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Five TLRs are thought to play an important role in antiviral immunity, sensing viral products and inducing IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda. Surprisingly, patients with a defect of IRAK-4, a critical kinase downstream from TLRs, are resistant to common viruses. We show here that IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda induction via TLR-7, TLR-8, and TLR-9 was abolished in IRAK-4-deficient blood cells. In contrast, IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda were induced normally by TLR-3 and TLR-4 agonists. Moreover, IFN-beta and -lambda were normally induced by TLR-3 agonists and viruses in IRAK-4-deficient fibroblasts. We further show that IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda production in response to 9 of 11 viruses tested was normal or weakly affected in IRAK-4-deficient blood cells. Thus, IRAK-4-deficient patients may control viral infections by TLR-3- and TLR-4-dependent and/or TLR-independent production of IFNs. The TLR-7-, TLR-8-, and TLR-9-dependent induction of IFN-alpha/beta and -lambda is strictly IRAK-4 dependent and paradoxically redundant for protective immunity to most viruses in humans.  相似文献   
Human interleukin (IL) 1 receptor–associated kinase 4 (IRAK-4) deficiency is a recently discovered primary immunodeficiency that impairs Toll/IL-1R immunity, except for the Toll-like receptor (TLR) 3– and TLR4–interferon (IFN)-a/b pathways. The clinical and immunological phenotype remains largely unknown. We diagnosed up to 28 patients with IRAK-4 deficiency, tested blood TLR responses for individual leukocyte subsets, and TLR responses for multiple cytokines. The patients' peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) did not induce the 11 non-IFN cytokines tested upon activation with TLR agonists other than the nonspecific TLR3 agonist poly(I:C). The patients' individual cell subsets from both myeloid (granulocytes, monocytes, monocyte-derived dendritic cells [MDDCs], myeloid DCs [MDCs], and plasmacytoid DCs) and lymphoid (B, T, and NK cells) lineages did not respond to the TLR agonists that stimulated control cells, with the exception of residual responses to poly(I:C) and lipopolysaccharide in MDCs and MDDCs. Most patients (22 out of 28; 79%) suffered from invasive pneumococcal disease, which was often recurrent (13 out of 22; 59%). Other infections were rare, with the exception of severe staphylococcal disease (9 out of 28; 32%). Almost half of the patients died (12 out of 28; 43%). No death and no invasive infection occurred in patients older than 8 and 14 yr, respectively. The IRAK-4–dependent TLRs and IL-1Rs are therefore vital for childhood immunity to pyogenic bacteria, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae. Conversely, IRAK-4–dependent human TLRs appear to play a redundant role in protective immunity to most infections, at most limited to childhood immunity to some pyogenic bacteria.  相似文献   
Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a serum lectin that mediates phagocytosis and activates complement. Its deficiency has been associated with increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, mainly in childhood. However, non-producer mbl-2 alleles are common in most populations, suggesting a selective advantage of these alleles. We have analysed the association of mbl-2 structural and promoter polymorphisms with HIV infection and tuberculosis (TBC) in a white Spanish population, including 615 HIV patients with and without TBC, 127 no-HIV TBC patients, 142 TBC household contacts and 344 controls. The frequency of low or non-producer mbl-2 genotypes was lower in HIV patients than in controls. HIV-TBC patients presented lower frequencies of low or non-producer alleles and genotypes than HIV no-TBC patients and controls. Additionally, we found a significantly positive correlation between the incidence of TBC and the frequency of non-producer mbl-2 alleles in Western Europe. Therefore, MBL deficiency may be associated with a lower risk of HIV infection, and also of active TBC, at least in HIV patients. The protective role of low-producer mbl-2 genotypes against TBC together with the positive correlation observed between non-producer mbl-2 alleles and TBC incidence, suggest a balancing selection: in spite of an increased susceptibility to respiratory infections associated with MBL deficiency, mbl-2 deficient alleles would have been selected along different populations as a consequence of its selective advantage against intracellular pathogens, such as M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Abstract: Free radicals are generated in vivo and they oxidatively damage DNA because of their high reactivities. In the last several years, hundreds of publications have confirmed that melatonin is a potent endogenous free radical scavenger. Some of the metabolites produced as a result of these scavenging actions have been identified using pure chemical systems. This is the case with both N1‐acetyl‐N2‐formyl‐5‐methoxykynuramine (AFMK), identified as a product of the scavenging reaction of H2O2 by melatonin, and cyclic 3‐hydroxymelatonin (C‐3‐OHM) which results when melatonin detoxifies two hydroxyl radicals (?OH). In the present in vitro study, we investigated the potential of two different derivatives of melatonin to scavenger free radicals. One of these derivatives is C‐3‐OHM, while the other is 6‐methoxymelatonin (6‐MthM). We also examined the effect of two solvents, i.e., methanol and acetonitrile, in this model system. As an endpoint, using high‐performance liquid chromatography we measured the formation of 8‐hydroxy‐2′‐deoxyguanosine (8‐OH‐dG) in purified calf thymus DNA treated with the Fenton reagents, chromium(III) [Cr(III)] plus H2O2, in the presence and in the absence of these molecules. The 8‐OH‐dG is considered a biomarker of oxidative DNA damage. Increasing concentrations of Cr(III) (as CrCl3) and H2O2 was earlier found to induce progressively greater levels of 8‐OH‐dG in isolated calf thymus DNA because of the generation of ?OH via the Fenton‐type reaction. We found that C‐3‐OHM reduces ?OH‐mediated damage in a dose‐dependent manner, with an IC50 = 5.0 ± 0.2 μm ; melatonin has an IC50 = 3.6 ± 0.1 μm . These values differ statistically significantly with P < 0.05. In these studies, AFMK had an IC50 = 17.8 ± 0.7 μm (P < 0.01). The 6‐MthM also reduced DNA damage in a dose‐dependent manner, with an IC50 = 4.2 ± 0.2 μm ; this value does not differ from the ICs for melatonin and C‐3‐OHM. We propose a hypothetical reaction pathway in which a mole of C‐3‐OHM scavenges 2 mol of ?OH yielding AFMK as a final product. As AFMK is also a free radical scavenger, the action of melatonin as a free radical scavenger is a sequence of scavenging reactions in which the products are themselves scavengers, resulting in a cascade of protective reactions.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine whether several allelic variants in the polymorphic interleukin (IL)-10 promoter region were related with an increased risk of developing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Spanish patients from Canary Islands. Microsatellites (MS) at positions -4000 and -1200 (IL10R and IL10G, respectively) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (MS) at positions -1082G/A, -819C/T and -592C/A of the IL-10 promoter were analysed in patients with SLE and healthy controls from Canary Islands (Spain). We found that SNPs but not MS were associated with SLE. The GCC haplotype frequency was significantly higher in SLE patients (0.43) than in healthy donors (0.33) [P = 0.02; OR = 1.50 (95% CI = 1.06-2.14)], whereas the ACC haplotype was less represented in patients (0.28 vs. 0.37) [P = 0.02; OR = 0.64 (95% CI = 0.44-0.92)]. To assess the functional role of genotypes, serum IL-10 levels from patients and controls were quantified by ELISA. Also, the lipopolysaccharide-induced IL-10 secretion by monocytes from healthy controls was evaluated in vitro. Serum IL-10 levels were higher in patients [median (interquartile range) = 2.8 pg/mL (1.8-4.2)] than in controls [0.9 pg/mL (0-3.5)] (P = 0.02), but no association was observed between serum IL-10 levels or lipopolysaccharide-induced IL-10 secretion and the IL-10 promoter haplotypes. These data suggest that the IL-10 promoter haplotype that produces higher levels of cytokine is associated with SLE in patients from Canary Islands.  相似文献   
The clinical phenotype of interleukin 12 receptor beta1 chain (IL-12Rbeta1) deficiency and the function of human IL-12 in host defense remain largely unknown, due to the small number of patients reported. We now report 41 patients with complete IL-12Rbeta1 deficiency from 17 countries. The only opportunistic infections observed, in 34 patients, were of childhood onset and caused by weakly virulent Salmonella or Mycobacteria (Bacille Calmette-Guérin -BCG- and environmental Mycobacteria). Three patients had clinical tuberculosis, one of whom also had salmonellosis. Unlike salmonellosis, mycobacterial infections did not recur. BCG inoculation and BCG disease were both effective against subsequent environmental mycobacteriosis, but not against salmonellosis. Excluding the probands, seven of the 12 affected siblings have remained free of case-definition opportunistic infection. Finally, only five deaths occurred in childhood, and the remaining 36 patients are alive and well. Thus, a diagnosis of IL-12Rbeta1 deficiency should be considered in children with opportunistic mycobacteriosis or salmonellosis; healthy siblings of probands and selected cases of tuberculosis should also be investigated. The overall prognosis is good due to broad resistance to infection and the low penetrance and favorable outcome of infections. Unexpectedly, human IL-12 is redundant in protective immunity against most microorganisms other than Mycobacteria and Salmonella. Moreover, IL-12 is redundant for primary immunity to Mycobacteria and Salmonella in many individuals and for secondary immunity to Mycobacteria but not to Salmonella in most.  相似文献   
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