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Objective To assess the radiological characteristics and therapeutic strategies of intracranial aneurysms in children. Methods From our dedicated neurovascular databank of patients, we reviewed 23 consecutive children who had 24 intracranial aneurysms. There were 14 boys and 9 girls with a mean age of 9.09 years ( range 1 - 14 years ). Results Intracranial aneurysms in children ≤ 14 years constituted 1.3% of all intracranial aneurysms. Internal Carotid artery (ICA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were the most frequent sites for aneurysms. About 58.3% of the aneurysms were complex, including dissecting, pseudoaneurysm, giant and fusiform aneurysm. 1/3 of all aneurysms were located in posterior circulation. Only 1 case had multiple aneurysms in this case series. Almost half of all cases presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage and others presented with mass effect. 14 cases underwent endovascular treatment. 4 patients received microsurgical therapy. 5 cases did not receive microsurgical or endovascular therapy, 2 of them whose aneurysms spontaneously thrombosed during follow up. One boy with left vertebral artery giant aneurysm died after endovascular therapy owing to gradual thrombosis in basilar artery. Another child had poor outcome because of rerupture of aneurysm before operation. Whereas the majority had a favorable outcome. Conclusions Intracranial aneurysms in children had many clinical and radiological characteristics different from those in adults : ( 1 ) remarkable male predominance; ( 2 ) ICA and MCA were the most common sites for aneurysms; (3) high incidence of large, traumatic, infectious, dissecting and fusiform aneurysms. (4)For pediatric intracranial aneurysms, both microsurgical approaches and endovascular treatment were effective. Endovaacular therapy was the best choice for complex aneurysms.  相似文献   
<正> 患者,男,25岁。因刺激性呛咳并颈部肿块4个月入院。经病检诊断为何杰金氏淋巴瘤Ⅳ期。给予COAP方案化疗两疗程病情缓解后,行自体骨髓移值。病人住屋流净化室,按骨髓移植常规处理。应用MCV方案进行预处理,骨髓4℃保存54小时后回输。  相似文献   
本文从优化医院资源配置,拓宽医院发展的路子;强化医院经营管理,开创经营管理新格局的角度探讨了巩固医院分级管理的理论,同时介绍了该院巩固创建二级甲等医院成果的个体做法和经验。  相似文献   
例1,男,25岁,维吾尔族。因发烧2个月,外院诊为肺结核,抗痨治疗无效,并出现明显呼吸困难一周,于1986年3月入我院。查体:体温38.3℃,呼吸35次/分。浅表淋巴结不大。口唇发绀。颈静脉怒张。胸骨压痨。两胸下叩诊音实,语颤和呼吸音减弱,两肺中上可闻干湿罗音。心尖搏动不清,心音低,无杂音。肝肋下3.0cm,有压痛。脾未及。Hb 160 g/L,WBC 225×10~9/L,原幼淋70%。胸片见两肺下野密度增高,两肺中上野可见结节状模糊阴影,纵隔增宽。B超见胸腔积液,前后心包腔有2.0cm液性暗区。心包穿刺液中可见大量原幼淋巴细胞,未查到抗  相似文献   
本文作者比较了不同时期的纸质病案的使用率,讨论了旧病案的缺点,如难于保存,占用空间及实用价值不大.作者提出了改进保存病案的办法.  相似文献   
<正> 特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症是一种少见病,多发于儿童及青年。以咳嗽、咯血、发热、气短、贫血为特征。本病常被误诊为缺铁性贫血等疾病。现将我院1980年—1983年确诊的四例报导如下:  相似文献   
当今各行业都面临着质量的挑战,但近几年来医院在转型深化改革中突出地存在着一些问题.如有的人利用医药经营渠道的开放及管理上的混乱,搞不正当销售竞争,导致医药及器材价格迅速上涨,影响了医药质量.质量是医院的生命,质量的好坏直接影响到医院的生存和发展。医院质量管理是医院管理的核心,而护理质量是医院质量的一部分,所以护理管理者必须转变管理意识,提高管理自觉性,使管理工作科学化,并不断提高护理质量使之达到一个新的水平。质量管理是指按照质量规律应用各种科学方法以保证提高质量的管理,质量管理是管理中一个重要组…  相似文献   
探索ISO-9000在医院质量管理中的应用研究,已经形成一大热点.新的<医疗事故处理条例>的出台与实施,对医疗机构的病案管理也提出了更高更严的要求,推行ISO量管理体系,有利于病案管理的规范和完善,减少医疗纠纷的发生.  相似文献   
本文提出臀肌功能重建,对改进下肢功能和稳定髋关节具有重要作用。经过实验及临床观察证实,采用对侧骶棘肌移植比同侧好,并提出采用髂腰肌移植代替臀肌功能比骶棘肌肌力大。  相似文献   
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