hr of the completion of the UVR regimen, has been described among antigen-presenting cells within secondary lymphoid organs, including lymph nodes that do not drain the site of irradiation. Dendritic cells (DCs) from lymph nodes and spleens of mice exposed to UVR lack the capacity to induce CH if they are derivatized with hapten and injected intracutaneously into naive mice. The DC defect is related to the production of and systemic dissemination of interleukin-10 (IL-10) by keratinocytes within the epidermis of the UVR-exposed skin. We have now examined the nature of the functional aberration that exists among DCs within the secondary lymphoid organs of UVR-exposed mice by examining the capacity of DCs to express co-stimulatory molecules, and their ability to activate ovalbumin (OVA) -specific DO11.10 T-cell receptor transgenic T cells in vitro. Our results indicate that DCs from UVR-exposed mice produced insufficient amounts of IL-12. When pulsed with OVA, these cells were capable of inducing proliferation among DO11.10 T cells in vitro, but the responding cells produced neither IFN-gamma nor IL-10 and IL-4. A similar antigen-presenting cell defect was generated in mice treated with a subcutaneous injection of IL-10. We conclude that acute, low-dose UVR creates an IL-10-dependent functional deficit in DCs in secondary lymphoid organs, and that this defect robs UVR-exposed mice of the capacity to develop CH when hapten is painted epicutaneously.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: We used a murine model of orthotopic corneal transplantation to determine whether host deficiency in ICAM-1 promotes survival of corneal grafts with different degrees of allodisparity. METHODS: ICAM-1-/- and wild-type C57BL/6 (ICAM-1+/+) received corneal grafts from the following strains of mice: BALB/c (fully mismatched), BALB.b (mismatched at multiple minor H only), or B10.D2 [including major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mismatch]. Graft rejection, induction of allospecific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses, and leukocytic infiltration of grafts were measured. RESULTS: There were no differences in long-term survival of allografts that were either fully mismatched or had only minor H disparity in ICAM-1+/+ vs. ICAM-1-/-hosts. However, whereas B10.D2 grafts were accepted in only 58% of the ICAM-1+/+ hosts, graft survival in ICAM-1-/- recipients was 100% (P=0.006). Moreover, none of the ICAM-1-/- mice receiving B10.D2 grafts developed allospecific DTH. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged survival seen in MHC-mismatched grafts in ICAM-1-/- mice, along with a suppressed DTH response to donor alloantigens after transplantation, suggest that ICAM-1 is associated with recipient sensitization to MHC alloantigens.  相似文献   
In the inflamed cornea, there is a parallel outgrowth of blood and lymphatic vessels into the normally avascular cornea. We tested whether adaptive and/or innate immune cells were actively involved in the genesis of new lymphatic vessels. Our results indicate that innate immune cells (CD11b+ macrophages, but not CD11c+ dendritic cells) physically contributed to lymphangiogenesis under pathological conditions and that bone marrow-derived CD11b+ macrophages expressed lymphatic endothelial markers such as LYVE-1 and Prox-1 under inflamed conditions in the corneal stromata of mice. Furthermore, blood vascular endothelial cells that expressed the Tie2 promoter did not contribute to newly formed lymphatic vessels under inflamed conditions. Our in vitro experiments demonstrated that CD11b+ macrophages alone were capable of forming tube-like structures that expressed markers of lymphatic endothelium such as LYVE-1 and podoplanin. The novel finding that CD11b+ macrophages are critical for the development of inflammation-dependent lymphangiogenesis in the eye suggests a new mechanism of lymphangiogenesis.  相似文献   
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