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Thirty six patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (25 with anaemia) were studied to establish the role of iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid deficiency, erythropoietin responsiveness, and iron absorption in the diagnosis and pathogenesis of anaemia in RA. Iron deficiency, assessed by stainable bone marrow iron content, occurred in 13/25 (52%), vitamin B12 deficiency in 7/24 (29%), and folic acid deficiency in 5/24 (21%) of the anaemic patients. Only 8/25 (32%) had just one type of anaemia. The iron deficiency of anaemia of chronic disease (ACD) was distinguished by ferritin concentration, which was higher in that group. Mean cell volume (MCV) and mean cell haemoglobin (MCH) were lower in both anaemic groups, but most pronounced in iron deficient patients. Folic acid, and especially vitamin B12 deficiency, masked iron deficiency by increasing the MCV and MCH. Iron absorption tended to be highest in iron deficiency and lowest in ACD, suggesting that decreased iron absorption is not a cause of ACD in RA. No specific causes were found for vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency. Haemoglobin concentration was negatively correlated with erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the group with ACD. Erythropoietin response was lower in ACD than in iron deficient patients. It was concluded that generally more than one type of anaemia is present simultaneously in anaemic patients with RA. The diagnosis of each type may be masked by another. Studies on pathogenesis of the anaemia are difficult as deficiencies generally coexist with ACD. Disease activity and, possibly, erythropoietin responsiveness are major factors in ACD pathogenesis.  相似文献   
To understand the hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic responses to interleukin-3 (IL-3), expression of cell-surface IL-3 receptors (IL-3R) was examined on bone marrow (BM) cells and peripheral blood (PB) cells of rhesus monkeys during the course of in vivo IL-3 treatment. Whereas IL-3R expression is low in untreated monkeys, IL-3 administration led to a gradual increase in both low- and high-affinity binding sites for IL-3. This increase reflected the total number of cells expressing IL- 3Rs, as detected by flow cytometry using biotinylated IL-3. Most of these IL-3R+ cells in both BM and PB could be characterized as basophilic granulocytes that contained high levels of histamine. In contrast to the effect on these differentiated cells, IL-3 administration did not significantly alter the low level IL-3R expression on immature, CD34+ cells. Further flow cytometric analysis using biotinylated growth factors showed that the IL-3R+ basophils also expressed receptors for granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), but not for IL-6 or Kit ligand. These findings indicated that the IL-3R+ cells included neither monocytes, which express GM-CSFRs and IL-6Rs abundantly, nor mast cells, which express c- kit. By combining flow cytometric and Scatchard data, it was calculated that the basophils contain as many as 1 to 2 x 10(3) high-affinity IL- 3Rs and 15 to 30 x 10(3) low-affinity sites. The finding that in vivo IL-3 treatment leads to the production of large numbers of cells that express high levels of IL-3R and are capable of producing histamine provides an explanation for the often severe allergic reactions that occur during prolonged IL-3 administration. It also indicates that IL- 3, in addition to its direct effects on hematopoietic cells, may also stimulate hematopoiesis through the release of secondary mediators such as histamine by IL-3-responsive mature cells.  相似文献   
The feasibility of using the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a selectable reporter molecule of retroviral-mediated gene transfer in immature rhesus monkey and human CD34+ hematopoietic cells was examined. Retroviral transduction with the MFG-EGFP retroviral vector resulted in readily detectable EGFP expression in 27% of human and 11-35% of rhesus monkey bone marrow cells, and in 17-38% of rhesus monkey peripheral blood cells mobilized with FLT3 ligand (FL) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). In addition, we used the human CD34+ KG1A cell line as a model to study viability and growth of successfully transduced cells. Cultures of mock- and EGFP-transduced KG1A cells generated equal viable cell numbers for at least 1 month, indicating the absence of a cytotoxic effect of EGFP expression in these cells. FACS selection