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Edema disease (ED) of weanling pigs is caused by an infection with Escherichia coli that produces Shiga-like toxin II variant (SLT-IIv). Pathology identical to that caused by ED can be duplicated in pigs that are injected with less than 10 ng of purified SLT-IIv per kg of body weight. Therefore, SLT-IIv was mutated to create an immunoreactive form of the toxin that was significantly reduced in enzymatic activity. Initially, purified SLT-IIv was treated with formaldehyde which abrogated cytotoxic activity. Pigs were vaccinated with the toxoid (100 micrograms) to determine whether a toxoid was a viable vaccine candidate and whether young pigs were capable of mounting an immune response. Although the pigs developed a neutralizing antibody titer (1:128 to 1:512) 28 days postinjection, they also lost weight and developed ED lesions. The deleterious effect of the toxoid appeared to result from residual enzymatic activity or a reversion to a toxic form. An alternative method, site-directed mutagenesis, was employed to consistently reduce the enzymatic activity of SLT-IIv. Glutamate at position 167 of the mature A subunit was replaced by aspartate (E167D), and arginine at position 170 was replaced by lysine (R170K). These mutations reduced cytotoxic activity 10(4)-fold and 10-fold, respectively, while the enzymatic activities were decreased 400-fold and 5-fold, respectively. The activity of a toxin that contained both mutations (SLT-IIvE167D/R170K) closely resembled that of SLT-IIvE167D. When position 167 was replaced by glutamine (E167Q), the cytotoxic activity decreased 10(6)-fold and the enzymatic activity decreased approximately 1,500-fold. Pigs that were vaccinated with purified, mutant toxin designated SLT-IIvE167Q developed a neutralizing antibody titer of 1:512 21 days postinjection, and their tissues were free of ED lesions. These data suggest that SLT-IIvE167Q may represent an effective vaccine against ED.  相似文献   
X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the first exon of the androgen receptor (AR) gene. Disease-associated alleles (37-66 CAGs) change in length when transmitted from parents to offspring, with a significantly greater tendency to shift size when inherited paternally. As transgenic mice carrying human AR cDNAs with 45 and 66 CAG repeats do not display repeat instability, we attempted to model trinucleotide repeat instability by generating transgenic mice with yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) carrying AR CAG repeat expansions in their genomic context. Studies of independent lines of AR YAC transgenic mice with CAG 45 alleles reveal intergenerational instability at an overall rate of approximately 10%. We also find that the 45 CAG repeat tracts are significantly more unstable with maternal transmission and as the transmitting mother ages. Of all the CAG/CTG repeat transgenic mice produced to date the AR YAC CAG 45 mice are unstable with the smallest trinucleotide repeat mutations, suggesting that the length threshold for repeat instability in the mouse may be lowered by including the appropriate flanking human DNA sequences. By sequence-tagged site content analysis and long range mapping we determined that one unstable transgenic line has integrated an approximately 70 kb segment of the AR locus due to fragmentation of the AR YAC. Identification of the cis - acting elements that permit CAG tract instability and the trans -acting factors that modulate repeat instability in the AR YAC CAG 45 mice may provide insights into the molecular basis of trinucleotide repeat instability in humans.   相似文献   
The oxygen uptake response to moderate-intensity exercise (i.e. < anaerobic threshold (an)) has been characterised with a gain (i.e. response amplitude per increment of work rate) and time constant that do not vary appreciably at different work rates or between the on- and off-transients. Above an, the response becomes more complex with an early component that typically projects to a value that has a gain similar to that of the < an response, but which is supplemented by the addition of a delayed slow kinetic component. We therefore established a constant target VO2 (VO21) for each subject such that with different imposed work rates the contribution to VO21 from the slow phase varied over a wide range. Work rates were chosen so that VO21 was attained at 2-24 min. Five subjects (aged 21-58 years) cycled at four to five different work rates. VO2 was measured breath-by-breath, at VO21 the work rate was abruptly reduced and the subject recovered by cycling unloaded for 15 min. Unlike the on-transient, for which the slow component shows a long delay, the off-transient was best fitted as two simultaneous exponential components. The slower off-transient component had a small amplitude and long time constant, but did not differ significantly among the various tests. The off-transient kinetics for VO2 therefore was independent of the magnitude of the contribution to the slow phase from the on-transient kinetics.  相似文献   
It is well recognized that the ability to cryopreserve unfertilizedhuman oocytes would make a significant contribution to infertilitytreatment. However, despite considerable interest, very fewsuccessful pregnancies have arisen from cryopreserved oocytesafter thawing, insemination and transfer of the subsequent embryo.The reasons for this lack of progress may well result from adearth of information on how the various biophysical changesduring a cryopreservation regimen affect human oocyte function.Recently, fundamental studies on the effects of cooling, membranepermeability, cryoprotectant addition and ice formation havebeen performed on human oocytes by a number of groups, and theseform the basis of the current review. It is likely that successfulhuman oocyte cryopreservation will only follow once these factorsare fully understood, but the existing base of knowledge shouldprovide a platform for further improvements in the techniquescurrently employed.  相似文献   
