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Background and Aims:  Increased numbers and enhanced functions of peripheral neutrophils have been observed in obstructive jaundice. However, the effects of obstructive jaundice on the bone marrow, that is neutrophil production and acquisition of neutrophil chemotactic activity, have been poorly understood. In the present study, differentials of bone marrow cells and chemotactic activity of bone marrow neutrophils were evaluated in bile duct-obstructed rats.
Methods:  Male Wistar rats underwent either bile duct obstruction for 10 days or bile duct obstruction for 4 days followed by 6 days' internal biliary drainage. Differentials of peripheral blood and bone marrow cells were sequentially determined. Chemotactic activity of peripheral and bone marrow neutrophils was evaluated with a modified Boyden method using interleukin-8 (recombinant rat Gro-β) as a chemoattractant.
Results:  Numbers of peripheral neutrophils significantly increased after bile duct obstruction. Significant increases in the myeloid/erythroid (M/E) ratio of bone marrow cells were observed after bile duct obstruction. The neutrophil proliferative pool (promyelocytes and myelocytes) increased initially, followed by an increased neutrophil storage pool (metamyelocytes, bands, and segmented neutrophils). The M/E ratio as well as the neutrophil proliferative and storage pools normalized after internal biliary drainage. Chemotactic activity was enhanced in both peripheral and bone marrow neutrophils after bile duct obstruction, and enhanced chemotaxis was alleviated with internal biliary drainage.
Conclusion:  The present results strongly suggest the principal role of the bone marrow in increasing the number of neutrophils and their chemotactic activity during obstructive jaundice.  相似文献   
Okuno, A., Yano, K., Itoh, Y., Hashida, S., Ishikawa, E., Mohri, Z-I. and Murakami, M. (Department of Paediatrics, Asahikawa Medical College, Hokkaido; Medical College of Miyazaki, Kiyotake, Miyazaki; and Research and Development Division, Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd, Hyogo, Japan). Urine growth hormone determinations compared with other methods in the assessment of growth hormone secretion. Acta Paediatr Scand [Suppl] 337:74, 1987.
Urinary excretion of hGH was studied in children with short stature using a sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. Urinary hGH excretion, in terms of hGH: creatinine ratio, showed excellent correlation with the mean and peak hGH values during physiological and pharmacological tests. It seems that the urinary hGH levels reflect serum hGH profiles during the urine collection period. A border zone for the lower limits of normal hGH levels in the urine was 7.5–13.4 ng/g creatinine for the physiological test at night (from 2000 hours to 0600 hours) and 17.4–35.0 ng/g creatinine for the pharmacological tests. Assessment of hGH secretory status by the urinary hGH levels showed good agreement with the serum hGH response. Measurement of urinary hGH could be used as a diagnostic test for impaired hGH secretion, and the multiple blood drawing required in physiological and pharmacological tests might be replaced by urine sampling.  相似文献   
The effect of prostaglandin E, (PGE,) on local cerebral bloodflow (LCBF) and carbon dioxide reactivity (CO2R) was studiedduring cerebral aneurysm surgery for subarachnoid haemorrhagein 24 patients under neuroleptanaesthesia. Eleven patients hadgood neurological status (Hunt and Kosnik grade I: group A)and 13 patients poor status (grades II-IV: group B). Arterialhypotension was induced with PGE, 0.1 ng kg–1 min–1initially and adjusted to maintain mean arterial pressure atabout 70 mm Hg. PGE, was discontinued at the completion of aneurysmclipping. LCBF and CO2R were measured during and after administrationof PGE,. LCBF was unchanged and CO2R preserved in both groups.The carbon dioxide response was better in group A than in groupB (P < 0.01). PGE, may be a suitable agent for hypotensiveanaesthesia in these patients  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The three major signs of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) are hemolytic anemia, thrombopenia and acute renal failure. HUS is classified into Shiga toxin-mediated HUS (Stx-HUS) and non-Shiga toxin-mediated HUS (nStx-HUS). The prognosis of nStx-HUS is reported to be less favorable than that of Stx-HUS. Although the association between the prognosis and pathological characteristics of HUS have been reported such that the prognosis was considered to be poor for thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) with predominant arterial involvement (arterial TMA), good for TMA with predominant glomerular involvement (glomerular TMA) and dependent on the extent of necrosis in cases of renal cortical necrosis, it is not yet clear whether pathological findings are also related to the renal prognosis of nStx-HUS cases. Therefore the purpose of the present paper was to analyze renal biopsy findings and prognosis for five children with nStx-HUS. METHODS: Clinical records of five cases of nStx-HUS among 74 cases of diagnosed HUS were reviewed, and information and data were summarized. RESULTS: Histological examination of the kidney led to the diagnosis of arterial TMA in three cases, and glomerular TMA and severe renal cortical necrosis in one case each. Analysis of the relationship between renal histological findings and the prognosis found that three patients with arterial TMA and one patient with severe renal cortical necrosis later developed end-stage renal failure while one patient with glomerular TMA has continued to show normal renal function. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that pathological findings are closely related to the prognosis in cases of nStx-HUS.