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The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by insulin resistance with compensatory hyperinsulinemia. Insulin resistance also plays a role in the metabolic syndrome (MBS). We hypothesized that the MBS is prevalent in PCOS and that women with both conditions would present with more hyperandrogenism and menstrual cycle irregularity than women with PCOS only. We conducted a retrospective chart review of all women with PCOS seen over a 3-yr period at an endocrinology clinic. Of the 161 PCOS cases reviewed, 106 met the inclusion criteria. The women were divided into two groups: 1) women with PCOS and the MBS (n = 46); and 2) women with PCOS lacking the MBS (n = 60). Prevalence of the MBS was 43%, nearly 2-fold higher than that reported for age-matched women in the general population. Women with PCOS had persistently higher prevalence rates of the MBS than women in the general population, regardless of matched age and body mass index ranges. Acanthosis nigricans was more frequent in women with PCOS and the MBS. Women with PCOS and the MBS had significantly higher levels of serum free testosterone (P = 0.002) and lower levels of serum SHBG (P = 0.001) than women with PCOS without the MBS. No differences in total testosterone were observed between the groups. We conclude that the MBS and its components are common in women with PCOS, placing them at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Women with PCOS and the MBS differ from their counterparts lacking the MBS in terms of increased hyperandrogenemia, lower serum SHBG, and higher prevalence of acanthosis nigricans, all features that may reflect more severe insulin resistance.  相似文献   
The ability of normal cats to perform delayed matching- and nonmatching-to-sample with trial-unique stimuli was investigated both in a modified Wisconsin General Testing Apparatus requiring manipulatory responses and in a Nencki-type testing room requiring locomotor responses. Cats trained in the WGTA learned the two tasks at about the same rate, on average, as that reported for monkeys. However, unlike monkeys, whose strong preference for novelty facilitates their learning of the nonmatching rule and retards their learning of the matching rule, the cats learned the two different rules at about the same rate, suggesting that cats do not share the monkey's strong preference for novelty. In contrast to their relatively rapid learning of the manipulatory versions of the two tasks, cats learned the locomotor versions only slowly or even failed to learn. Experimental analysis indicated that a major source of the cats' difficulty on these locomotor versions was interference from a strong tendency in the large testing room to use visuospatial strategies. Nevertheless, once the matching or nonmatching rule was learned at short delays, whether in the WGTA or the testing room, the cats performed at criterion levels without further training even at delays of 10 minutes, indicating that this species, like monkeys, has a highly developed long-term recognition memory ability.  相似文献   
Gerontology research carried out in different scientific centers of Georgia follows the basic directions of most work in this field: epidemiology, investigation of the mechanisms of aging, and finding ways to prevent senile pathologies and to prolong life. The genealogy and epidemiology of long-living peaple have been studied in areas with high occurrence of these people by considering the sex ratio and social status of the long-living, the influence of environmental factors, and the development of senile pathologies. According to the centrosome (centriole) model of aging, the centrosomes and the cytoskeleton, important structures in cellular differentiation and morphogenesis, may be involved in the initiation of the replication senescence mechanism. Our analysis of genetic studies shows that progressive chromosome heterochromatinization (condensation of eu- and heterochromatin regions) occurs in aging. Decreases in the repair processes and increases in the frequency of chromosome aberrations during aging are secondary to this progressive chromosome heterochromatinization. Chromosome heterochromatinization is a key factor in aging but may be reversible under the influence of bioregulators, some chemical substances, and heavy metal salts. The study of chromosome heterochromatinization may provide clues to the potential for prolonging the human lifespan.  相似文献   
The number of Ag-positive nucleolar organizing regions (NORs), the frequency of chromosome associations and activity of nucleolar RNA synthesis were found to be significantly decreased with in vivo (individuals 80–93 years) and in vitro (long-term cultures of human lymphocytes) aging.  相似文献   
The levels of chromosome instability and heat absorption of chromatin have been studied in cultured lymphocytes derived from blood of 80–93- and 18–30-year-old individuals, under the effect of heavy metal Cu(II) and Cd(II) salts. The analysis of the results obtained indicates that 50 μM Cu(II) induced a significantly higher level of cells with chromosome aberrations in old donors (13.8 ± 1.5% vs control, 3.8 ± 1.7%), whereas treatment with 100 μM Cd(II) did not induce any changes in the background index. Analysis of the lymphocyte melting curves showed that Cu(II) ions caused more effective condensation of heterochromatin in old healthy individuals compared with young donors, which was expressed by the increase of the T m of elderly chromatin by ~3°C compared with the norm. Treatment of lymphocyte chromatin of old individuals with 100 μM Cd(II) caused decondensation (deheterochromatinization) of both the facultative and constitutive domains of heterochromatin. The deheterochromatinization T m was decreased by ~3–3.5°C compared with the T m observed for young individuals. Thus, the chromatin of cultured lymphocytes from the old-aged individuals underwent modification under the influence of copper and cadmium salts. Cu(II) caused additional heterochromatinization of heterochromatin, and Cd(II) caused deheterochromatinization of facultative and constitutive heterochromatin. Our data may be important as new information on the remodeling of constitutive and facultative heterochromatin induced by heavy metals in aging, aging pathology, and pathology linked with metal ions.  相似文献   
