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Gray matter pathology is increasingly recognized as an important feature of multiple sclerosis (MS), but the nature of the immune response that targets the gray matter is poorly understood. Starting with a proteomics approach, we identified contactin-2/transiently expressed axonal glycoprotein 1 (TAG-1) as a candidate autoantigen recognized by both autoantibodies and T helper (Th) 1/Th17 T cells in MS patients. Contactin-2 and its rat homologue, TAG-1, are expressed by various neuronal populations and sequestered in the juxtaparanodal domain of myelinated axons both at the axonal and myelin sides. The pathogenic significance of these autoimmune responses was then explored in experimental autoimmune encephalitis models in the rat. Adoptive transfer of TAG-1–specific T cells induced encephalitis characterized by a preferential inflammation of gray matter of the spinal cord and cortex. Cotransfer of TAG-1–specific T cells with a myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific mAb generated focal perivascular demyelinating lesions in the cortex and extensive demyelination in spinal cord gray and white matter. This study identifies contactin-2 as an autoantigen targeted by T cells and autoantibodies in MS. Our findings suggest that a contactin-2–specific T-cell response contributes to the development of gray matter pathology.  相似文献   
(1) Background: HIV-1 sub-subtype A1 is common in parts of Africa, Russia, former Soviet Union countries, and Eastern Europe. In Pakistan, sub-subtype A1 is the predominant HIV-1 subtype. Preliminary evidence suggests that distinct strains of HIV-1 sub-subtype A1 are circulating in Pakistan; however, an in-depth molecular phylogenetic characterization of HIV-1 sub-subtype A1 strains in Pakistan have not been presented. We performed a detailed characterization of the HIV-1 sub-subtype A1 epidemic in Pakistan using state-of-the-art molecular epidemiology and phylodynamics. (2) Methods: A total of 143 HIV-1 sub-subtype A1 gag sequences, including 61 sequences generated specifically for this study from PLHIVs part of our cohort, representing all sub-subtype A1 gag sequences from Pakistan, were analyzed. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic cluster analysis was used to determine the relationship between Pakistani sub-subtype A1 strains and pandemic sub-subtype A1 strains. Furthermore, we used signature variation, charge distribution, selection pressures, and epitope prediction analyses to characterize variations unique to Pakistani HIV-1 strains and establish the association between signature variations and Gag epitope profile. (3) Results: The HIV-1 sub-subtype A1 sequences from Pakistan formed three main clusters: two that clustered with Kenyan sequences (7 and 10 sequences, respectively) and one that formed a Pakistan-specific cluster of 123 sequences that were much less related to other sub-subtype A1 sequences available in the database. The sequences in the Pakistan-specific cluster and the Kenyan reference strains exhibited several signature variations, especially at amino acid positions 312, 319, 331, 372, 373, 383, and 402. Structural protein modeling suggested that amino acid changes in these positions result in alterations of the Gag protein structure as well as in Gag-specific T-cell epitopes. (4) Conclusions: Our results suggest that the majority of the Pakistan HIV-1 sub-subtype A1 strains were unique to Pakistan and with a specific mutation pattern in Gag.  相似文献   
The new HIV-1 recombinant, with a B(gag) A(pol)A(env) structure, is described. This recombinant virus differs from the classical "Kaliningrad" (AF193276.1) virus with an A(gag) B(pol)B(env) structure. The number of new HIV cases in Belarus has been increasing in the past few years. Within the 12 months of 2010, 1069 new cases of HIV infection were registered. Molecular epidemiological investigations have shown that though HIV-1 subtype A (84.5%) still dominates in HIV/AIDS patients, the quantity of CRFs has also increased to 7.1%. Although cases with the CRF03_AB virus were previously described in patients from Belarus, CRF06_cpx and CRF02_AG are described in Belarus for the first time.  相似文献   
Axonal injury is considered the major cause of disability in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), but the underlying effector mechanisms are poorly understood. Starting with a proteomics-based approach, we identified neurofascin-specific autoantibodies in patients with MS. These autoantibodies recognize the native form of the extracellular domains of both neurofascin 186 (NF186), a neuronal protein concentrated in myelinated fibers at nodes of Ranvier, and NF155, the oligodendrocyte-specific isoform of neurofascin. Our in vitro studies with hippocampal slice cultures indicate that neurofascin antibodies inhibit axonal conduction in a complement-dependent manner. To evaluate whether circulating antineurofascin antibodies mediate a pathogenic effect in vivo, we cotransferred these antibodies with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific encephalitogenic T cells to mimic the inflammatory pathology of MS and breach the blood-brain barrier. In this animal model, antibodies to neurofascin selectively targeted nodes of Ranvier, resulting in deposition of complement, axonal injury, and disease exacerbation. Collectively, these results identify a novel mechanism of immune-mediated axonal injury that can contribute to axonal pathology in MS.  相似文献   
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