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In treating pediatric patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), it is necessary to quickly attain remission to avoid sequelae in various organs and to maintain it over a long period. However, to maintain remission, the prolonged use of immunosuppressants which have various adverse effects, is often necessary in addition to steroids, and complications due to such immunosuppressants pose very important problems. A regimen of mizoribin (MZR) at 150 mg/day divided into two or three doses has been recommended, but while this regimen has been safe, its efficacy has not been satisfactory. However, MZR produces effects dose-dependently, and the dose recommended to date may have been insufficient for the treatment of children with SLE. METHODS: The authors administered oral MZR at 300 mg/day in two divided doses, which is twice the conventional dose for adults, to five adolescents with SLE. Three of these five were markedly steroid-dependent patients and two had previously been treated with steroids only. Thereafter, the authors evaluated the safety and efficacy of the regimen by following the patients for at least 7 months after the beginning of treatment. RESULTS: Patients 1 and 2 had been treated with prednisolone (PSL) and cyclosporine (CyA), but as the duration of CyA administration became long, it was replaced with 300 mg MZR. This transition could be accomplished smoothly. Patient 3 showed repeated recurrence during the treatment with PSL and CyA or CPM, but the symptoms could be controlled by the addition of 300 mg MZR. In patients 4 and 5, the control of symptoms with PSL alone was judged to be difficult, and concomitant administration of MZR at 300 mg was started. This resulted in a decrease in the dose of PSL. The Cmax (C2) of MZR was 1.33 microg/mL or higher in all five patients, and the efficacy of the treatment was satisfactory. Concerning side-effects, hyperuricemia was noted in two patients, but it was resolved in one of them by reducing the dose of MZR and in the other spontaneously while the treatment was continued. Temporary exacerbation of hair loss was observed in two patients, but it disappeared in both of them after a few months. CONCLUSION: MZR could be administered at a high dose effectively and safely. However, monitoring of the serum uric acid level was necessary. High-dose MZR therapy showed an efficacy and safety that would warrant its application to steroid-dependent pediatric patients with SLE.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of xenonand nitrous oxide in equipotent doses of 0.3 MAC on pain thresholdand auditory response time in six healthy male volunteers. Comparedwith 100% oxygen inhalation, xenon and nitrous oxide significantlyincreased the pain threshold as measured by a radiant heat algometer.There was no significant difference in analgesic effects betweenxenon and nitrous oxide. Xenon significantly prolonged the responsetime to auditory stimuli compared with 100% oxygen, but nitrousoxide did not. The inhibitory effect of xenon on the auditoryresponse time was significantly greater than that of nitrousoxide. The same six volunteers were studied to test if naloxoneantagonized analgesia induced by xenon or nitrous oxide. Theanalgesic effects of xenon and nitrous oxide did not differwith or without naloxone.  相似文献   
The amount of ethanol consumed by chronic alcoholics in a Japanese slum area with persistent insomnia (n = 40) and those without it (n = 40) was compared using a questionnaire. For both groups, the present habitual consumption (PHC) of ethanol per day was most frequently between 60 g and 150 g and no difference was observed between the two groups. In contrast, the maximum habitual consumption (MHC) of ethanol per day throughout the alcoholic history was found to be greater for the insomnia patients than the non-insomniacs (p < 0.001). No difference between the groups was found in the kind of alcoholic drink consumed, with sake (Japanese rice wine) being the most popular in both groups. The results suggest that persistent insomnia in alcoholics is related to excessive alchol intake and persists even when drinking levels have fallen.  相似文献   
Abstract— This study was carried out to determine the relative potencies of local anaesthetics to inhibit the cholinergic synaptic transmission using cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells, and to clarify if the inhibitory action would correlate with biophysical and pharmacological properties. Local anaesthetics (bupivacaine, etidocaine, tetracaine, lignocaine and procaine; 0·02–2 Mm ) inhibited carbachol-induced catecholamine release from the cells in a concentration-dependent manner. This inhibition was completely reversible. IC50 (concentration of 50% inhibition) of each anaesthetic showed no correlation with the lipid solubility. The local anaesthetics showed greater inhibitory potency at a higher extracellular pH. The results suggest that clinically relevant concentrations of local anaesthetics inhibit the stimulus-secretion coupling in the chromaffin cells. The un-ionized base form plays a major role, and the inhibitory potency does not depend on the lipid solubility of the anaesthetics.  相似文献   
A 30-year-old multigravida of 38 weeks gestation bled profusely at delivery. Coagulation studies revealed disseminated intravascular coagulation and a diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism was made. Treatment consisted of transfusion of whole blood and administration of a synthetic serine proteinase inhibitor, FOY. Approximately two hours after administration of the latter, bleeding began to cease and vital signs became stable. The patient survived without sequelae.  相似文献   
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