Foodborne botulism is a potentially fatal, paralytic illness that can cause large outbreaks. A possible increase in botulism incidence during 2001 in the Republic of Georgia prompted this study. We reviewed surveillance data and abstracted records of patients with botulism who were hospitalized from 1980 to 2002. During this period, 879 botulism cases were detected. The median annual incidence increased from 0.3 per 100,000 during 1980 to 1990 to 0.9 per 100,000 during 1991 to 2002. For 706 botulism patients hospitalized from 1980 to 2002, 80% of their cases were attributed to home-preserved vegetables. Surveillance evaluation verified that botulism incidence varied greatly by region. Georgia has the highest nationally reported rate of foodborne botulism in the world. A strategy addressing individual behaviors in the home is needed to improve food safety; developing this strategy requires a deeper understanding of why botulism has increased and varies by region.  相似文献   
Summary. Objectives: To conduct a national survey on adolescent health and lifestyles in Georgia and to thus set up a database on adolescent. Methods: A two-stage cluster sample of around 8000–10 000 in-school 15–18 years adolescents are being reached through a random selection of classes in Georgia. The sample has been stratified by age, region, type of school and language. A self-administered questionnaire of 87 questions has been developed and translated into the four main languages used in Georgia. Results: Up to June 2004, the researchers have reached 511 classes (9306 pupils). In total, 8039 questionnaires have been considered valid. The main concerns encountered for this survey are linked with acceptance of the survey, cross-cultural issues, political and strategic problems as well as inadequate physical environmental support. Conclusion: Despite Georgia’s unfavourable economical and political situation, it has been possible to run a national survey on the health of adolescents, according to the usual standards used in the field. This survey should allow for 1) the identification of priorities in the field of health care and health promotion 2) the monitoring of adolescent health in the future.
Zusammenfassung. Die Gesundheitsbefragung von Jugendlichen in Georgien: methodologische und strategische Fragen Fragestellung: Um eine nationale Studie über Gesundheitszustand und Lebensstils von Jugendlichen in Georgien durchzuführen und dann eine Datenbasis über Jugendliche zu erstellen. Methoden: Ein Kollektiv von insgesamt 8000–10 000 Schülern von 15–18 Jahren wurde aus zuf?llig ausgew?hlten Schulklassen aus ganz Georgien bestimmt. Die Stichprobe wurde bezüglich Alter, Region, Typ der Schule und Sprache untersucht. Ein anonymisierter, selbst auszufüllender Fragebogen mit 87 Fragen, in die vier georgischen Unterrichtssprachen übersetzt, wurde als Arbeitsgrundlage verwendet. Ergebnisse: Bis Juni 2004 konnten 511 (9306 Schüler) der 599 ausgew?hlten Klassen einbezogen werden. Insgesamt k?nnen 8039 Frageb?gen als auswertbar betrachtet werden. Die Hauptprobleme stellten die Akzeptanz der Befragung, transkulturelle Fragen, politische wie strategische Hindernisse sowie die ungünstiges Klima. Schlussfolgerungen: Trotz der ?konomisch und politisch ungünstigen Situation in Georgien war es m?glich, eine nationale Studie über den Gesundheitszustand der Jugendlichen durchzuführen, welche den üblichen Qualit?tsansprüchen gerecht wird. Diese Studie sollte, 1) die Priorit?ten in der Gesundheitsversorgung und –f?rderung zu identifizieren und 2) die künftige Monitoring der Gesundheit der Jugendlichen erlauben.

Résumé. Enquête sur la santé des adolescents Géorgiens: questions méthodologiques et stratégiques Objectifs: Mener une enquête nationale sur la santé et les styles de vie des adolescents de Géorgie. Créer une banque de données permettant 1) la création de services de soins et d’interventions préventives efficaces; 2) le monitorage de la santé des jeunes. Méthodes: Un échantillon aléatoire en grappe de 8 à 10 000 élèves agés de 15 à 18 ans a été tiré parmi toutes les classes du pays accueillant des élèves de cette tranche d’age. L’échantillon a été stratifié par age, région, type d’école et langue parlée. Un questionnaire auto-administré et anonyme de 87 questions, traduites en quatre langues, a été utilisé. Résultats: Jusqu’en juin 2004, 511 classes (9306 élèves) ont été rencontrées. Le nombre de questionnaires valides est de 8039. Les problèmes principaux rencontrés pour cette étude sont liés à son acceptation, à des problématiques trans-culturelles, à des barrières d’ordre politique et stratégiques, ainsi qu’à un environnement physique peu favorable. Conclusions: En dépit de conditions économiques et politiques très défavorables en Géorgie, il a été possible de mener une recherche nationale sur la santé des adolescents répondants aux critères de qualité habituels. Cette recherche sera utilisée pour sensibiliser les autorités et les professionnels impliqués dans les activités de soins et de prévention destinées à cette classe d’age.
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