on the basis of EGFP and CD34 expression resulted in enriched subsets (> or = 87%) of CD34+ EGFP-negative and CD34+ EGFP-positive KG1A, rhesus monkey and human bone marrow cells, demonstrating the potential of obtaining almost pure populations of transduced immature hematopoietic cells. EGFP expression was also readily demonstrated in erythroid and granulocyte/macrophage colonies derived from the CD34+ EGFP-positive rhesus monkey and human bone marrow cells by either inverted fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry. Using four-color flow cytometry, EGFP expression could also be demonstrated in viable and phenotypically defined immature subpopulations of the CD34+ cells, ie those expressing little or no HLA-DR (rhesus monkey) or CD38 (human) antigens at the cell surface. These results demonstrate that EGFP is a very useful marker to monitor gene transfer efficiency in phenotypically defined immature rhesus monkey and human hematopoietic cell types and to select for these cells by multicolor flow cytometry prior to transplantation.  相似文献   
A subset of leukemic cells is assumed to maintain long-term growth of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in vivo. Characterization of these AML progenitor cells may further define growth properties of human leukemia. In vitro incubations with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) have been used for enrichment of normal primitive hematopoietic stem cells. By analogy to normal hematopoiesis, it was hypothesized that primitive leukemic stem cells might be kinetically more inactive than colony- forming cells (colony-forming units-AML [CFU-AML]). To examine this hypothesis, conditions were established for incubation with 5-FU that eliminated all CFU-AML. These conditions selected a 5-FU-resistant AML fraction that was evaluated for its capacity for long-term growth by transplantation into mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and long-term culture in the quantitative cobblestone area-forming cell (CAFC) assay. Transplantation of the 5-FU-resistant fraction of four cases of AML into SCID mice resulted in growth of AML. Whereas no CFU- AML survived, 31% to 82% of primitive (week-6) CAFC were recovered from the 5-FU-treated cells. Hematopoietic cells proliferating in the CAFC assay were shown to be leukemic by cytologic, cytogenetic, or molecular analysis. The reduction of AML growth as determined by outgrowth of AML in SCID mice was in the same order of magnitude as the primitive (week- 6) CAFC reduction. This indicates that both assays measure closely related cell populations and that the CAFC assay can be used to study long-term growth of AML. These results show a hierarchy of AML cells that includes 5-FU-resistant progenitors. These cells are characterized as primitive (week-6) CAFC and as leukemia-initiating cells in SCID mice.  相似文献   
Wognum  AW; Lansdorp  PM; Eaves  CJ; Krystal  G 《Blood》1988,71(6):1731-1737
At present, one of the most sensitive assays for human erythropoietin (Ep) is a bioassay that measures the Ep-dependent proliferation of spleen cells from phenylhydrazine-treated mice after 24 hours in culture. We describe how this assay can be used as the basis of a very sensitive method for detecting mouse antibodies to biologically active human Ep. In this procedure, microtiter wells are first coated with goat anti-mouse Ig antibody, then treated with mouse antibodies (serum or hybridoma culture supernatants), and finally incubated with a fixed amount of pure human Ep. Specific binding of anti-Ep antibodies is detected by adding spleen cells from phenylhydrazine-treated mice to the wells and measuring the ability of the cells to incorporate 3H- thymidine 24 hours later. This bioimmunosorbent assay (BISA) revealed the presence of anti-EP antibodies in sera from mice immunized with either pure human urinary Ep or a synthetic dodecapeptide corresponding to the aminoterminal region of Ep and in the culture supernatants from three of eight stable anti-Ep antibody-producing hybridoma cell lines that we have isolated. The three monoclonal antibodies showed similar reactivities in the BISA, but showed different affinities for Ep, with Kd values of approximately 0.7, 8, and 240 nmol/L, respectively. Further studies showed that all antibodies were capable of neutralizing Ep bioactivity and of binding 125I-labeled Ep in a radioimmunosorbent assay (RIA) but were virtually unreactive to Ep adsorbed to the bottom of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) wells. Our results suggest that the BISA strategy may be an important complement to conventional RIA and ELISA techniques for identification of monoclonal antibodies specific for biologically active growth factors.  相似文献   