The concept of the accumulated O2 deficit (AOD) assumes that the O2 deficit increases monotonically with increasing work rate (WR), to plateau at the maximum AOD, and is based on linear extrapolation of the relationship between measured steady-state oxygen uptake (O2) and WR for moderate exercise. However, for high WRs, the measured O2 increases above that expected from such linear extrapolation, reflecting the superimposition of a "slow component" on the fundamental O2 mono-exponential kinetics. We were therefore interested in determining the effect of the O2 slow component on the computed AOD. Ten subjects [31 (12) years] performed square-wave cycle ergometry of moderate (40%, 60%, 80% and 90% ), heavy (40%), very heavy (80%) and severe (110% O2 peak) intensities for 10–15 min, where is the estimated lactate threshold and is the WR difference between and O2 peak. O2 was determined breath-by-breath. Projected "steady-state" O2 values were determined from sub- tests. The measured O2 exceeded the projected value after ~3 min for both heavy and very heavy intensity exercise. This led to the AOD actually becoming negative. Thus, for heavy exercise, while the AOD was positive [0.63 (0.41) l] at 5 min, it was negative by 10 min [–0.61 (1.05) l], and more so by 15 min [–1.70 (1.64) l]. For the very heavy WRs, the AOD was [0.42 (0.67) l] by 5 min and reached –2.68 (2.09) l at exhaustion. For severe exercise, however, the AOD at exhaustion was positive in each case: +1.69 (0.39) l. We therefore conclude that the assumptions underlying the computation of the AOD are invalid for heavy and very heavy cycle ergometry (at least). Physiological inferences, such as the "anaerobic work capacity", are therefore prone to misinterpretation.  相似文献   
To be clinically useful as indices reflective of altered physiological function consequent to interventions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the time constant (τ) and steady-state amplitude of the kinetic responses for oxygen uptake ( ) carbon dioxide output ( ) ventilation ( ) and heart rate (HR) have to be appropriately differentiable and reproducible. We therefore assessed the reproducibility of τ and steady state amplitude values in 41 patients with severe COPD [mean (SD)] [forced expiratory volume in 1 s=41 (7)% predicted], aged 64 (5) years. Of the total, 6 of the patients (15%) did not produce breath-by-breath data of sufficient quality to warrant kinetic analysis. The remaining 35 patients completed two moderate-intensity 10 min square-wave exercise tests separated by 2 h, both before and after an endurance training programme. Tests were conducted on an electromagnetically-braked cycle ergometer at an exercise intensity corresponding to 80% of the estimated lactate threshold (θLa) or 50% of peak oxygen uptake if θLa was insufficiently differentiable. Breath-by-breath measurements of , , and HR were averaged into 10 s bins and the on-transient response kinetics were estimated using a mono-exponential model. Analysing the pre-training and the post-training test 1 and test 2 comparisons together, the test 1 –test 2 differences were not significantly different from 0 for either τ or A. The standard deviation of the test 1 –test 2 differences allowed us to define the magnitude of change that would reach statistical significance. For τ, this averaged some 8, 10, 11 and 8 s, for , , and HR, respectively, for a one-tailed paired-comparisons test (i.e. appropriate for assessing hypothesised improvements resulting from an intervention); for a two-tailed comparison, the differences were approximately 2 s greater. The corresponding one-tailed values for A were 100 ml·min–1, 95 ml·min–1, 2.5 1·min–1 and 4 beats·min–1, respectively; the two-tailed values were 10%–15% greater. We therefore conclude that both τ and A for moderate-intensity exercise can be reproducibly estimated in patients with COPD when the data set provides a sufficiently large amplitude of response and sufficiently low sample variability to allow appropriate parameter estimation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
The aims of this work were to measure the accuracy of one continuous speech recognition product and dependence on the speaker's gender and status as a native or nonnative English speaker, and evaluate the product's potential for routine use in transcribing radiology reports. IBM MedSpeak/Radiology software, version 1.1 was evaluated by 6 speakers. Two were nonnative English speakers, and 3 were men. Each speaker dictated a set of 12 reports. The reports included neurologic and body imaging examinations performed with 6 different modalities. The dictated and original report texts were compared, and error rates for overall, significant, and subtle significant errors were computed. Error rate dependence on modality, native English speaker status, and gender were evaluated by performing ttests. The overall error rate was 10.3 +/- 3.3%. No difference in accuracy between men and women was found; however, significant differences were seen for overall and significant errors when comparing native and nonnative English speakers (P = .009 and P = .008, respectively). The speech recognition software is approximately 90% accurate, and while practical implementation issues (rather than accuracy) currently limit routine use of this product throughout a radiology practice, application in niche areas such as the emergency room currently is being pursued. This methodology provides a convenient way to compare the initial accuracy of different speech recognition products, and changes in accuracy over time, in a detailed and sensitive manner.  相似文献   
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