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) proliferation in vivo is maintained by a small fraction of progenitor cells. These cells have been assumed to express an immature phenotype and to produce most colony-forming units (CFU-AML). For one case of AML (French-American-British [FAB] M1, normal cytogenetics), we examined the capacity of the CD34+ (25% of unseparated AML cells) and CD34- fractions to initiate leukemia in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. In addition, the production of CFU-AML and nucleated cells (NC) of these subsets was investigated in long-term bone marrow culture (LTBMC). The frequencies of cobblestone area-forming cells (CAFC) were also estimated; early appearing cobblestone areas (CAs) are indicative of relatively mature progenitors and late CAs represent the progeny of primitive progenitors. In mice transplanted with CD34- (98% pure) or CD34+ (98% pure) grafts, similar AML cell growth was seen throughout an observation period of 106 days. The capacity to establish long-term growth from the CD34- cells was confirmed by renewed outgrowth after retransplantation. In vitro, the CD34- fraction contained both immature and mature CAFCs and produced high numbers of CFU-AML and NC in LTBMC. The CD34+ fraction produced only small numbers of CFU-AML, NC, and mature CAFCs. Therefore, the expression of CD34 and the content of CFU- AML were not associated with long-term growth of AML. However, similar frequencies of primitive CAFCs were observed in both fractions. Thus, both CD34- and CD34+ subsets of this AML sample contained immature progenitors with the capacity to initiate long-term AML growth as characterized in vivo (in SCID mice) as well as in vitro (in CAFC assay), indicating asynchrony between functional and immunophenotypical maturation of AML progenitor cell compartments.  相似文献   
Purified CD34+ andCD34+CD38 human umbilical cord blood (UCB)cells were transduced with the recombinant variant of Moloney murineleukemia virus (MoMLV) MFG-EGFP or with SF-EGFP, in which EGFPexpression is driven by a hybrid promoter of the spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) and the murine embryonic stem cell virus (MESV). Infectious MFG-EGFP virus was produced by an amphotropic virus producercell line (GP+envAm12). SF-EGFP was produced in the PG13 cellline pseudotyped for the gibbon ape leukemia virus (GaLV) envelopeproteins. Using a 2-day growth factor prestimulation, followed by a2-day, fibronectin fragment CH-296-supported transduction, CD34+ and CD34+CD38 UCBsubsets were efficiently transduced using either vector. The use of theSF-EGFP/PG13 retroviral packaging cell combination consistentlyresulted in twofold higher levels of EGFP-expressing cells than theMFG-EGFP/Am12 combination. Transplantation of 105 inputequivalent transduced CD34+ or 5 × 103input equivalent CD34+CD38 UCB cells innonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) mice resulted in median engraftment percentagesof 8% and 5%, respectively, which showed that the in vivorepopulating ability of the cells had been retained. In addition, miceengrafted after transplantation of transduced CD34+ cellsusing the MFG-EGFP/Am12 or the SF-EGFP/PG13 combination expressed EGFPwith median values of 2% and 23% of human CD45+ cells,respectively, which showed that the NOD/SCID repopulating cells weresuccessfully transduced. EGFP+ cells were found in allhuman hematopoietic lineages produced in NOD/SCID mice including humanprogenitors with in vitro clonogenic ability. EGFP-expressing cellswere also detected in the human cobblestone area-forming cell (CAFC)assay at 2 to 6 weeks of culture on the murine stromal cell lineFBMD-1. During the transduction procedure the absolute numbers of CAFCweek 6 increased 5- to 10-fold. The transduction efficiency of thisprogenitor cell subset was similar to the fraction ofEGFP+ human cells in the bone marrow of the NOD/SCID micetransplanted with MFG-EGFP/Am12 or SF-EGFP/PG13 transducedCD34+ cells, ie, 6% and 27%, respectively. The studythus shows that purified CD34+ and highly purifiedCD34+CD38 UCB cells can be transducedefficiently with preservation of repopulating ability. The SF-EGFP/PG13vector/packaging cell combination was much more effective intransducing repopulating cells than the MFG-EGFP/Am12 combination.  相似文献   
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